Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: Hertz on January 30, 2010, 03:03:09 am

Title: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Hertz on January 30, 2010, 03:03:09 am
I was hoping for some feedback for this. I've always had a  pain in the ass gatherin fibers because i don't know of any good locations. Since NCR is a relatively "safe" area, i figured it'd be good to ask if there were any locations around this area anybody knew was fair at yielding fibers.
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Raegann on January 30, 2010, 03:04:59 am
I personally don't know, but maybe you can try the mountains on the west.
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Balthasar on January 30, 2010, 01:27:08 pm
At around NCR i know of two good areas for getting fiber.

Between Reno and Broken Hills (the orange marked area):

( (

... around Necropolis:

( (
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Dark Angel on January 30, 2010, 01:48:38 pm
South - east side from Necropolis is good Forest too =)
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Balthasar on January 30, 2010, 01:53:17 pm
Thats what i said DarkAngel :)...The marked area is a good place ...more to the south you can gather fiber too but it doesnt show up there that often...
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Fino on January 30, 2010, 03:08:38 pm
man, if you are around klamath you can go inside it and get them.
Its almost safe, almost nobody goes to the trapping grounds where they are.
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: hatedbutrespected on February 05, 2010, 04:33:33 pm
One of u guys said in a other topic, that u can sell fibers for 100 each at NCR what kid of barter skill to u have then holy, and plus the topic was for beginner's.

fibre is basically useless in my case only for some armors, and rope
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: Tyler on February 06, 2010, 05:53:23 am
Im not sure how it is now,but I can almost be 100% positive that only other players will pay 100 cap or more for fibres.I remember some people trying to charge more than 100 caps for each fibre,and npc's paying shit for them.Of course,Im thinking of when fibres had a 12 minute cooldown,the price may have gone down.
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: hatedbutrespected on February 06, 2010, 02:09:44 pm
Im not sure how it is now,but I can almost be 100% positive that only other players will pay 100 cap or more for fibres.I remember some people trying to charge more than 100 caps for each fibre,and npc's paying shit for them.Of course,Im thinking of when fibres had a 12 minute cooldown,the price may have gone down.

thank you for your answer i have over 50 of them, and i don't really need them but i would be of use of some extra cash now eheh
Title: Re: Fibre locations that are near "safe"
Post by: gordulan on February 06, 2010, 03:12:13 pm
yeah, the players really love their dieatary fibre not enough roughage in the regular stuff we eat in the wasteland and all that alcohol has to be sucked up by something other than meat.