Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Gang Issues => Topic started by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 08:03:39 pm

Title: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 08:03:39 pm
So, i wanted to type something about Peacekeepers. Its personally opinion so dont blame whole gang for it.

Thing is, i thought that The Peacekeepers started because Redding Project and Redding at all. Keeping it safe and etc. Maybe, lets say that yes, it was true.
Then they start taking another towns, of course that in name of Redding Project, for higher goodness, for ... ?
After some time this Alliance(especially CS) started to killing everyone everywhere, even their friends(characters with VSB before nick, etc), without any reason, or this reason was - "be in PK base or stfu". I asking myself, is it really still for Redding Project ? I mean, their name is The Peacekeepers ... If its mean keeping peace by killing everything whats move, then there is something wrong.

Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: LeMark on February 04, 2011, 08:10:17 pm
Good question, maybe you can post that there :  we will be able to fix that in family, no?
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: LagMaster on February 04, 2011, 08:15:55 pm
i had posted allmoast the same thing on TTTLA Forum, i was hoping for the Redding project to continue, but no one ever listens to LagMaster, why should they?
but The PeaceKeepers base was ment so there will be no friendly fire, since NC does not work this game sesion. But you VSB(in my personal opinion) are more hard headed, but still a powerfull ally
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Linnea on February 04, 2011, 08:20:40 pm
started to killing everyone everywhere, even their friends(characters with VSB before nick, etc), without any reason, or this reason was - "be in PK base or stfu". I asking myself, is it really still for Redding Project ?

You ever believed CS cared for your project? That this "aggrement" on forum was as serious as your code for your gang?
Then lets just hope for no alliances, for a while, during next wipe.

Whenever that is o_O
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: bubbles on February 04, 2011, 08:21:04 pm
i was sure that name was actually a joke
and that real face of peacekeepers is obvious.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: VongJin on February 04, 2011, 08:21:22 pm
Being a long time under CS influence, your teammates began to slowly turn into basic CS members... so predictable. Didn't u  know that is the way they are breeding?  ::)
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Eternauta on February 04, 2011, 08:22:48 pm
I don't think TTTLA are the guys to blame, but Chosen Soldiers will always be the same PK scum. I understand Peacekeepers is just an ad hoc alliance against North Bandits, and so I understand I can't trust CS unless I am in TC combat with them.

If I ran across a Chosen Soldier somewhere in some random encounter in the middle of nowhere wasteland, I bet they would attack me. And it's ok, because I know what kind of players these dudes are.

So Hololasima, all I can tell you is that I was sure that some stuff like what you say in your post would eventually happen. What did you expect? I consider myself a C88, and see TTTLA as my allies, but not CS. I am Peacekeeper in the battlefield only.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 08:24:16 pm
You ever believed CS cared for your project? That this "aggrement" on forum was as serious as your code for your gang?
Then lets just hope for no alliances, for a while, during next wipe.

Whenever that is o_O

It isnt my project, i dont care about it.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: John Porno on February 04, 2011, 08:24:52 pm
I second LeMark.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 08:27:45 pm
I dont expect anything from this thread. Name is: A real face in my personall opinion. Nothing more. Its wiew of random player from VSB which dont have anything with Redding Project.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: bubbles on February 04, 2011, 08:49:59 pm
Good question, maybe you can post that there :  we will be able to fix that in family, no?
i dont think so.
in theory you are providing a peace keeping service for all wastelanders, so if there is a problem with your intentions, everyone should know it.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: headshot on February 04, 2011, 09:09:45 pm
Who cares about project in city which is still under attacks? I guess no one. Modoc Militia was great. Even than they were killed by every PvP oriented faction. Lawyers wanted to do something more than Modoc Militia. I believed it will be RP project, but everything depends of people. Gangs, who wanted PvP attacked Redding in hope we try to get it back. It was like a fuel, like huney for bees. I don't know if the reason was too less RP, too much shouting like a Wookie during the orgasm, dirty politics or anything else. But something went wrong. Terrible war in the north harvests many lifes day by day. No one there can be safe, there's no one to trust, and no place to go. Two major gangs, The North Bandits and The Peacekeepers, and some smaller ones knows, that only possible solution is the total victory of one faction, and the total defeat of all others.

