Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Faction Announcements => Topic started by: John Porno on March 24, 2011, 09:10:46 pm
As of now, "The Sarmatians" and "The Crazy 88" will part from "The Judgement Day Club" alliance.
As everyone should know, JDC is a pvp/town control oriented faction for the sake of communication and coordination between multiple apk gangs and players.
However, we feel that there is no need anymore for a joint-faction of that size and in order to loosen up the current situation in town control and enable smaller gangs to tc by NOT swarming them with 40 people, we have taken that step.
Note that we do not have any harsh feelings towards the gangs behind the JDC label as this is purely a political decision that we deem necessary for the sake of the 2238 world.
For further clarification visit the irc channel irc://
For the record, nothing concerning Crazy 88 and Tsar has changed, we are not PK just because we left JDC.
JDC is not the one and only anti-pk faction.
important edit:: The new Alliance of C88 and TSAR will take towns in the name of "The Desert Protectors", aka TDP. This name will only be used for the rest of this season and will be be dropped after the wipe.
If you think this will give smaller gangs a chance...
Just sayin, it'll always be the major powers.
Yeah, won't help alot, but yeah, thanks for that, in my opinion, all gangs should be alone, not making alliances or being in any to give others gangs a chance.
Very good news ! ;D
I hope will have good fights quickly !!!
ill doubt it :/ coz people are bored of this season, we have less and less people every month, average number for march is around 140, it should be around 200 to have some good fights, i wish you luck with pvp till wipe
ill doubt it :/ coz people are bored of this season, we have less and less people every month, average number for march is around 140, it should be around 200 to have some good fights, i wish you luck with pvp till wipe
Everyone goes to New Reno now, and it's quite satisfying...
Nice name ;)
We will start some TC soon - in smaller numbers ;)
that is gonna be good for dow, since each time we make tc, we get swarmed by 4-10 times our number
enable smaller gangs to tc by NOT swarming them with 40 people
But how are we supposed to win now ??? Everyone knows jdc can only swarm.
You must construct additional pylons or spawn more overlords!
You must construct additional pylons or spawn more overlords!
Starcraft.. Starcraft never changes.
You lose anyway :P
I don't like swarming. But I don't like mercs either, I wanna do PvP not PvE all the time. When I see there is some smaller gang (that means no RDA with 30 supermutants) doing TC we attack them quite often in small numbers (and of course, without mercs).
you are serious ? you was swarming 4-5 ninjas by 15 players + mercenaries
Yes we did. It was in the times when "who spawns more supermutants wins". When we had 20 people online and you were taking our town, we can't say to most of them: guys, please don't fight. Simply we went there and killed you. Just remember in more recent fights when you were taking Klamath and I came with 4-6 guys who had flamers, throwing knifes and of course some conventional weapons like M60 or Laser rifle. Do you think it's a swarm?
Don't forget after C88/TSAR separation JDC consists mostly of The Hawks members. We aren't that many.
PS: I haven't seen you guys for a while, but hope you are still active because we enjoyed fighting with you. So I want to encourage you: come to Klamath, Reno, Den, Modoc.... and fight us! :)
that is gonna be good for dow, since each time we make tc, we get swarmed by 4-10 times our number
This is the time to use our gazzilion BA's.
And for the separation , you all are weak maggots now :D .... just like everyone else.
Edited first post.
We will tc with the name The Desrt Protectors for the rest of this season.
Thx to don't use ''JDC'' next season ;D
DarkOne: Why do you use our gang name?
SC is nice btw ;D
Thx to don't use ''JDC'' next season ;D
DarkOne: Why do you use our gang name?
as someone said "U had a lot of time to take it..."
Each time, it's funny to hear people crying because of usage of drugs, of mercs, of alliance... What are we suppose to do ? Stay on World Map, send our sneakers to count how much opponents are there, to see if they have mercs, and spawn with the same number of players/mercs ??? We could also compare our stuff: "OK guys, just take your metal MKII cause they don't have BA"...
