Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Faction Announcements => Topic started by: flying dagger on February 11, 2011, 12:17:58 pm
Hello there, wastelanders!
I would like to present you new gang - The Wasteland Professors. We are new owners of the Klamath- City of professors and ninjas
TWP are mostly unarmed, melee, sneak fighters with very high inteligence! every signle ninja-professor have at least IQ 150.
Yesterday we start our adventure with TC, we won 5 gang-fights with agressors - (DoW, MDK, CS) and loss only one, when CS enterd as 3rd team with mercenaries
Our goals are very simple: educate people and teach them how to be a ninja professor. We organising free lessons of math, geography, history art and poetry in klamath.
looks like also antipk coalition - tehy took our city and opens fire to us, we cant accept that behaviour - tttla, you are not welcome in klamath, and you cant administre your justice in our city!
none, yet :(
udpate #1: - one of our tc fights for better, eudcated wasteland
galleries and videos with defeated enemies , soon.
udpate #2: TC @ MODOC TC @ GECKO
ninja-professors want to buy a lot of shuriken knives, spears, swords and plasma granades, really big ammounts for fight with enemies of education ( CS, DoW, MDK )
we need your help! we can offer you education and caps, make your offer
every signle ninja-professor have at least IQ 150.
Yesterday we start our adventure with TC, we won 5 gang-fights with agressors - (DoW, MDK, CS) and loss only one, when CS enterd as 3rd team with mercenaries
hahahahahahaha nice story bro
Go alliance with TNB they propably still need moar gangs ;)
I want to become a real ninja-professor!
please add TNB in enemy list, coz our leaders desided to mark your gang as outlaws: ninja-professors are now forbidden in this game by the glorious TNB will...
please add TNB in enemy list, coz our leaders desided to mark your gang as outlaws: ninja-professors are now forbidden in this game by the glorious TNB will...
But remember that only a ninja can kill a ninja.
It shames me to kill you, all your loot is knives and leather. Shames me even more to die to you.. my only consolation is the man in combat leather with an avenger is the guy who did me in. I have since gotten a better internet connection and developed my own special fonline combat simulator suit so such shame never happens twice
tttla, you are not welcome in klamath, and you cant administre your justice in our city!
Fuck guys you see TTTLA every where! TTTLA are a small number of people, are you sure one of them attack Klamath? Yeah maybe our ally ....
And btw when you have the town what you do when a random guys come inside?
If you want to be another TTTLA hater (without see anyone of them???) good for you, if you want to talk use IRC /
pardon, sir
we just calling antipk coalition tttla. you took our peaceful city so we are consider you as enemy, i hope we can change relstion between ninjas and antipks.
And btw when you have the town what you do when a random guys come inside?
thats depend of their intentions, mostly we are speaking with visitors of our city, teaching and examing them (we are professors!)
and yes, we are recruting people. you need to pass the test - for example win hand-to-hand fight with one of our warriors at pit (brahmin pen in klamath)
Actually, few nights ago some of our guys wanted to step in your fight against Chosen Soldiers, but they were not supposed to shoot you. Of course things went wrong and it was a mess.
Hope our diplomat will be able to sort out this "misunderstanding" with you.
It is true you make some operation with The North Bandits in Reno? Or it is only rumour?
actually some of us died today in new reno from professors hands so no :F
actually some of us died today in new reno from professors hands so no :F
And you are?
LeMark, Rascal is the North Bandits member.
unarmed, melee, sneak fighters
Hmm... interesting.
And advice for you, try to record the video in better quality.
And advice for you, try to record the video in better quality.
ok, done TC @ MODOC TC @ GECKO
Nice videos, So you are spreading ninja wisdom to all north towns now?
just seems to me all you's do is wait in a room and attack ........ not impressed.
just seems to me all you's do is wait in a room and attack ........ not impressed.
If you think it's so easy, why don't you try to do it?
If you think it's so easy, why don't you try to do it?
you mean tc or waiting in a room i would rather stand in the open with a gun and look at the person am killing.
I can't agree with that, falloutdude. Standing in the open ground it's only your preference. Each kind of weapon needs a proper tactic and this guys knows what they're doing by throwing knifes at LSW guys.
you mean tc or waiting in a room i would rather stand in the open with a gun and look at the person am killing.