That's the conflict, that's the North Bandits, that's the Peacekeepers in my eyes.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: LeMark on February 04, 2011, 09:13:42 pm
Who cares about project in city which is still under attacks? I guess no one. Modoc Militia was great. Even than they were killed by every PvP oriented faction. Lawyers wanted to do something more than Modoc Militia. I believed it will be RP project, but everything depends of people. Gangs, who wanted PvP attacked Redding in hope we try to get it back. It was like a fuel, like huney for bees. I don't know if the reason was too less RP, too much shouting like a Wookie during the orgasm, dirty politics or anything else. But something went wrong. Terrible war in the north harvests many lifes day by day. No one there can be safe, there's no one to trust, and no place to go. Two major gangs, The North Bandits and The Peacekeepers, and some smaller ones knows, that only possible solution is the total victory of one faction, and the total defeat of all others.

That's the conflict, that's the North Bandits, that's the Peacekeepers in my eyes.

Not bad resume.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: manero on February 04, 2011, 09:46:28 pm
After some time this Alliance(especially CS) started to killing everyone everywhere, even their friends...

I dont believe that u are u suprised about this.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 09:54:44 pm
I dont believe that u are u suprised about this.

In fact, yes i was. I believed that if they are play with TTLA and their name is Peacekeepers and they doing it for good of Redding, so they will try to not killing everyone and everything, even their teammates from other gangs.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Michaelh139 on February 04, 2011, 09:55:42 pm
The Peacekeepers have pretty much dominated the wasteland, although the North Bandits are definitely a force to be reckoned.

I haven't really participated that much in the fighting, not very active for past week. Just stared at the town control list occassionaly when i log on.  I still respect TTTLA's seperate endeavor, I do not kill random people in redding and tend to talk with players in other towns under our control anyways.

I think the REAL reason we are killing random people like regular pks, is because we're paranoid about scouts.  It's pretty obvious and big problem related to the disabling of the NC and the fact that "alts, alts never change" part of the game.

I hope we can finally achieve the original goal, keep redding project going and protected, so it can thrive.. (if it still is even active)
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: kttdestroyer on February 04, 2011, 10:01:09 pm
Purpose of Peacekeepers is PvP.

Purpose of WWP is RP.

The link is thin and always was.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: jan0s1k on February 04, 2011, 10:15:18 pm
i dont think so.
in theory you are providing a peace keeping service for all wastelanders, so if there is a problem with your intentions, everyone should know it.
I like your trolling :)
The problem is, that not everyone from Peacekeepers/WWP players are registered on THIS (2238) forum...

After some time this Alliance(especially CS) started to killing everyone everywhere, even their friends

Show proof, in North Alliance times we left because of you :) I remember this good/bad times.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: LagMaster on February 04, 2011, 10:18:22 pm
if Cryofluid or GasOil will make an ilustrated wallpaper about a battle(preferable one in witch i participated)
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Doctor Sepp on February 04, 2011, 10:23:18 pm
The only reason The Peacekeepers gang was made was to swarm The North Bandits as they were swarming us. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hololasima, about your 'they kill their allies':
- everyone can make VSB in front of their nicks.
- true VSB member should be added to the Peacekeepers base as everyone else in the alliance.
- You were not on our voice communicator when entering the town, while we are expecting rogues to spawn. Ye, good luck with that.

And the funniest thing: YOU DIDN'T GET KILLED! xD
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: bubbles on February 04, 2011, 10:35:44 pm
The only reason The Peacekeepers gang was made was to swarm The North Bandits as they were swarming us. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hololasima, about your 'they kill their allies':
- everyone can make VSB in front of their nicks.
- true VSB member should be added to the Peacekeepers base as everyone else in the alliance.
- You were not on our voice communicator when entering the town, while we are expecting rogues to spawn. Ye, good luck with that.

