Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Gang Issues => Topic started by: Cryofluid on January 02, 2011, 07:20:00 pm

Title: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Cryofluid on January 02, 2011, 07:20:00 pm
Redding's citizens will soon vote for their first government! Stay tuned!
(this government will work in coordination with current mayor of the city)



Redding Project details here (
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Michaelh139 on January 02, 2011, 08:39:08 pm
Whats up with the guy in labcoat next to the tent?  Never seen him there before.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Cryofluid on January 02, 2011, 08:51:07 pm
It's Dr.Shepard.
He's not a citizen of Redding but he comes occasionally to give a hand to Doc Johnson.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Vindict on January 03, 2011, 01:27:05 am
sorry for offtopic, but your interface looks awesome and I wan't it :) is it availabe for download?

and about the project: it looks great. is it really protected 24/7? I have to check it out sometime.

one more thing: are interest rates there really better? how much %?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: jan0s1k on January 03, 2011, 05:10:41 am
This interface is fucking awesome! ;D
btw good luck with project :)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: smoothjesus on January 03, 2011, 06:08:17 am
interface is coolies

what will the government do? taxes? tax collectors? no no no no!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: recon on January 03, 2011, 09:22:52 am
The interface is still in development, so you will have to wait. ;)
Let's try to keep the topic about the project.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Cryofluid on January 03, 2011, 04:43:43 pm
Appeal for candidates here (

All people can apply for government offices, you don't have to be citizen. The only thing you have to do is expose your political program for Reddings in few words.
But don't forget that only Redding citizens have the right to vote. You have to be attractive to them.

Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Cryofluid on January 03, 2011, 08:12:32 pm
Register button was out of order => it's fixed now.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Hydro on January 03, 2011, 09:26:04 pm
Looks like I am on black list, hmm even don't know for what. Anyway good luck with project, it is still better than brainless next TC.

I'm wondering how long this will hold...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Stachi on January 03, 2011, 10:07:14 pm
Hmmmm.... Am I outlaw when I'm not at PK list, but I'm at list of PvP faction's members? I like RPG projects, but i like Town Control too. Is there any possibility to join such a project? And I'm not talking about citizenship, but about standing and looking, maybe be a taxi driver, give some stuff for new players, ect. What do you think about it? Till now I always get shot even if i try to say: "Hello, don't kill me i just bored, let's make RPG". :)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 03, 2011, 10:48:21 pm
Hmmmm.... Am I outlaw when I'm not at PK list, but I'm at list of PvP faction's members? I like RPG projects, but i like Town Control too. Is there any possibility to join such a project? And I'm not talking about citizenship, but about standing and looking, maybe be a taxi driver, give some stuff for new players, ect. What do you think about it? Till now I always get shot even if i try to say: "Hello, don't kill me i just bored, let's make RPG". :)

We put account on outlaws list not the guys behind the computer. You can make a alt and join our project when you want.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: EnergyForYou on January 06, 2011, 01:40:42 pm
I think , you should first take your town :P
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Crazy on January 06, 2011, 06:23:40 pm
I think , you should first retake your town :P

Obviously, making such good project is hard, when people like you want to absolutely destroy it. It's easier than to build it...
Creating the biggest alliance in the game to wipe redding project wasn't absolutely necessary ya know?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: EnergyForYou on January 06, 2011, 06:32:39 pm
Ye ,but you can still "retake" it if you want.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Surf on January 06, 2011, 07:42:46 pm
It's always the case that people do the most idiotic stuff when jealous of something. ;)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Fridge_Man on January 06, 2011, 07:45:55 pm
We retook it right now, you f4g is online and did nothing against it (we know u taking it back when 90% of us sleep)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Lordus on January 06, 2011, 08:12:59 pm
Problem i ses is that if you create project of this kind, every bored PKs have only one reason why to play.. Destroy something new. In real world, they would need to create their own project (base, supply lines, food source, ...), but in Fonline, they do not, because their base is safe, invisible and they can raid every visible places. Make ability to burn their wifes and rape their houses and they will not be hostile any more :)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Surf on January 06, 2011, 08:17:06 pm
Problem i ses is that if you create project of this kind, every bored PKs have only one reason why to play.. Destroy something new. In real world, they would need to create their own project (base, supply lines, food source, ...), but in Fonline, they do not, because their base is safe, invisible and they can raid every visible places. Make ability to burn their wifes and rape their houses and they will not be hostile any more :)

Wasn't there some similar project in broken hills? Now if both of these towns would have atleast kind of a rivalry it would make a bit sense. Right now it's just the "lol roleplayfag I shoot u!!11 xD" again.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: avv on January 06, 2011, 08:19:57 pm
Problem i ses is that if you create project of this kind, every bored PKs have only one reason why to play.. Destroy something new.

