Other => FOnline:2238 Forum => Archives => Fan Art => Topic started by: Who Killed Bambi on December 28, 2010, 05:13:07 am
i wannah see that in flash! flash game! bluesuits die! ;)
What is this, i dont even...
no one gets it lol... He is simply spamming, nothing special about it, just plain spam, yet no one seems to understand yet :-*.
I completely understand it. It is pretty simple clear and obvious. Yet I wonder that no one before realized that.
dream comes in life! i killed at entrance to ncr :)
btw, they kills noobs in armor too :(
I need these lego bluesuits! then i can herd them in my backyard drink beer and throw dynacords at them :D
u can make ur own, like that
Lego FOnline2238....... :D
...with metal armor MRK II and LSW included
uh, wait, soon u see metal armor and lsw
best art
thnx for high ranking :D
hahahaha, nice
best art
hahahaha, nice
noobshit :(
Lol, you should make all frames for the characters and then ask someone to port them into Fonline :D :D :D
Lol, you should make all frames for the characters and then ask someone to port them into Fonline :D :D :D
i can make lot of armors and other stuff :D and high res photos, not that lol quality and noob-art :)
Lol, you should make all frames for the characters and then ask someone to port them into Fonline :D :D :D
but who can make mod ?:D
i think that pixs are cool but mod? i dont know dude ....
you can make super mutans and ghouls ?
i think yes, i never think about mutants
for mutants try some sort of exo-skeleton or custom lego
o and a Lego mood will be awsome, talk with a dev or someone
for mutants try some sort of exo-skeleton or custom lego
o and a Lego mood will be awsome, talk with a dev or someone
i think devs have to much work :) and lego mod can take not one month of time
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not lego :(
mutants can be monsters from mining series, ghouls...
sorry, i dont look what thay doo now ) new lego have not this charm of old 80+ 90- years :D
hhaha you are an artist!! xD
hhaha you are an artist!! xD
anybody got idea for epic picture about fonline in lego ? :D
anybody got idea for epic picture about fonline in lego ? :D
TC battle
TC battle
what is TC ?:)
what is TC ?:)
Town Control, see vids made by Izual to see what is about TC
thnx :)
bambi killer, got x-fire, game ranger, skype or yahoo mess?
bambi killer, got x-fire, game ranger, skype or yahoo mess?
gmail chat and icq :)
Haha that would be awsome :D
yoo know who they are.
spock and kirk?
spock and kirk?
Typical daily activities in NCR.
Hey, that looks nice!
i find it in net, its not my work, its awesome :D
full gallery
original pic, post ww2 europe
original pic, post ww2 europe
You could tell it's Europe by that useless thing blocking the landscape.
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Normal day in FOnline ;D
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Normal day in FOnline ;D
Do i see right? Lego M16's? In which pack was this one? Lego 'Nam?
very nice :)
nice fonline lego. :p
you did this yourself? cool.
Desert Patrol. :D
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epic... epic is nothing after this !
(not by me)
ugly and cute ronny girls ;)
this is starting to have no link with FOnline
this is starting to have no link with FOnline
Switch a page backwards, mr.nofunallowed....
Switch a page backwards, mr.nofunallowed....
at my art topic i made 1 image that was outside of FOnline and it was moved to off topic
at my art topic i made 1 image that was outside of FOnline and it was moved to off topic
It has to be you then. Also, canesuger, you should do some more lego stuff, i lold at the bluesuit enc. one :D
welcome to pixel space and time ! today and only today, great and huge pixel ladyes and gentl lads gonna show themselv here ! marvelous guy in BA, huge bald punk in metal armor, tiny leather armor guy and ! and incredible, imposible to imagine, never seen before LADY with green MOHAWK.
This art is a fail! Pants at metal armor are brown, not gray! It means this art has no connection to FOnline, because you can't find people in metal armor and gray pants at the same time in California.
If you look at it from far away, it sorta looks like a person... wait... no... I mean rectangle.
Also, the black three pixels (hair?) on the third guy are too prominent.
And what does some McDonald's person have to do with FOnline?