And the funniest thing: YOU DIDN'T GET KILLED! xD
now here the thing doctor sepp.
it was said before but it seems it has to be said one more time:
when the TNB was created we had almost same amount of members as you chosen soldiers.
but yes you are right about one thing
"The only reason The Peacekeepers gang was made was to swarm The North Bandits"
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 10:41:25 pm
The only reason The Peacekeepers gang was made was to swarm The North Bandits as they were swarming us. Nothing more, nothing less.
Hololasima, about your 'they kill their allies':
- everyone can make VSB in front of their nicks.
- true VSB member should be added to the Peacekeepers base as everyone else in the alliance.
- You were not on our voice communicator when entering the town, while we are expecting rogues to spawn. Ye, good luck with that.

And the funniest thing: YOU DIDN'T GET KILLED! xD

1) Yes, everyone can make character with VSB in nick, of course. I know atleast bilion enemies which want VSB before nick.
2) Do you know what is be true VSB member ? Dont think so. Also, your logic "be in common base with PKs or STFU" is little weird hm ? Dont know reason why i must drop VSB status and be in one base with Chosen Soldiers. Noone ask me if i want be in some alliance with you.
3) Fact that you killing everyone on spawn, including teammates just prove that you dont care who spawn, imporant is death for him. And when i am not on your mumble then i dont have permission to be in same place ? I thought that you are Peacekeepers.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Doctor Sepp on February 04, 2011, 10:44:23 pm
Red Dot Army were same amout as Chosen Soldiers. Just because you think we are more, doesn't mean that's true, Shroom.
When you united with Rogues you were way more than us. No need to be arguing about it here, but it seems really weird, that after few actions (lost by you) some of you messaged me on IRC saying 'nice swarm faggot, go eat shit!'. Oh, forgot to add we were less those times.

"Hey guys! Why did you attack me? I'm not added to the Peacekeepers base = I'm not in the namecolorizing, but why did you attack me?! I have VSB in my nick and noone asked me if I wanted to play with you - but I am! So why are you shooting me?! I'm entering the town right when you are expecting Rogues to spawn, but why are you shooting me?! I'm killing people added to Peacekeepers' base, but why are you killing me?!"  (Yes, you killed Peacekeepers' sneakers like 5 times in New Reno today)

Please, be serious.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 10:58:27 pm
Me ? Dont think so. If you thought that i will be in same base as CS you are wrong. I dont see any point of be there. If you want killing and shooting people which are not there, you just failed in logic and you are an moron. You talking about me in Reno. Do you remember character of Bantz, Imir and other people which you killed doesnt matter in which city ? There is only one thing and its that you are just PK. No excuse for it. This sentence "I have VSB in my nick and noone asked me if I wanted to play with you - but I am!" is itself stupid and its only your weird excuse that you want killing everyone, including your teammates,its funny.


This so called quote from me is also funny. You know that i didnt say anything from it(or atleat not how you typed it), but nice try. If you wanted to show others that i am some stupid moron, you failed.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Bantz on February 04, 2011, 11:01:57 pm
Holo please, why do you try to solve it here? Write a pm or make a topic on WWP forum.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: LeMark on February 04, 2011, 11:03:59 pm
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 11:06:24 pm
I am not trying anything here. I typed my opinion and thats all.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Doctor Sepp on February 04, 2011, 11:08:30 pm
- "Oh my god, he kills players! He is a Player Killer! Let's catch him and tell him that he does wrong and should stop it because we want him to!"
Why do you guys care so much about your little pixel - made avatars? That is really socially worrying that you treat some things so seriously and personally. I suggest a little more real life, a little less nolifing. Honestly.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 04, 2011, 11:12:00 pm
No need to talking about real life. First, its not your bussines i think. I said all in first post. You just answer only to "my" shooting in Reno, its your problem.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: brad smalls on February 04, 2011, 11:18:29 pm
someone just made it open to the north bandits that the peacekeepers are dead this new age of pwn has began please tttla get back together we need battle
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: jan0s1k on February 04, 2011, 11:23:37 pm
someone just made it open to the north bandits that the peacekeepers are dead this new age of pwn has began please tttla get back together we need battle
Why you are thinking like this, it's just next flame/trolling/rage topic, man..
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: brad smalls on February 04, 2011, 11:35:03 pm
it wasent some one came in and said it
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: DocAN. on February 05, 2011, 06:10:37 pm
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: headshot on February 05, 2011, 06:18:30 pm
I guess that non-polish speaking players dosen't know what you're talking about, DocAN.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: manero on February 05, 2011, 06:36:52 pm


Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: White Eagle on February 05, 2011, 10:01:45 pm
The Peacekeepers are still peacekeepers? today i saw The Dark Brotherhood wanted to TC BH.. so what happened?  ???
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Heckler Spray on February 05, 2011, 10:40:59 pm
Guess what....
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Jescri on February 05, 2011, 11:40:20 pm
The Peacekeepers are still peacekeepers? today i saw The Dark Brotherhood wanted to TC BH.. so what happened?  ???

Now that will be easier for you to win.
It was 30 + SM vs 30 + SM fights.
Now it is 30 + SM vs 12 fights.

Enjoy TC !
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: maszrum on February 05, 2011, 11:48:45 pm
Now that will be easier for you to win.
It was 30 + SM vs 30 + SM fights.
Now it is 30 + SM vs 12 fights.

Enjoy TC !

let me guess, its our fault ? maybe its even better, we have military power and resurces to start some rp projects ;)
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: LeMark on February 06, 2011, 12:37:15 am

let me guess, its our fault ? maybe its even better, we have military power and resurces to start some rp projects ;)

I remember I guys who want to try something else to the end of the session, some day after he ally with RDA and destroy what he want to help few day before.

I wish you luck for your project, because with this community you will need a lot!
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Heckler Spray on February 06, 2011, 01:00:51 am

let me guess, its our fault ? maybe its even better, we have military power and resurces to start some rp projects ;)

Yeah, we disbanded the Peacekeepers due to some disagreement.

So go on, feel free to start your project.

And don't worry, we don't give up and will still play.

Hope you enjoy your "pre-eminence".
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: bubbles on February 06, 2011, 02:38:23 am
I remember I guys who want to try something else to the end of the session, some day after he ally with RDA and destroy what he want to help few day before.

I wish you luck for your project, because with this community you will need a lot!
yea lemark you have picked best part of community to make aliance with.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: namenotfound on February 06, 2011, 06:46:03 am
So, i wanted to type something about Peacekeepers. Its personally opinion so dont blame whole gang for it.

Thing is, i thought that The Peacekeepers started because Redding Project and Redding at all. Keeping it safe and etc. Maybe, lets say that yes, it was true.
Then they start taking another towns, of course that in name of Redding Project, for higher goodness, for ... ?
After some time this Alliance(especially CS) started to killing everyone everywhere, even their friends(characters with VSB before nick, etc), without any reason, or this reason was - "be in PK base or stfu". I asking myself, is it really still for Redding Project ? I mean, their name is The Peacekeepers ... If its mean keeping peace by killing everything whats move, then there is something wrong.

no what the meager probes was that shouting aly because people where not added to the Peacekeepersr  base.
 but after sum people started showing up blue suet that realy piss us off you guys don't want to tack this searley .
ther was a long time for every 1 to get added to the base all cs members where added in 1 day.
and ther trying to tell us to became  anty pk relay pissed off like meagerly .
sory i was realy tird when i wrote this  fixed it thow
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Imprezobus on February 06, 2011, 09:12:31 am
i couldnt manage to understand anything from the post above.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Hololasima on February 06, 2011, 10:10:38 am
no what the meager probes was that shouting aly because people where not added to the Peacekeepersr  base but after suem pople started showing up blue sute that realy piss us off you guys don't want to tack this searley ther was a long time for every 1 to get added to the base all cs mebers wher added in 1 day so you want to not tack maters good and ther trying to tell us to became  anty pk relay pissed off

Sorry i didnt understand

Btw, we can close this topic, is useless
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Nice_Boat on February 06, 2011, 11:31:15 am
This thread pleases Boat ;D

But seriously, if the Peacekeepers were so internally conflicted it's probably for the better that they disbanded.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Jescri on February 06, 2011, 11:51:45 am

let me guess, its our fault ? maybe its even better, we have military power and resurces to start some rp projects ;)

I never said that was your fault.