That's exactly what happened with unguarded mines when they were first announced. New place to pwn people without consequences lured pks rather effectively.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Who Killed Bambi on January 06, 2011, 08:31:01 pm
any use of mine workers to make false elections ? i ll pay caps and jet to any mine workers for theyr vote to be mayor of town and sheriff and doc...
and stay away from me, im tribal.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Who Killed Bambi on January 06, 2011, 08:48:59 pm
Cane Sugar -
FREE JET for ALL mine workers* see details
No longer Vana Mingo What at mine **see details
Support for new mine workers ***see details
Free medicine to mine workers **** see details
Free vote and clear, democratic elections ! ***** see details
EVERY VOTE = DOSE of JET! ****** see details
Tribals recieve support, vote for tribal doctor Sugar CANE!

*once per week
**if tribal chosen one come
*** free flint (1 piece) for new workers
**** our doctors stich uh for little piece of caps and ore*******see details
***** jet for vote for cane sugar, one time action, support dont guaranted
****** every vote = dose of jet, limited to first 5 votes
******* 4 hq ore or 8 hq minerals
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Hydro on January 07, 2011, 08:58:43 pm
Wasn't there some similar project in broken hills? Now if both of these towns would have atleast kind of a rivalry it would make a bit sense. Right now it's just the "lol roleplayfag I shoot u!!11 xD" again.
Ye it was and topics about rp projects were something like " You have town only for money oneoneone!!1" instead of trying to defend towns, gangs tried to destroy others project. Anyway it still smells like mine theorycrafting post from several months ago about wasteland polis
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 18, 2011, 12:10:14 am
Election are suspended untill we find a way to protect Redding.

Say thanks to Rogues and RDA.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: OskaRus on January 18, 2011, 09:36:46 am
I think that RDA and Rogues did great Job attacking Redding in great numbers. I have awesome time killing dozens of them with my snipzor however my clan mates were diing in even greater dozens. xD
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: bubbles on January 18, 2011, 10:24:58 am
Election are suspended untill we find a way to protect Redding.

Say thanks to Rogues and RDA.

so gathering the biggest army in history of FOnline:2238, wasnt enoguh? making a pact with Chosen Soldiers - know as one of worst  PKers wasnt enough?
attacking 30 players with army of 60+ is now known as Lemarks swarm of Huberciki :]
waiting for some more of you mr fake anti-PK  ;p

peace bro
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: bubbles on January 18, 2011, 10:39:48 am
lemark please read it carefully:


think about it in many dimentions
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Fridge_Man on January 18, 2011, 01:29:21 pm
Actually it was like 1 billion vs a dozen... Really, your counting shit is nonsense. Get new glasses and then gtfo back to whatever server u freaks came from.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: avv on January 18, 2011, 01:32:22 pm

Diplomacy is part of warfare you know.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: TankForYa on January 18, 2011, 01:39:47 pm
But still, we must make agreement because you made it first !And 20 RDA + 20 Rogues + 20 militia with RL + 15(or more) mutants is too much for fight with one gang.So that is point of making this agreement.And another point is WWE RP project.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: bubbles on January 18, 2011, 02:13:29 pm
But still, we must make agreement because you made it first !And 20 RDA + 20 Rogues + 20 militia with RL + 15(or more) mutants is too much for fight with one gang.So that is point of making this agreement.And another point is WWE RP project.
did you mean WWP RP project? ;-) yea its pretty cool idea, but dont use it as a cover of dominating wasteland.
CS doesnt support RP project, they just want to dominate TC. they give a shi*** about it.
Lemark on the other hand is forgeting about his big anti PK idea.

i think you shouldnt dirnk % before TC. RDA doesnt have 20 members, rogues neither. after we have joined we had same amount as you Choosen Soldiers and lil bit lower than TTTLA.
face it
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: TankForYa on January 18, 2011, 02:53:27 pm
Yes, but with muties you have lilĀ“ more people.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Perteks on January 18, 2011, 07:15:53 pm
Omg Muties are just npc, sure merc leader will punish you with fists...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Skycast on January 18, 2011, 07:55:10 pm
Election are suspended untill we find a way to protect Redding.

