Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: pistacja on March 25, 2011, 12:00:09 pm

Title: Sneak?
Post by: pistacja on March 25, 2011, 12:00:09 pm
I think I've read all there is on the topic of sneaking and I just can't find a use for it. Am I missing something? Why is it so nerfed?

Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Kelin on March 25, 2011, 12:38:32 pm
No use for it? Sneakers are massively used in the game. Burster sneaker, grenade sneaker, sniper sneaker, thief sneaker... use your imagination, there surely is some use for it.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: pistacja on March 25, 2011, 01:10:43 pm
I haven't seen one (are they that good?)
I can't imagine a sniper-sneaker, with 9-10 I and P, there's not much left for Luck.
A thief sneaker is also strange... can you have 300 sneak and steal?
Won't a burster be more effective with some points in luck or a extra lifegiver or good armour? Having 10 int and skilled to get a free shot at 10-15 hex? grenades? Plasma? Expensive, risky, not that effective, hard to craft... Anyone playing a sneak grenader this wipe? Opinions? 
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Nexxos on March 25, 2011, 01:24:04 pm grenades? Plasma? Expensive, risky, not that effective, hard to craft... Anyone playing a sneak grenader this wipe? Opinions?  

Plasma grenades still do relatively good damage on metal armors, just get yourself 12 AP, which means 4 nades in a row.

Frag grenades are not THAT bad either, people just don't see their usefulness. If you have 12 AP, you can throw 3 of them in a row, but they do kinda low damage. But the main reason why they are useful, is their knockback perk. It's best when you have a friend nearby, you can keep enemy in ground for some seconds with 3 correctly timed frag grenades.

And besides, plasma grenades are relatively easy to craft anyways.

In my opinion, it will do good if you have max sneak (330) and 12 AP.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: TheGreenHand on March 25, 2011, 01:33:04 pm
Sneakers are good as half ass bursters in unguarded towns, griefers in NCR, and for mine PKing.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Haraldx on March 25, 2011, 02:17:03 pm
I haven't seen one

That's why they are called sneakers. Seen plenty of them, been at fights in towns and even there they are like ghosts, you get him go 5 hexes away and you lost him forever. The other second he just comes back your ass and tears you apart. Easy as that.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: pistacja on March 25, 2011, 02:40:35 pm
That's why they are called sneakers. Seen plenty of them, been at fights in towns and even there they are like ghosts, you get him go 5 hexes away and you lost him forever. The other second he just comes back your ass and tears you apart. Easy as that.

That's something I'm looking for. Any info on how (or with what) they tear asses apart? ^^
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: cannotspace on March 25, 2011, 02:50:16 pm
That's something I'm looking for. Any info on how (or with what) they tear asses apart? ^^

Yes, LSW burst at point blank
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Haraldx on March 25, 2011, 04:40:41 pm
Yes, LSW burst at point blank
Actually I was bursted with an M60, but oh well... I have seen some running around with P90 too, but dunno if it as effective.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: pistacja on March 25, 2011, 05:52:53 pm
So if I went for SG with P90 and its lesser cousins.. would something like this do?
Small Frame

Silent Running
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Gruik on March 25, 2011, 08:29:51 pm
Why 8 PE when you can shoot people at 5 hexes ? Make it down to 4, and raise that low Agility to 10.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: avv on March 25, 2011, 08:49:21 pm
Why 8 PE when you can shoot people at 5 hexes ? Make it down to 4, and raise that low Agility to 10.

You need to be able to spot snipers before they spot you.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Gruik on March 25, 2011, 08:56:22 pm
You need to be able to spot snipers before they spot you.

Spot you ? You are invisible enough to not be shot even by a 10 PE char while running, and for combat he need to get to close-combat for efficency.

And with this build he needs more Action Points, as a SG Burster (I guess that you will use P90 as better weapon).

Edit : I do understand your point, but with this build and no more infos about, I think 8 AP is not enough... Well... My opinion ^^
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Cha on March 25, 2011, 09:01:43 pm
Spot you ? You are invisible enough to not be shot even by a 10 PE char while running,


How long you didnt played this game ??

A 10 PE + Sharpshooter sniper see you (300sneak skill) at something like 25 Hex

So yeah, use 4 PE with your sneaker....

PS: not to mention others sneakers (with good build) who will rape you
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Gruik on March 25, 2011, 09:53:34 pm

How long you didnt played this game ??

A 10 PE + Sharpshooter sniper see you (300sneak skill) at something like 25 Hex

So yeah, use 4 PE with your sneaker....

PS: not to mention others sneakers (with good build) who will rape you

Like 4 months  ;D 25 Hexes from front point of view right ?

Ok, my mistake. I must be confused because of this build, as I never make such a char (tried Big Gun, Energy, and Sniper, but wipes ago for some ^^).

Hum maybe pistacja you could give us more infos about what you plan to do with your char ?
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: Solar on March 25, 2011, 10:33:35 pm

How long you didnt played this game ??

A 10 PE + Sharpshooter sniper see you (300sneak skill) at something like 25 Hex

So yeah, use 4 PE with your sneaker....

PS: not to mention others sneakers (with good build) who will rape you

330% sneak = -55 hexes
10 Pe and SS = 56 hexes

-135/-95/-55/-15 direction penalties - so 23.5 / 16.8 / 10.2 /3.5 hexes

The direction penalties were increased to account for the Stealth Boy effect - and make it so sneaking wasn't free, or it was nerfed ... but Stealth Boys haven't been working :(

Still, the skill has its uses, even at the nerfed rate.
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: vedaras on March 25, 2011, 11:06:03 pm
dont forget that stats you are giving are for completely unequipped person, so real battle values are much worse for sneakers side... and you need to have combat skills also, so its hard to collect that 300%...
Title: Re: Sneak?
Post by: pistacja on March 25, 2011, 11:32:28 pm
What I'm trying to do with this build is to sneak :D

I think sneaking is...em...well 'no good' but I can't say that unless I try.

So I'm trying to make a good sneaker and test it.

So back to my stats, since I can't get 10 P so maybe I should take only 7P and add a point to A to get 7A and pick BRoF to have 2burst? I'd give up thief so sneak would be +/- 290 and sg 120-130. Would that work?