who plays with flamer? its worst big gun weapon created for newbies who dont have anything else.
Hey! Pst! Here! The suggestion was:
(https://i.imgur.com/s7mr7.png)(https://i.imgur.com/s7mr7.png)INCEDIARY ROCKETS!(https://i.imgur.com/mY3Cy.png)(https://i.imgur.com/mY3Cy.png)
What about incendiary rounds and make the perk work for laser/plasma weapons?
Also a nice flamed swoard and gloves will work nicely.
10 mm PR
A box of 10 mm ammo with phosphorus that ignites the target.
Flame blade
A house-made weapon with an in-built gasoline spray and lighter that set's it on fire.
Short circuited power fist
This power fist had beed damaged on purpose to create a flame every time you hit someone, be carefull using it.