Say thanks to Rogues and RDA.
No, election already end.
The Chancellor : Skycast
The Diplomat : Marko
The Chief Security Officer: MSH
The Vice Chancellor for Finance: Kilgore
Thank you for participating.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Alvarez on January 18, 2011, 08:42:30 pm
No, election already end.
The Chancellor : Skycast
The Diplomat : Marko
The Chief Security Officer: MSH
The Vice Chancellor for Finance: Kilgore
Thank you for participating.

Will Linella be a moral officer? You know, boosting troops moral, lol?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Okram on January 18, 2011, 08:51:38 pm
I'm bad diplomat, I'm banned on IRC. You can contact me trough other members. I must warn you that our diplomacy is very simple and uninterested :)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Skycast on January 18, 2011, 08:53:06 pm
Will Linella be a moral officer? You know, boosting troops moral, lol?
You mean Linnea? because Linella playing on our Requiem Team.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: manero on January 18, 2011, 09:30:57 pm
But we are still looking for Redding Princess. Any antipk bosses want to role play?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Crazy on January 18, 2011, 09:34:18 pm
I am !
1:40, see the credit ;p
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Linnea on January 18, 2011, 09:34:29 pm
Ah Linella haunting mee
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Imprezobus on January 18, 2011, 10:11:40 pm
i can are redding princegirl, i are have good qualifikacjons, vote for imprezobus
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Nice_Boat on January 18, 2011, 10:12:02 pm

Listen up, Mongrels!

The Fresh King of Redding has established the Domain of Redding! Everyone coming to this Domain is Required to Bow to The King! The Golden Throne of the Golden King demands Tribute from every Mongrel wishing to experience Our Radiant Presence! Remember Mongrels - Justice will be served! The Golden Throne Demands Golden Gecko Pelts! Golden Pelts for the Golden King! Virgins may be excused of The Golden Tribute, should they display their bosoms! If you sin against Our Beloved King, the Tribunal of The Royal Lawyers will make sure you pay the price! Remember - Our loyal subjects will be rewarded, the rest of you Mongrels can expect a swift execution!

Long Live The King!
Fresh King of Redding!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Cha on January 18, 2011, 10:17:03 pm
Well, another topic trolled to death..
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Crazy on January 18, 2011, 10:20:21 pm
We know how to deal with kings in France.

Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Imprezobus on January 18, 2011, 10:22:14 pm
+1 crazy, that was really awesome :D
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Samurai on January 18, 2011, 10:22:35 pm
hahaha good one crazy :D
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Azzy on January 19, 2011, 11:05:11 am
No, election already end.
The Chancellor : Skycast
The Diplomat : Marko
The Chief Security Officer: MSH
The Vice Chancellor for Finance: Kilgore
Thank you for participating.
Long live the new government.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: avv on January 19, 2011, 11:46:13 am
Listen up, Mongrels!

Hah they had to call Nice Boat specifically to write something like this because no one else in their gang is capable to do it.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Nice_Boat on January 19, 2011, 01:50:07 pm
Hah they had to call Nice Boat specifically to write something like this because no one else in their gang is capable to do it.

Well, you better get used to my capabilities, cause I'm back - for better or worse.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Kilgore on January 19, 2011, 02:27:51 pm
Hah they had to call Nice Boat specifically to write something like this because no one else in their gang is capable to do it.

Our mighty and beloved King, brother of the Sun and the Moon, grandson of God, never defeated ruler of Redding and Broken Hills, extraordinary commander and great defender of Law, has chosen Nice Boat to speak in His name, therefore Nice Boat will be now known as the Honorable Speaker of Redding.

Long Live The King!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: spitfire182 on January 19, 2011, 03:46:46 pm
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Bantz on January 19, 2011, 03:58:33 pm
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Heckler Spray on January 19, 2011, 04:27:48 pm
Damn, that sounds so Role Play !!!
Come on, men, you're tough guys, not some kind of role playqueer !!!

Now, seriously, I still wonder what' s the point of all this mess. Congrats, you' ve blocked our project. And now ? You feel better ?
I can't believe it's just cause of this "treaty".
Maybe to show that yours is bigger than ours, dunno...

Personaly, I' m fed up with this kind of meaningless PvP, all the PK vs APK bullshit, and I know that some of you are, too.

