Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Survival Guides / Game Help => Topic started by: cogliostro on February 07, 2011, 07:22:03 pm

Title: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: cogliostro on February 07, 2011, 07:22:03 pm
I am having lately limitations as user, without do a thing and I really do not get it, maybe some local moderator has marked me? I can be mistaken but for example I cannot enter some threads throwed into junk as this one: ( Because an error has occurred!

Can it be that the local moderator, specifically the one of the Hispanic section, restrict a thread to people interested on it?

In that thread I give to you as an example, I cannot see anything offensive, on the contrary, it looks as a well intended proposal of an alliance between twinned languages as the Hispanic-Portuguese.

I'm badly assuming that this can be a nation problem that I ask to someone else to fix, really. The moderator in that section comes from another nation (As you can probably know, there are many nation with the same language, and not necessarily they are going to get along with each other, the appropriate way) and it is known it can cause some conflict, specially if one has the power to manipulate the other.

He is a young man as well as I, and he can (perhaps) not taking the right measurement. 

I ask for help, If someone can please, see If I've been restricted, and If so, take care of this situation correctly.

I ask too, I can see useful threads that we are not being able to take a look, cause they are being truncated by a moderator, and this need to be fixed promptly, with haste.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: EnergyForYou on February 07, 2011, 07:25:02 pm
That topic probably gets junked so , you cant see it.
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: Bantz on February 07, 2011, 07:30:08 pm
This topic is in junk section.
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: Surf on February 07, 2011, 07:33:30 pm
The topic links to the junkforum - this is not visible for the outside, that's why the error occurs. No worry, everything's fine on your account. ;)
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: LagMaster on February 07, 2011, 08:33:02 pm
why can't we see the junk section, we deserve to know
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: White Eagle on February 07, 2011, 10:13:21 pm
if its in junk you wont see it ever again.. maybe some one spamm/useless/adv/flaming etc... wdf Lag just shhh its there,  END.
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: Sarakin on February 07, 2011, 11:30:05 pm
Is there any reasonable explanation, why you write in green ? It hurts my eyes
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: cogliostro on February 08, 2011, 01:39:04 am
I remember back in the past we were able to see junked topics, why is this not available anymore?

The matter I was pointing to is, that thread has an interesting topic description and it is relatively recent, I was thinking why we cannot see that kind of topic nowadays, If some moderator do not like it, he just delete it, then none has the right to see what was written there.

why can't we see the junk section, we deserve to know

I thought the same.

The topic links to the junkforum - this is not visible for the outside, that's why the error occurs. No worry, everything's fine on your account. ;)

Thanks, I was thinking about damnation  :( . By the way, am I in my right to use colours in my sentence?

Is there any reasonable explanation, why you write in green ? It hurts my eyes

Sorry about that, but if I see the option to do so, then why not? You can do it if you want, also.
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: Sarakin on February 08, 2011, 01:49:14 am
Sorry about that, but if I see the option to do so, then why not? You can do it if you want, also.
Im sure that color function is here to emphasize some words or lines, not whole wall of text  ;)
Title: Re: Limitation to see some threads
Post by: Surf on February 08, 2011, 01:52:41 am
It's not forbidden to use colors in texts, but it doesn't look very good, so better restrain from using it. ;)