Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => News and Announcements => Topic started by: AHS-9 on March 14, 2011, 04:23:58 pm

Title: Quest competition
Post by: AHS-9 on March 14, 2011, 04:23:58 pm
We would like to announce yet another quest designing competition.

I. The rules
The aim of the competition is to design a faction-based quest together with maps and dialogs used in it. Additional scripting is not required, but all scripting needs should be noted in appropriate place.
The faction-based quest means that the quest has to be closely related to the agenda of one or more of the "big" NPC factions: Bos, Enclave, Vault City, NCR or the Raiders (basically, it is a quest that can be taken by one belonging to such a faction after talking to a faction NPC member). No special restrictions are placed otherwise.

II. The tools
A package containing latest Dialog Editor and the Mapper can be found here (, together with several manuals and documentation pieces released earlier. Several dialog and map examples has been included as well.
Of course, there is a whole FOnline SDK available here ( (a Subversion ( client is required for better management of the download).

III. The criteria
While technical skill behind creation of maps (lack of ever-present holes in a wall etc.) and quality of the dialogs (native speakers have it easier) are important, the main emphasis is put on the quest design itself. There's no fine red line there, distinguishing good ones from bad ones, but some are better than the others.

IV. The awards
As with both previous competitions, no in-game rewards are offered, the authors will be offered to work with the team instead. The chosen quests will have a fair chance of being included, as a part of the long-term plan to vitalize the NPC factions.

V. Making an entry
To submit your work, send an email to having "[competition 3] *your_forum_nickname*" in title, with all relevant files as attachments (archived and packed or not).
Make sure it contains filled up version of Design doc template.txt file, placed in the root directory of the package.

VI. Time constraints
The competition will run until April 10. After that, we will review all the submissions.

Links to previous competitions threads:
Dialog competition (
Mappers' competition (
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Haraldx on March 14, 2011, 07:36:08 pm
Hell yeah! I couldn't think up of anything generous in the last competitions, but I hope this time I come up with something ground-breaking.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Surf on March 15, 2011, 01:53:56 am
Hell yeah! I couldn't think up of anything generous in the last competitions, but I hope this time I come up with something ground-breaking.

Try to keep it clean, spend the time on polishing it, try to think what is mandatory, what makes no sense, etc. ;)
Helpful in terms of "lore" is:

If someone needs help in technical things, as in "mapper not working"  , "how does var xy work together with dialog ABC" and such, join the IRC channel #2238questhelp . I, and others will gladly help you and will welcome you there and help as much as possible, as sometimes ideas may flow, but technical things which can be solved through a little help stop people down.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Simon on March 15, 2011, 03:38:10 pm
Ive wanted to do something like this for a while, I like making maps and levels but when I used this mapper before it was a bit hard to get used to and a didn't know how to do a few simple things and put it aside for a while but I picked it up again today and Wipe helped me get past my problems from before in the help channel thanks. So yea i'll see if I can come up with something cool.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Gunduz on March 22, 2011, 08:52:45 pm
For anyone with questions about the Dialog Editor (DE), a tutorial and sample dialog are available in the #2238questhelp channel topic.

Edit: Pastebin can be quite messy. Ctrl-f is your friend here.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Simon on March 23, 2011, 05:57:42 am
If anyone wants help with their dialog in terms of grammar etc or if you don't speak english very well, feel free to pm me and I can help you with dialog.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: runboy93 on March 29, 2011, 11:19:06 am
Is there anything news from competition?
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ganado on March 29, 2011, 09:45:39 pm
Is there anything news from competition?
It ends April 10, there is still time left.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Hasina on April 05, 2011, 02:52:00 am
Im excited to see what everyone is coming up with  ;D
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ol Shady on April 10, 2011, 04:06:23 pm
I sended my entry in yesterday. Hope you guys gonna like it.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: runboy93 on April 14, 2011, 07:19:47 am
Is there anything news coming?
I would like to see who got work to do quests for new season :)
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Lexx on April 14, 2011, 08:12:31 am
We are really busy in the moment with stuff that needs to be done for the next update, so we couldn't really look over it yet. It might still take a while.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Xarr on April 15, 2011, 01:16:06 am
We are really busy in the moment with stuff that needs to be done for the next update, so we couldn't really look over it yet. It might still take a while.
if it dont include the wipe (and it doesnt) we can wait. Wait and play. Play and be happy. be happy and level up. level up and get lvl21. get lvl21 and kill people with lvl5. kill people with lvl5 and make them play no longer. make them play no longer and game gets shitty. game gets shitty and other people stop playing. other people stop playing and noone plays. noone plays and wipe. wipe and You know what i said!!!.
But that cost so much time that just wipe is easy and 2 will be done in that time  :'( <-- Beouse YOU KNOW...
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Haraldx on April 15, 2011, 12:08:38 pm
if it dont include the wipe (and it doesnt) we can wait. Wait and play. Play and be happy. be happy and level up. level up and get lvl21. get lvl21 and kill people with lvl5. kill people with lvl5 and make them play no longer. make them play no longer and game gets shitty. game gets shitty and other people stop playing. other people stop playing and noone plays. noone plays and wipe. wipe and You know what i said!!!.
But that cost so much time that just wipe is easy and 2 will be done in that time  :'( <-- Beouse YOU KNOW...
Wipe always contains ground-breaking updates, besides Lexx said somewhere, the next update most likely is going to be a wipe, and then he said, he will also most likely announce pre-wipe madness!
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Andr3aZ on April 15, 2011, 12:46:50 pm
Cant wait for the awesome quest(s?) we will get :)
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ol Shady on April 17, 2011, 01:11:39 pm
I kept on working on my map :) Its way better now than the stuff i did send in.
A pity i didn't manage to a dd those things in time.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ghosthack on April 17, 2011, 03:14:24 pm
I kept on working on my map :) Its way better now than the stuff i did send in.
A pity i didn't manage to a dd those things in time.
You can send it now, as we're not done evaluating the things you've sent yet  :)
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ol Shady on April 17, 2011, 04:34:43 pm
cool, i will get the things i want to add together by today and send it in after that.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ol Shady on April 18, 2011, 12:50:41 am
Another thing, i asked earlier but im not sure if the person that answered me was correct.