Hope to see something more interesting from your side than this "mongrel kingdom",
see you soon, KINGS...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Florek on January 19, 2011, 04:45:11 pm
Those from you, who yesterday came to Redding before BH fight, can noticed, that we are very peacefully and friendly to strangers. There is just one requirement to be one of our friends (known as mongrels): fall down on your kness ahead of your KING REDDING.

Long live mongrel kingdom!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Imprezobus on January 19, 2011, 04:54:40 pm
see you soon, KINGS...

shame on you infidel ignorant!
It is well known that the KING is only one, therfore for you way of mongrel salvation shall be closed, as blapshemy will not be tolerated.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Stachi on January 19, 2011, 04:57:29 pm
Dear Swarm.

...Maybe Gecko project?

...or Klamath...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 19, 2011, 05:16:09 pm
Dear Swarm.

...Maybe Gecko project?

...or Klamath...

The worst it is you are proud of that.

Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: bubbles on January 19, 2011, 05:21:55 pm
The worst it is you are proud of that.

well you were proud of making pact with PK faction - CS.
you were also proud of gatherng almost 70 people swarm=making biggest army in FOnline2238 history.
pure anti-PK
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: bubbles on January 19, 2011, 05:28:09 pm
im sure that most of TTTLA members would admit, that best part of this project is figthing with PKers.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Skycast on January 19, 2011, 05:44:30 pm
I am interesting what shit tttla saying to their citizens killed by their friends CS in wasteland *))
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: sqrwysyniec on January 19, 2011, 05:45:05 pm
Oh no! Everything, but no PKers! Please!!!!!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: seb910 on January 19, 2011, 05:50:35 pm
I am interesting what shit tttla saying to their citizens killed by their friends CS in wasteland *))
They say go to redding, you are safe there.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 06:59:30 pm
Please Rogues, stop buying militia and muties, we wanna play pvp, not pve.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: manero on January 19, 2011, 07:00:36 pm
Please Rogues, stop buying militia and muties, we wanna play pvp, not pve.

Go Hinkley.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 07:02:16 pm
Go Hinkley.

Go Requiem.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: DocAN. on January 19, 2011, 07:07:36 pm
Implement some NPC shop with dialog option, where would be able to buy Guns/Armors/Weapons/Drugs in unlimited amount, the prices can be boosted, like 1.2-2.5 x base price. We want to spend our money.

This post can be moved to suggestion.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 19, 2011, 07:12:55 pm
Implement some NPC shop with dialog option, where would be able to buy Guns/Armors/Weapons/Drugs in unlimited amount, the prices can be boosted, like 1.2-2.5 x base price. We want to spend our money.

This post can be moved to suggestion.

In wasteland everything is limiting, execpt the Rogues Caps and Proxy.

Maybe a limit of mercenaries / day can be a good addition!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: avv on January 19, 2011, 07:13:36 pm
Implement some NPC shop with dialog option, where would be able to buy Guns/Armors/Weapons/Drugs in unlimited amount, the prices can be boosted, like 1.2-2.5 x base price. We want to spend our money.

This post can be moved to suggestion.

Shouldn't you suggest reducing the bank interest?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: DocAN. on January 19, 2011, 07:21:37 pm
it wont change anything, you can easly gather around 100k/day from Vednors plus caps from TC

merc limit is the way we should go
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 07:25:15 pm
Seeing your gauss pistols militia, tell us what we should do ? xD
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Rascal on January 19, 2011, 07:27:07 pm
just surrender :P
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: DocAN. on January 19, 2011, 07:28:28 pm
Seeing your gauss pistols militia, tell us what we should do ? xD

Focus on some plan, you are wise guys, i count on you :)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 07:29:53 pm
We'll do our best then  ;D But camping and rebuying militia isnt easy to defeat !
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: manero on January 19, 2011, 07:37:32 pm
Think about it as a challenge Shangalar. Im logging off and go drink few beers. So one rogue less(...and all my proxies ::) ) Go, go, go!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 07:39:46 pm
For me, that's indeed a challenge. But unfortunately, I'm not alone. And many others are just bored with your pussy abuses.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: manero on January 19, 2011, 07:43:00 pm
And many others are just bored with your pussy abuses.

We are NOT the first and NOT the last. Have fun.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 07:46:06 pm
Probably. But the association of cheated militia, infinite caps and proxies is a nice one. Difficult to do worse...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 19, 2011, 07:51:39 pm
We are NOT the first and NOT the last. Have fun.