Gun? :o that wouldnt be much of a ninja way now would it?;)
And what do you call this falloutdude? a building fight?:)
Original faction and gameplay. It is nice after all this time to see this kind of fresh activity. Gradulation for your inovation.
New Ninja movie:
You gotta watch it from this link cause on search thingy sound is disabled :-\
Alternative link if it dont work:
The Ninja Best Moments movie is here!
Say what you think!! ;D
We are currently reqruiting the best ninjas there is, PM either me or flying dagger and tell us about YOUR ninja
The Ninja Best Moments movie is here!
Say what you think!! ;D
We are currently reqruiting the best ninjas there is, PM either me or flying dagger and tell us about YOUR ninja
Very impressive style! Those guys holds their style even in TC actions. Makes me aplause.
i would like you to inform we are no longer allies with "antipk" coalition. after yesterday's incidents, our trader-professors and fighters was attacked with cold blood by antipk coalition.
no respec, no allianece! - redding, we are coming!
i would like you to inform we are no longer allies with "antipk" coalition. after yesterday's incidents, our trader-professors and fighters was attacked with cold blood by antipk coalition.
no respec, no allianece! - redding, we are coming!
tell the story i want to hear it cause am thinking its another one of those oooo we are apk but then they go into a town and murder every one please tell storey and am happy to hear you's have honor for your owe if anyone kills one of yours you fight them i like this real honor i take back some of the things i said before. :)
I bow to this faction. Best idea in a long time.
Heh, nice videos. I wonder, will you accept my sneaker for example? :)
He is really smart...
lol niinjas its a good idea but when wipe comes and knifes get nerfed it will not be fun anymore
lol niinjas its a good idea but when wipe comes and knifes get nerfed it will not be fun anymore
Knifes won't get "nerfed".
are you fucking real what the fuck they can beat lsw and sniper rifle not possable in real life
Everything can be a deadly weapon if you have the correct build and know what you are doing.
so you nerf everything but throwing knifes i may remind you in real life going up to someone with a lsw then throing a knife for 170 and killed is realisit
If you could instakill someone by hitting his head with a knife, it would be realistic as well ;)
so you nerf everything but throwing knifes i may remind you in real life going up to someone with a lsw then throing a knife for 170 and killed is realisit
Stop crying. Nuff said.
so you nerf everything but throwing knifes i may remind you in real life going up to someone with a lsw then throing a knife for 170 and killed is realisit
its a game not real life lol
besides, throw knives have 15 range quit whining
I am obliged to remind you that in real life I would be able to rip lots of people with single mauser 9mm :>
to mod: please, clean this topic from throwing knifes whining.
You wouldnt survive a big and well armed force with all the knifes in the world.But I like you guys you seem to kickass with your knifes even if the videos look a bit fake...
so you nerf everything but throwing knifes i may remind you in real life going up to someone with a lsw then throing a knife for 170 and killed is realisit
In real life there isn't dmg meter.
Make your own thrower.
<sarcasm>You will be able to kill all that crazy miniguners, snipers etc. It's really easy to kill them. One knife, one frag.</sarcasm>
You wouldnt survive a big and well armed force with all the knifes in the world.But I like you guys you seem to kickass with your knifes even if the videos look a bit fake...
What the hell are you talking about? All films show true fights. Even if we cut some fragments, we didn't change result of fight.
All I'm saying is that those guys were wearing leather jacked or what ever they had and ths shitty equipment to me.You don't go like that to stop a town control.
Best gang in the wasteland atm :P
Knives :)
Fridge, you're the best! Nice one!
Seeing how WP use throw weapons a lot, I think this suggestion would be good for you try give it a bit feedback, see if it gets more attention
CAn i join?Im unarmed Master
CAn i join?Im unarmed Master
Beware base raper incoming.
comone stop saying that i am Base raper.I won't base rape
comone stop saying that i am Base raper.I won't base rape
well, for starters ur using Lag's char name on the forum
Sorry Nick you stole 1 time you will repeat again.Its a habbit you can't stop ;) . Items and money got no value if you have no friends :)
lol, why you say you defeated dow if you only fought with a few of us.
cuse DoW are GEH
cuse DoW are GEH
..... learn how to spell they maybe try to diss us..... moron
you can talk aye whats that all aboat.
you can talk aye whats that all aboat.
lol, proffesors teach him how to write