This art is a fail! Pants at metal armor are brown, not gray! It means this art has no connection to FOnline, because you can't find people in metal armor and gray pants at the same time in California.
my fail, pants bad :-[
If you look at it from far away, it sorta looks like a person... wait... no... I mean rectangle.
Also, the black three pixels (hair?) on the third guy are too prominent.
And what does some McDonald's person have to do with FOnline?
just small drunk party at new reno.. wai so serious ? :D
wai not add some ur favorite characters and skins to this pixel party, they gonna like each other :D
mcdonalds guy have nothing to doo :D anyway this mcdonalds lady/guy here rom summer ;)
welcome to pixel space and time ! today and only today, great and huge pixel ladyes and gentl lads gonna show themselv here ! marvelous guy in BA, huge bald punk in metal armor, tiny leather armor guy and ! and incredible, imposible to imagine, never seen before LADY with green MOHAWK.
opportunities welcome ! ;)
Isn't that based off the work called "Street Fighter – Abstract Edition” or something like that?
no, i just find some like this stuff at 1 place, like about 100+ pics movie/cartoon/blabla heroes at web and remind me about my old pixel idea :D
This is what I had in mind:
This is what I had in mind:
thnx :D but there is too much lines :( anyway looks good ;)
Anyways, not to spam more, here's something related.
Fallout NES edition!
3colors+1transparent, 8x8 sprites, NES palette.
(I know NES was capable of 16x16 sprites and many games used multisprite characters to override these restrictions, but IMHO minimalistic = cute)
remember sup finnal?
I have absolutely no idea what you meant.
Do not click links. My avast! caught a trojan horse from it apparently.
Process: file://C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Ap...
Infection: html:FakeAV-M [Trj]
I have absolutely no idea what you meant.
who killed bambi you doing to meet me then mate?
Anyways, not to spam more, here's something related.
Fallout NES edition!
3colors+1transparent, 8x8 sprites, NES palette.
(I know NES was capable of 16x16 sprites and many games used multisprite characters to override these restrictions, but IMHO minimalistic = cute)
I like this graphics! Make more please!!! And make some interaction between them like bluesuit dies etc.
More fallout pixel art
Here some sprites maded for a top down shooter started a lot of years ago and never finished.
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Hey these look really awesome. But, uh, what is the white one on the right supposed to be? :S
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Ain't these cute? Nice work!
Hey these look really awesome. But, uh, what is the white one on the right supposed to be? :S
Gecko? If not, then melted gecko, or melted metal guy, or melted PA guy, or melted doctor, or melted mordino man. But I think it's gecko. ;p
Looks like a cyclops-yeti trying to give me a hug. :)
Hey these look really awesome. But, uh, what is the white one on the right supposed to be? :S
I see one BoS Paladin or the Vaultdweller in a power armor.
Indeed, it's a suit of t-51b powered infantry armor.
I don't mind criticism, try drawing one in 8x8 field using only 3 colors...
As for now, I don't have much time to make more, and death animations etc. are a bit too complicated for those restrictions I've mentioned (like adding blood for another color, making the victim explode needing it to drasticly increase in size).
But, if I get some new ideas, I'll post them immidiately.
I don't mind criticism, try drawing one in 8x8 field using only 3 colors...
Easy man, I still think it's an awesome work. It's me who failed to know what it was ;)
Here's some more. Miles preparing his clipnotes for Power Armor hardening process, Super Mutant about to reload his rocket launcher, followed by a nasty giant rat and poor old Harold.
bla bla bla
Here's something I found on some backup CD from my old PC:
CoC's other face.
This one looks very nice:
Via: (
Happy New Year
I have no idea by what can i spam. Curse :D
Small car from junkyard:
looks like uber-gif :D
Is this some sort of joke?
What kind of sick joke is this.
Is this some sort of joke?
What kind of sick joke is this.
An extraordinary sick joke.
An extraordinary sick joke.
yes ! :)
did you do your reps today? no slackin', more art workin'.
did you do your reps today? no slackin', more art workin'.
I know, it is silly.
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