Good justification.. You can be proud.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: seb910 on January 19, 2011, 08:00:02 pm
The only one thing is good is that that the mercs should be limited or even removed from the game, and number of players should be limited during TC
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Hololasima on January 19, 2011, 08:06:40 pm
Militia should be remove from the server. It will be best what Devs can do.

I hate militia since start and for me, militia is core of all our problems in PvP.

Wake up and remove militia !!!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: DocAN. on January 19, 2011, 08:19:25 pm
Probably. But the association of cheated militia, infinite caps and proxies is a nice one. Difficult to do worse...

When we came back from Requiem, we had to find a way to kill this milita, we lose many times coz we didnt know that they are doing this awsome crits.
So we made a brain storm, tried few tactics and we found a way to kill them.

About caps, stop crying about them, we have 1 account, not like in other teams where everyone have own account, its comunism and its working well in FOnline world.

We play as a team, all signed in 1 base, we suggested the same to you guys but you were to proud for it, so you are still unable to use mercs and slaves in the same way as we do.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Wilks on January 19, 2011, 08:31:21 pm
Militia should be remove from the server. It will be best what Devs can do.

I hate militia since start and for me, militia is core of all our problems in PvP.

Wake up and remove militia !!!

Militia it's just a PK's tool since it exist.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 19, 2011, 08:37:38 pm
Militia it's just a PK's tool since it exist.

I don't agree, project in north can't happens without militia. Ok right now mercenaries in militia is overboost.

Is a pk tool because people use it that way.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Hololasima on January 19, 2011, 08:44:51 pm
But some projects arent all ...

Before militia, PvP was PvP ... Militia is just crap  8)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: LeMark on January 19, 2011, 08:45:47 pm
But some projects arent all ...

Before militia, PvP was PvP ... Its just crap  8)

PVP is not all to.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Hololasima on January 19, 2011, 08:50:21 pm
PVP is not all to.

For me is PvP more, but you know, its my personally opinion.


For me this project isnt so important that we need to by allied with band of ... ... famous polish players(CS)  8)
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 19, 2011, 08:52:59 pm
TTTLA spent about 5-6 months to build it, for them, its crucial...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Samurai on January 19, 2011, 09:13:39 pm
Hah Holo I like your last post +1
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Wilks on January 19, 2011, 09:22:57 pm
Really the militia have just on goal : Kill the guys who are vilified by the gang who holding the town. But I totally understand when Shanga say TTTLA need it to guard town. Because nobody in the server can respect a fuckin (and the only one !) roleplay of Fonline 2238.

For me this project isnt so important that we need to by allied with band of ... ... famous polish players(CS)  8)

It is for sure ! But i hate all big alliance on 2238, it's like NA / DA and we have already play it. It's boring to play 50vs50 and I prefer something like 10 vs 8-9 vs 12 etc ... I think it can be so cool !!!
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Deep on January 19, 2011, 09:42:58 pm

It is for sure ! But i hate all big alliance on 2238, it's like NA / DA and we have already play it. It's boring to play 50vs50 and I prefer something like 10 vs 8-9 vs 12 etc ... I think it can be so cool !!!

I agree last fights are just boring anyway nice for 2big 2238serv gangs allianced togheter to fight against CS because they couldnt won fights like 17-17 so they started 17vs30 and even mercs like here:
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Jescri on January 19, 2011, 09:51:53 pm
The initial subject was not about elections in Redding ?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Hololasima on January 19, 2011, 09:54:22 pm
Yeah, i was little offtopic.

I had to put somewhere my feelings  :-[
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Imprezobus on January 19, 2011, 10:30:36 pm
2big 2238serv gangs allianced togheter to fight against CS because they couldnt won fights like 17-17 so they started 17vs30

good to know that it is ROGUES who made a pact with other gang to fight against CS as first. And yes, it was all aimed to doom CS, as noone could fight them at all. Finally when we have 10x more people we can fight fairly.

I have no idea where from you take such propaganda :D
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Deep on January 19, 2011, 10:46:15 pm

good to know that it is ROGUES who made a pact with other gang to fight against CS as first. And yes, it was all aimed to doom CS, as noone could fight them at all. Finally when we have 10x more people we can fight fairly.

I have no idea where from you take such propaganda :D

Maybe try ask older gang member to spell that rules for you because you dont get it. Then try think where you see any alliance? Then check your playing with rda against only CS. BRAINIAC!