And good luck for your RP projects.
You are very good to destroy RPs, I hope that you will be so good to create RP.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: maszrum on February 06, 2011, 12:07:09 pm
You are very good to destroy RPs, I hope that you will be so good to create RP.

if you are talking about redding.. the funny party is - we are offered you our services with protecting redding, when we had 5 players
there was only one, two conditions - one base for namecolorsing and agresive mercanries ( wwp in this case ) ..and ofcourse removing our 5 players form "outlaw list" - you refused us, only for play with chosen soliders few days latter.. still cant understand it, especially when we had totaly no intrest with destroying our project! and we still dont have.. no more alliance with cs so we can start talk , but let me guess - you are to proud for that, again. ofcourse its only our fault ;/
i really want to see rp poject associated with pvp/tc  in same time ( redding and brokenhills )
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: headshot on February 06, 2011, 12:37:34 pm
The Peacekeepers faction has been disbanded, so there's nothing left to say.
Defending the town and eliminating your personal or faction enemies by militants isn't RP.
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: Cherry on February 06, 2011, 03:38:48 pm
if you are talking about redding.. the funny party is - we are offered you our services with protecting redding, when we had 5 players
there was only one, two conditions - one base for namecolorsing and agresive mercanries ( wwp in this case ) ..and ofcourse removing our 5 players form "outlaw list" - you refused us, only for play with chosen soliders few days latter.. still cant understand it, especially when we had totaly no intrest with destroying our project! and we still dont have.. no more alliance with cs so we can start talk , but let me guess - you are to proud for that, again. ofcourse its only our fault ;/
i really want to see rp poject associated with pvp/tc  in same time ( redding and brokenhills )

We (tttla) too.

The thing is, we had started to talk with you (rogues) on begining of this era about WWP project but you don't care about it (BHH era) and your member said rogues are interested by Pvp. Ok, no problem.
We had talked a second time about WWP project and a cease-fire agreement for Redding (treaty of golgotha), but you don't care about it, because your member said rogues are interested by Pvp. Ok, no problem.
Rogues have left 2238 for requiem, TTTLA had played with remnants of Rogues/RDA to strike CS to start the WWP project. It don't work, no problem.
TTTLA had to speak with CS (which were the main force at this moment, don't tell that 5 rogues might protect redding at this era ;)) to conclude a cease fire in Redding for WWP project => finally, it works and CS accepts the condition to not enter in town with their outlaws characters. Ok. Unfortunately, you take this agreement like an alliance and start to pwne Redding with the TNB creation, but well, no problem even if we still don't understand this point :p.
One good point, the project gave a lot of PVP (whereas it wasn't its puprose), which were -first- benefic for the PVP server animation, with the most epic battle of whole 2238 era. Unfortunately, WWP project was destroyed in the same way, you can't do any RP in a town which is spawn camped by Peacekeepers or TNB. A kind of collateral damage :).
For our side, we just see ego wars. We are always supposed to start to talk, you know, we talked to the CS even if they are our "best ennemies" and they were very openmind with the project, whereas they pwned the pvp server at this time. But, we talked a lot with rogues in the past, and no concrete solution were found, and we had always something like "you know, we are only interested by PVP" as answers. No proud issues to talk, but you can understand our disappointment about the current situation. You said you want to see rp project associated with TC. WWP is one, even it is not perfect. The project purpose isn't to create a "North NCR" where all is welcomed, there are allready several town in south for that. The project is about create a town with some laws, where outlaws (and not players behind these characters !!) are banned. You have to understand that we don't want negociate points which could denaturate the Redding project ("no outlaws in town" for instance). But well, if you are ready to talk, what do you propose now ? (the following can be done by PM :))
Title: Re: The Peacekeepers - Real face
Post by: maszrum on February 06, 2011, 06:49:45 pm
what do you propose now ? (the following can be done by PM :))

 i prefere to do that in old good fashion way -  in game, you are roleplayers , right ? lets find out ;)