Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Caviano on June 06, 2011, 06:18:56 am
i think, and I'm pretty certain, that a GM must have given ownership under the pretense that it wasn't in use?
However it very much was in use, and I was scammed by a player named "zimmerman". While I'm not at all concerned with the items lost such as ores and cars, I am more concerned with my faction being out of 1 base, with no new names available. Is there a way to rectify this at all?
The name of the base was "Pyromaniacs". It was originally bought by Duna, and donated to the Lost Children roughly 3-5 months ago.
Thankyou in advance.
-Kind Soul
was he a member of the base? If so he could've just claimed leadership.
was he a member of the base? If so he could've just claimed leadership.
A trusted and active member of my faction was leader. And he came on vent to tell me how he could no longer get in to the cave despite never dying in it, or losing control.
GM don't need to do anything, it can be many things, most likely a traitor in your team.
But it's a GM! That's the only explanation! It's certain! How could you say it could be just another player from your base who cheated you? Even if, if GM could do it, it must be him! They have the power to do such things, so they do them!
But it's a GM! That's the only explanation! It's certain! How could you say it could be just another player from your base who cheated you? Even if, if GM could do it, it must be him! They have the power to do such things, so they do them!
I don't even remember when such "jokes" stopped to be funny.
But it's a GM! That's the only explanation! It's certain! How could you say it could be just another player from your base who cheated you? Even if, if GM could do it, it must be him! They have the power to do such things, so they do them!
Well my faction is made up of only trusted individuals I know in real life. I don't take kindly to your mocking tone. I have posted this in a kind a professional manner, with no spite or anger directed at anyone. I don't understand why you need to mock my post. If you don't have anything to contribute, why waste mine and your time?
In any case, no... I do not believe that it is a traitor. I do indeed believe a GM may have been lied to in order for them to change the base ownership. If anyone believes this to be an "impossible" act of a GM, you're probably a christian.
That was a slight zinger, but all jokes aside. Your mocking tone is not appreciated, it is not helpful, and its not wanted by ANYONE. So please... in simple terms:
Fuck off.
just because u know people in real life does not mean you can trust them. i can tell you 100 percent it was not a gm. gms do mess around with big gangs who bully mines and towns (they deserve it) but not with small rages they know these people can rage quit at any time and dont want them to so they would not do this type of shit to them you have a traitor in your group find him and fuck him up then say sorry to the gms and continue to play kill this french guy by placeing mercs all over the base then reclaim leader ship.
btw dont tell em to fuck off go fuck yourself
But its true!
just because u know people in real life does not mean you can trust them. i can tell you 100 percent it was not a gm. gms do mess around with big gangs who bully mines and towns (they deserve it) but not with small rages they know these people can rage quit at any time and dont want them to so they would not do this type of shit to them you have a traitor in your group find him and fuck him up then say sorry to the gms and continue to play kill this french guy by placeing mercs all over the base then reclaim leader ship.
btw dont tell em to fuck off go fuck yourself
This post brings many "Wtfs?" to my lips... :-\
I encounter this french guy in Redding, and he told me about this base that :
- You sell him the base... And you give him the lead without remove the other lead... ( Im not a specialist in bases )
- You stole him his stuff...
- Then he go talk to the seller base and change the emplacement.
- Now hes safe.
- You sell him the base... And you give him the lead without remove the other lead...
.... MWHAHAHAHHA! You guys are good!
Doesn't matter. A GM did it.
I encounter this french guy in Redding, and he told me about this base that :
- You sell him the base... And you give him the lead without remove the other lead... ( Im not a specialist in bases )
- You stole him his stuff...
- Then he go talk to the seller base and change the emplacement.
- Now hes safe.
I sold him dual ownership of a base, and he accused me of taking the loot that I PUT IN THE BASE MYSELF which I didn't because I offered it to them as a gift.
Cave was sold for 25k caps. An EXTREMELY cheap price considering, there are no more names left in the registry, AND the base goes for 30k as a base-price. The frenchman should have realized he was agreeing to buy a SHARED base.
I had a GM present as the deal was made as well.
Well atleast the frenchmen don't surrender so easily in video games..
I personally don't see anything wrong with someone "stealing" your base, you made a deal with someone, that person backstabbed you. It's the nature of the wasteland to have things like that happen I also don't see the point in you stating you had a GM present when the deal was made, is it their job to save you when you decide to do a silly deal that gives someone else dual leadership?
just because u know people in real life does not mean you can trust them. i can tell you 100 percent it was not a gm. gms do mess around with big gangs who bully mines and towns (they deserve it) but not with small rages they know these people can rage quit at any time and dont want them to so they would not do this type of shit to them you have a traitor in your group find him and fuck him up then say sorry to the gms and continue to play kill this french guy by placeing mercs all over the base then reclaim leader ship.
btw dont tell em to fuck off go fuck yourself
This post brings many "Wtfs?" to my lips... :-\
All his posts bring "wtfs" to my lips. I can't understant shit from them. I don't know why, but after all this time I am still waiting for at least a comma ora a period in his posts...
I personally don't see anything wrong with someone "stealing" your base, you made a deal with someone, that person backstabbed you. It's the nature of the wasteland to have things like that happen I also don't see the point in you stating you had a GM present when the deal was made, is it their job to save you when you decide to do a silly deal that gives someone else dual leadership?
Problem was, I didn't give dual leadership. I allowed them to be trusted members. which to my knowledge, does not allow them to remove the LEADER of the base, only to remove lesser members.
Doesn't matter, don't care anymore. I've chalked it up every fonline players favorite mantra. Don't care anymore. thanks anyway