An agreement between TTTLA alliance and Chosen Soldiers was made.

As the title says, an agreement was made. It concerns the town of Redding and Broken Hills.
Chosen Soldiers agreed that we will not attack Redding, since there is a project ran by WWP. We will not attack itif:
- TTTLA alliance will not attack Broken Hills,
- TTTLA will not ally with Red Dot Army against Chosen Soldiers ( only so that there are 3 forces at TC),
- TTTLA alliance will take other towns oftenly, so that we could fight anyways. Chosen Soldiers will also retake other towns.

Both sides will exchange Jet and Uranium Ore in order to keep the economy running and so that both sides would have something to fight with.
Mine riding is allowed. Killing militia is not allowed. Buying mutants (broken hills) and mercenaries/bases (redding) is allowed if agreed by the faction controlling the town (mIRC communication). Every member of TTTLA will be killed in Broken Hills on sight (same as everyone else) and every member of Chosen Soldiers will be killed in Redding, being an 'outlaw'.

You dont understand that after the deal (not alliance) with CS, they still remained outlaws. Check the deal (not alliance) we made with them. They were not supposed to enter peacefully in Redding. They were supposed to raid mine from time to time as for us for BH mine, but stop taking the city and make everything reset...

Poor Imprezobus ...I hope you will learn something more tomorrow at school
good night and have fun in discussion
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Imprezobus on January 19, 2011, 11:00:17 pm
well, what is the sense of pointing all that senseless pact points, if the result is that we have to fight versus 60+ man?
thats the point, not the difference between "deal, agreement and alliance"

if you dont get that, then im glad that at least one of us will finish any school :)

ps. I wasnt talking bout alliances at all. I just said you're talking bullshit :p
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Nice_Boat on January 20, 2011, 11:07:25 am
The ammount of butthurt in this thread is putting a smile on my face. Also, some things never change - when TTTLA and their sidekicks start to lose, the following happens:
1. Whine.
2. More whine.
3. Suggestions to remove the features the other team is using to kick your ass.
4. Verbal aggression, implying that your opposition eats children, cheats, exploits, abuses and you're the only true-RPG, fair play team on the server.

Do you really think anyone is going to go along with your bullshit Shangalar, especially after you've been pulling this crap over and over again for more than a year? Just grow up already  ::) And yeah, this post is pure flame - but I don't enjoy being called a cheater/exploiter/whatnot with absolutely no basis by a dude that should've been told to just STFU a long time ago.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: avv on January 20, 2011, 11:41:32 am
I don't enjoy being called a cheater/exploiter/whatnot with absolutely no basis by a dude that should've been told to just STFU a long time ago.

But didn't Manero basically admit that something shady has been going on here:

We are NOT the first and NOT the last. Have fun.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Nice_Boat on January 20, 2011, 11:46:18 am
But didn't Manero basically admit that something shady has been going on here:

Weren't they talking about "camping and rebuying militia"? Jeez, people can't even troll right these days...

And screaming "cheaters/abusers/blabla" while being allied with CS (most banned characters due to confirmed cheating on the server) is just friggin' retarded. RE-TAR-DED.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Skycast on January 20, 2011, 11:46:47 am
I agree last fights are just boring anyway nice for 2big 2238serv gangs allianced togheter to fight against CS because they couldnt won fights like 17-17 so they started 17vs30 and even mercs like here:

Cry more, you always suck * at the same numbers.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 20, 2011, 12:31:45 pm
Do you really think anyone is going to go along with your bullshit Shangalar, especially after you've been pulling this crap over and over again for more than a year? Just grow up already  ::) And yeah, this post is pure flame - but I don't enjoy being called a cheater/exploiter/whatnot with absolutely no basis by a dude that should've been told to just STFU a long time ago.

I Tought you were talking about yourself. You don't have ANY lesson to give to anyone.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Deep on January 20, 2011, 12:45:12 pm
Cry more, you always suck * at the same numbers.