Make sure it contains filled up version of Design doc template.txt file, placed in the root directory of the package.
Is there a standart .txt file i should use for that ? Somebody told me i should just write a readme.txt and add it with the package.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Surf on April 18, 2011, 01:04:30 am
There should be a design doc template in the package you could download here at page 1.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: slaver_stimpack on April 29, 2011, 12:22:49 pm
everyone is exited but unless the quest has some epic reward stranded rust no one will do it
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Izual on April 29, 2011, 12:37:16 pm
everyone is exited but unless the quest has some epic reward stranded rust no one will do it

Wrong. Nice try though.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Ol Shady on April 29, 2011, 03:05:05 pm
Wrong. Nice try though.

Shit, thats excactly what i thought.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Trokanis on May 15, 2011, 07:44:56 am
Anyone who needs help on the text of a quest, as far as what it could say, drop me a private message on here.  I have some free time and know a LOT of the lore in the Fallout universe.  And seeing as the dev's have final say if I put something in wrong they can say "Ha".
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Lexx on May 15, 2011, 10:15:22 am
Just wanted to note: We might need one or two writers for a few special quests. If someone is interested, he can drop me a pm with a small example dialog (really nothing super fancy).
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: mrbrain30 on May 17, 2011, 02:42:54 am
I was wondering If I could make a quest which is involved around cleaning a mine out. Monsters are roaming in the mines near to Broken Hills, and your quest is to free the mines from monsters, so the town can obtain the mines and profit from it. The mines "map" would be randomly placed in the map and only the same qroup would see it.  The quest would need more people than 4 people, so you could assign only If you are in a faction. Is that what you meant by "Faction based" quest so you would have to do it with more people? Or you meant faction based quest like between two factions? Just want to be right on the matter.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Haraldx on May 17, 2011, 03:38:08 pm
I was wondering If I could make a quest which is involved around cleaning a mine out. Monsters are roaming in the mines near to Broken Hills, and your quest is to free the mines from monsters, so the town can obtain the mines and profit from it. The mines "map" would be randomly placed in the map and only the same qroup would see it.  The quest would need more people than 4 people, so you could assign only If you are in a faction. Is that what you meant by "Faction based" quest so you would have to do it with more people? Or you meant faction based quest like between two factions? Just want to be right on the matter.
Faction based quests: quests related to NPC factions like NCR, Enclave, raiders, Brotherhood of Steel.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: slaver_stimpack on May 21, 2011, 09:50:07 am
wheres a quest foe enclave power armour >:(
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Xarr on May 21, 2011, 11:42:53 am
that, what you search under the name quest, is what i understand as "event"
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Handyman on May 21, 2011, 01:03:59 pm
more quest more fun for geeks like me !

 I have few idea for soe nasty quest nothing special tbh but mre q like mordinos bag would be awsome, or exploring some shiet maybe even some quest to help tribals hunting or some other crazy stuff ... of course the eveil quest also like kill bambi :P nioch nioch nioch :P

I'm weak at writing but  can do some stuff
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Rittz on November 22, 2011, 02:16:30 pm
well i see that this topic died months ago. It would be cool if you guys would still take submissions. I wouldn't mind helping out as a quest line/dialouge writer for the beta. My literary abilities are quite meritorious so if you guys have room for one more writer let me know :D 
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Surf on November 22, 2011, 02:18:19 pm
If you write a couple of quests and send them in I'm sure we could find some use for it if they're well written.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Rittz on November 22, 2011, 02:39:38 pm
Groovy. What kind of quotes you looking for?
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: EnclaveSniper on January 16, 2012, 11:13:04 am
If this is still goin' on I'd be willing to write dialog for people if they create a quest, as long as it has a good plot.
Title: Re: Quest competition
Post by: Crab_people on April 10, 2012, 11:07:02 am
Enclave quest :
bring oil to enclave engineer from ncr small keep near navaro (+4 pl)
options : steal it from quater master, locpick locker with oil, kill all of them.
price : somethig good (enclave ca armor, avenger, gatling, or bp for armor :ma mk2 mask/body armor or weapon)
difficult - ultra hard

Bos quest :
infiltrate old shelter and look for dead paladin: inside alines, robots, radiation and toxic air.
map from solar sorcer in f2.
when you found dead paladin (eye or holodisc) you have to come back to bos paladin.
price : (ba, avenger, pancor, p90, or bp for : ma mk2 mask/body armor or weapon)
difficult - v hard

SF quest :
reclain holy sword from mutants, enco with big monument head and some other buildings, lot of mutants and floaters
reward : holy swor if you dont want to give it back or bp for mega power fist