It's an online game in which you can use diplomacy, alliance, economy, ... to win. Obviously, it can be difficult to find new allies and recruit new players when you have claimed that you are the best and that the other players are everything but noobs, "nigers", gays...
One or two months ago,when the wasteland was dominated by the alliance of our opponents, i didn't heard that... We didn't heard some of you crying when we were facing your army of supermutants and loosing. We didn't heard: "of course we win, we have a lot of mercs and mutants, we are a lot, we have a lot of caps without doing something"... We heared often : "You're so bad/noob", "We are the best"...
Now we even hear some people complaining because we stay under the protection of militia to protect towns ! It's crazy... I've never seen our opponents killing the militia and protecting their town alone.
Even if I'm happy to see that the game will be more equilibrated, I think that some of you should learn another way to loose... Especially when I received a PM coming from one of our opponent, after a combat, saying "FU"...
goodluck, i hope you will practice more to be a better enemy in next season ;)
goodluck, i hope you will practice more to be a better enemy in next season ;)
Dont forget that you have the most biggest e-penis than we all ;)
Dont forget that you have the most biggest e-penis than we all ;)
yes, thats why i hope you will get enough people to suck this e-penis ;)
Even if I'm happy to see that the game will be more equilibrated, I think that some of you should learn another way to loose... Especially when I received a PM coming from one of our opponent, after a combat, saying "FU"...
Huh? Who? One of ours? :/ PM me please
Huh? Who? One of ours? :/ PM me please
You didn't understood, Black Key fight on our side ;p
You didn't understood, Black Key fight on our side ;p
Yes, and we are your "opponents" now? ;) Or Black Key adressed someone from other gangs then TDP (TSAR+C88)? :)
Nobody in tdp sent a pm like that, got it myself a while ago.
Gotta love how some get so butthurt they have to write a pm saying fuck you.
but lets leave it at that, as that has nothing to do with what this thread is about.
BTW VSB and Hawk leave JDC to. So Lawyer leave as well. The old JDC are now in 3 factions:
The Musashi Yakusa : VSB and Hawk
The Desert Protectors : TSAR and C88
Tim & Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency : Old Lawyer + some loner
Redding / New Reno / Gecko Mines is still under protection of all old JDC faction.
Or Black Key adressed someone from other gangs then TDP (TSAR+C88)?
Not your gang don't worry. ^^
This post was adressed to a player from choosen soldier...
New Reno is under protection? ::) I dont understand. NR was and i hope is(i hope because i play only Hinkley and dont know much about shit outside) a place for small battles so why u need allies to fight there?
For me it sounds like this: chosens soldiers dont fight TC, rogues dont fight TC but both of them PK in Reno. And u need your old friends to kill them, as always ;D
Correct me if im wrong.
I don't understand this New Reno protection either. This town was always wild west, so there's no point to avoid PvP oriented actions between TTT LA , MY and TDP.
No more swarms ;D
About what "protection" are you talking ? As far i know there is no protection in Reno. And battles are there many many times during all day
yeah, I think Le Mark is mistaking:
Only Gecko Mine + Redding are exceptions => in all other places JDC is dismantled.
Btw, we had great fights yesterday at Klamath: 4 groups involved (Crazy88+TSAR vs TTTLA vs VSB/Hawks vs another which I didn't identify for sure (think it's RDA or Rogues) and each of the group was less then 10 members :)
yeah, I think Le Mark is mistaking:
Only Gecko Mine + Redding are exceptions => in all other places JDC is dismantled.
Btw, we had great fights yesterday at Klamath: 4 groups involved (Crazy88+TSAR vs TTTLA vs VSB/Hawks vs another which I didn't identify for sure (think it's RDA or Rogues) and each of the group was less then 10 members :)
who won ?? )
But yea the RDA guy is referring to saturday in New Reno, where smoe JDC joined us, and we didnt have heart to tell them to go away : ended in 8vs5 on commercial. Hell everything should be clear by now.
Redding / New Reno / Gecko Mines is still under protection of all old JDC faction.
When I said protected I means we fight together against criminel. Yes I know is a battledield ...