You are funny guy man i dont see any cry there I just said the true, but as we see your best defence is attack. Live in your own world.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Skycast on January 20, 2011, 12:53:24 pm
You are funny guy man i dont see any cry there I just said the true, but as we see your best defence is attack. Live in your own world.
Oh no another noob troll on my head.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Daro on January 20, 2011, 12:53:46 pm
We respects our rivals and don't using cheats in PvP if you try to blacken us first give us some proofs than you can call us cheaters. To bring more fun in TC (and of course benefits from possessing town) we aren't taking your towns while no one can defend them but you always take our towns while no one is in game. We don't make any town "unknown" like RDA. You cry about mutties - we can kill same amount of players as we, even if they have 3 or 4 additional pack of mutants without blink of an eye and we prove that many times. No one ever gives a sh*t about it. You can buy 50 mutties but it's still PvE and we kill them all with any loss. Why? Because you don't know how to use them. Why we need mutties, mercs, etc? Because we have to secure stuff which we obtain after fight in other way you will steal it.
You not learn anything from fights, your only tactics is to gather more peoples and when it fails you whine. When we fight in 12 -15 and you in 30 everything is good? Remember when you attack BH with 28 guys and we won in 4!! (with help of militia). So stop talking about tactics because you have none. You can make fast relogs and come to town wave after wave to fight us but still you'll loose. We learn how to play with your swarm from more than 6 months.
Your new allies get ass kicked and they don't want loose stuff with you? You should think about it first, now you can only cry and troll on forum.

It is your words. So sad it wasnt true.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Nice_Boat on January 20, 2011, 01:01:10 pm
I Tought you were talking about yourself. You don't have ANY lesson to give to anyone.

You can bad-mouth, insult, lie and slander all you want, but at the end of the day you're still just a ridiculous guy leading an unsuccesful coalition from one defeat to another with your reputation ruined by accepting trolls and known cheaters in your ranks. But guess what? You setting sail for fail is perfectly fine with me, I enjoy watching stupid people hurting themselves as long as they don't insult me and my friends - so please refrain from that in the future, okay?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 20, 2011, 01:06:58 pm
You can bad-mouth, insult, lie and slander all you want, but at the end of the day you're still just a ridiculous guy leading an unsuccesful coalition from one defeat to another with your reputation ruined by accepting trolls and known cheaters in your ranks. But guess what? You setting sail for fail is perfectly fine with me, I enjoy watching stupid people hurting themselves as long as they don't insult me and my friends - so please refrain from that in the future, okay?

I dont even lead anything ! Stop thinking you know me, and please get back to your hole.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Nice_Boat on January 20, 2011, 01:13:10 pm
I dont even lead anything ! Please get back to your hole.

Can't do that sir, I'm too busy making you cry some delicious tears in game.

Also - it's funny how you're telling everyone to get back to their hole, go back to requiem, close the beta-test etc. yet in reality you're just a powerless, sad person with a terrible attitude. Maybe if you stopped insulting people for a minute they wouldn't make you want them to go away?
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Shangalar on January 20, 2011, 01:18:13 pm
Your talents of psychologist are incredible. But you are wrong. Maybe I'm a little sad when I got killed with my 3 mates by 10+ rogues and their 5 muties, coz I'm afraid not everyone of them could open fire and get what they are here for. But about what your team is doing, I'm just surprised. You all who always defended your honor as "great players", seem pretty honorless these days.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Skycast on January 20, 2011, 01:20:15 pm
I dont even lead anything ! Stop thinking you know me, and please get back to your hole.
You should  go to church to confess and ask sorry from all people you injure and you fell better.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Surf on January 20, 2011, 01:20:47 pm
Can't do that sir, I'm too busy making you cry some delicious tears in game.

If this is how you imagined your comebacks post will look like, then we don't need them. Bye.

To the others: If the discussion won't surpass the "u - no U!" level and won't come back to the initial topic, it gets locked.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: manero on January 20, 2011, 01:24:40 pm
Election already end.
The Chancellor : Skycast
The Diplomat : Marko
The Chief Security Officer: MSH
The Vice Chancellor for Finance: Kilgore
Thank you for participating.

Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: runboy93 on January 20, 2011, 02:52:16 pm
Election already end.
The Chancellor : Skycast
The Diplomat : Marko
The Chief Security Officer: MSH
The Vice Chancellor for Finance: Kilgore
Thank you for participating.

Hmm.. that not sound "Real" Redding government, but oh well..
Luck for you guys Wipe safe us soon...
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: manero on January 20, 2011, 02:53:52 pm
I assure you that this guys are for REAL.
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Stachi on January 20, 2011, 04:54:53 pm
Title: Re: Elections for Redding's government soon!
Post by: Saumax on January 20, 2011, 05:08:45 pm
Stachi, you won, its too fucking hilarious ; D