Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: KaemosFiveZero on March 18, 2011, 07:05:01 pm
What do you all recomend? I'm wondering what the best slaves are for mining and for combat for each of my characters.
for combat best are male trappers, or sniper ghouls depends on your goal and how you want to use them. For mining all npcs seem to be the same.
As vedaras said it does depend on what you want to do with them but if they are going to be spear wielding slaves (pretty decent damage) i would recommend female trappers instead of male ones due to higher DR and DT
Or Ghoul Scanvengers give them a Mauser and some ammo and they will scare away any noob player.
As vedaras said it does depend on what you want to do with them but if they are going to be spear wielding slaves (pretty decent damage) i would recommend female trappers instead of male ones due to higher DR and DT
no no man, yes female trappers have metal armor, and i had them (5 slaves) leveled up with 174 hp each, but the truth is that they can handle only melee weapons ( and i gave them wakizashi knives), still their melee weapon skill is really poor, so they do not aim at all, while against critter fights it may be ok, but against players they are mostly useless :> So if you do not plan to give your slaves grenades for combat male trappers or ghoul snipers with assault rifles is better choice than female trappers :>
Poor skills? If i remember correctly everytime a slave or merc levels up it gets +5% to its skills, if they had that kind of hp their melee skill would have been over 150%.
So you can levelup slaves? I was always told that thing is broken... and you got wakizashi? Are they back in game?
Back on topic... I'm using slaves with shotguns, they have a poor range, but my slaves miss at long range anyway, the shotguns are cheap, they have accuracy and 12ga ammo has -10AC, so the slaves hardly miss. In RT 3+ slaves with super sledges also work ok.
So you can levelup slaves?
Well.. atleast trappers can be lvl up, but other slave types are not confirmed.
Poor skills? If i remember correctly everytime a slave or merc levels up it gets +5% to its skills, if they had that kind of hp their melee skill would have been over 150%.
well if i remember correctly mercs and all npcs have different stats system where 100% is maximum, also i remember dev ghosthack telling about those 5%, but it doesnt seem to work, since they do not aim or anything even at level 21 :>
So you can levelup slaves? I was always told that thing is broken... and you got wakizashi? Are they back in game?
I received those on event. They are not in the game still. I was told that its like that because their base price was way too big, and it seems that it was too low priority change for it to be fixed till now :>
Meh my female trappers love aiming for eyes/legs often enough i would say once every 5-7 attacks
Meh my female trappers love aiming for eyes/legs often enough i would say once every 5-7 attacks
they aim only if the target is knocked down (thus means their % to hit is increased) :> sad but true. You can check that yourself :>
I'm a slaver, they aim a lot more often than that. Maybe the slaves you have gathered were exposed to FEV in the womb.
1:High end homesteaders for fighting big gunners and PvP, male homesteaders with frag grenades, and females with 14mms.
2:Nomads with super sledge hammers for fighting PvE where melee stuff is better.
3:Combat slaves with rocket launchers if you're willing to risk them all missing.
4:Ghoul scavs with 14mms or desert eagles with FMJ rounds for fighting lower level players/PvE.
5:Ghoul crazies with hunting rifles/assault rifles for heavy turn based PvE/PvP, or for camping/fighting hand to hand trolls.
For mining, if you want cheap slaves, go up north, and enslave rave parties and stuff, weak as hell, but they can mine.
Get yourself 5 children slaves. Equip them with plasma grenades and send them against the enemy. I mean
noone shoot children^^ And when they throw a pack nades its too late anyways ;)
Can someone explain how Followers are leveled up? Do you have to kill the critters or do they have to do it on their own? Tried both ways allready, but still no lvl up :-\
Can someone explain how Followers are leveled up? Do you have to kill the critters or do they have to do it on their own? Tried both ways allready, but still no lvl up :-\
mercs, dogs (and brahmin??) and trapper slaves level up. Other slave types dont and yeah they need to deal the final blow to receive exp as you would in encounters etc.
Thanks Man. So i just sit back and wait till they do the dirty work. Would be just nice to know how much xp they need for an up :)
Thanks Man. So i just sit back and wait till they do the dirty work. Would be just nice to know how much xp they need for an up :)
The levels and experience needed for leveling is the same as for players.
The levels and experience needed for leveling is the same as for players.
Hmm, are you sure? Cause after killing several molerats (120 xp) there is still no lvl up :(. Should be at least lvl 2 by now, so i'm a little confused.
Is there a notification after a follower up'd? like in f2 "i feel much stronger now" or something like that?
Ps.: Using 4 Male Trappers
Hmm, are you sure? Cause after killing several molerats (120 xp) there is still no lvl up :(. Should be at least lvl 2 by now, so i'm a little confused.
Is there a notification after a follower up'd? like in f2 "i feel much stronger now" or something like that?
Ps.: Using 4 Male Trappers
there isnt any floating text like in diablo2 to indicate if they have leveled, only way to check is to have awareness or a buddy with awareness tell you their max hp. also i think its safe to assume they arent level 1, i had a brahmin finish off a buttload of marauders before i saw a hp increase.
Thanks for the help guys. My trappers got 2 lvl ups meanwhile, but i thought it would be much faster.