FOnline Development => General Discussion => Topic started by: raynor009 on December 27, 2010, 11:43:47 pm
If you didn't read the first tutorial go there now! Click me to go there! (,12198.0.html)
This part is more about how to customize your server more.
Changing the replication time:
1.Step 1. Go to the Server\scripts folder and search for replication.fos there go to the line 146 and look for this:
if(cr.IsPlayer()) replTime=3; // 3 minutes
else replTime=Random(1,1); // 90-120 minutes
Change replTime=3 to what you want for example:
if(cr.IsPlayer()) replTime=1; // 3 minutes
else replTime=Random(1,1); // 90-120 minutes
Now the replication time will be 1 minute.
Disabling the bounty hunters:
1.In this step I will show you how to disable the Bounty Hunters since they are very annoying, but if you don't want them to be disabled you can skip this part. First start looking for this file town_supply.fos in Server/scripts. Open it and look for this:
void CallTownSupply(Critter& victim, Critter& hostile) // Export
uint[] values={victim.Id,hostile.Id,0};
After you found it replace it with this:
void CallTownSupply(Critter& victim, Critter& hostile) // Export
uint[] values={victim.Id,hostile.Id,0};
Now the annoying Bounty Hunters will not appear ever again.
Enabling the Van Burren 3D models
1.Lets say you've seen the awesome 3D models in the Developer video 3. I will show you how to enable them. Go to Server/scripts folder and look for _defines.fos, open it and look for:
// 3d players mod, uncomment for use
// #define PLAYERS_3D // Enable 3d players
// #define PLAYERS_3D_NO_HEAD // No head slot
// #define PLAYERS_3D_VAULT_SUITE // Vault suite by default, not naked
After you find it replace it with this one:
// 3d players mod, uncomment for use
#define PLAYERS_3D // Enable 3d players
#define PLAYERS_3D_NO_HEAD // No head slot
#define PLAYERS_3D_VAULT_SUITE // Vault suite by default, not naked
This will enable the 3D models in-game. You should notice that the registration menu has changed as well.
Combat related and other customizations:
1.Go to /Server/scripts and look for config.fos .Open it with Notepad++ or Wordpad.
I have commented most of the important lines so you can apply changes by yourself.
// / Init global vars
__ScriptRunSuspendTimeout = 10000; // In milliseconds
__ScriptRunMessageTimeout = 5000; // In milliseconds
__LoggingVars = false;
__DisableTcpNagle = true;
__DisableZlibCompression = false;
__FloodSize = 2048; // In bytes
__NoAnswerShuffle = false;
__FixBoyDefaultExperience = 50; // Change
__SneakDivider = 6;
__LevelCap = 666; // Maximum level allowed
__LevelCapAddExperience = true; // Add experience after maximum level has been reached
__LookNormal = 20;
__LookMinimum = 3;
__CritterIdleTick = 10000;
__TurnBasedTick = 30000;
__Breaktime = 1200;
__TimeoutTransfer = 0;
__TimeoutBattle = REAL_SECOND( 45 ); // Combat timeout in secconds
__ApRegeneration = 7000; // Action points regeneration speed
__RtApCostCritterWalk = 0; // 1 AP == 100, maximim 255
__RtApCostCritterRun = 0; // 1 AP == 100, maximim 255
__RtApCostMoveItemContainer = 0;
__RtApCostMoveItemInventory = 2; // Realtime costs for moving an item in the inventory, like changing slots and stuff.
__RtApCostPickItem = 1; // Realtime costs for picking up an item
__RtApCostDropItem = 1; // Realtime costs for dropping an item
__RtApCostReloadWeapon = 2; // Realtime costs for reloading a gun
__RtApCostPickCritter = 1; // Realtime costs for taking items from a dead body or something like that
__RtApCostUseItem = 3; // Realtime costs for using an item, stims,drugs
__RtApCostUseSkill = 2; // Realtime costs for using a skill
__RtAlwaysRun = false; // Running in realtime combat. Enalbe this if you want players to be able to run when real time combat is on.
__TbApCostCritterMove = 1; // Turn-Based costs for moving in combat
__TbApCostMoveItemContainer = 0; // Turn-Based costs for moving items in a container
__TbApCostMoveItemInventory = 2; // Turn-Based costs for moving items in the inventory
__TbApCostPickItem = 3; // Turn-Based costs picking up an item
__TbApCostDropItem = 2; // Turn-Based costs dropping an item
__TbApCostReloadWeapon = 2; // Turn-Based costs reloading a gun
__TbApCostPickCritter = 3; // Turn-Based costs taking items from a dead body or something like that
__TbApCostUseItem = 3; // Turn-Based costs using an item, stims,drugs
__TbApCostUseSkill = 3; // Turn-Based costs using a skill(like steal, or other shit)
__TbAlwaysRun = false; // This enables the player to always run when in turn-based comabat. It could render TB action alot faster.
__ApCostAimEyes = 1; // Action points costs when the gun is aiming mode. This adds an extra action point costs on top of those when firing the gun.
__ApCostAimHead = 1; // ~
__ApCostAimGroin = 1; // ~
__ApCostAimTorso = 1; // ~
__ApCostAimArms = 1; // ~
__ApCostAimLegs = 1; // same as above
__HitAimEyes = 60;
__HitAimHead = 40;
__HitAimGroin = 30;
__HitAimTorso = 0;
__HitAimArms = 30;
__HitAimLegs = 20;
__RunOnCombat = false; // If this is enabled the player will be able to run if he is in real-time combat
__RunOnTransfer = true; // This means if the player will be able to run right after the combat ends
__GlobalMapWidth = 28; // Maximum 100
__GlobalMapHeight = 30; // Maximum 100
__GlobalMapZoneLength = 50; // Maximum 500
__GlobalMapMaxGroupCount = 10; // The number if followers you can have when travelling on worldmap.
__GlobalMapMoveTime = 250; // The speed which the players moves on the worldmap
__EncounterTime = 5000; // Time between encounters
__DeadHitPoints = -20; // The number of negative HP the player can take until he dies
__BagRefreshTime = 60; // Real minutes(traders related)
__WisperDist = 2; // Whisper distance
__ShoutDist = 400; // Shout distance
__CustomItemCost = false; // Apply custom costs for certain items
__RegistrationTimeout = 5 * 60; // In real seconds, 0 to disable - how much time the player needs to wait until he can register another account.
__AccountPlayTime = 10 * 60; // In real seconds, 0 to disable
__TalkDistance = 3; // this determines the distance from which a player can talk to an npc
__NpcMaxTalkers = 1; // this determines the number of people that can talk to an NPC at the same time
__MinNameLength = 4; // Minimum 1
__MaxNameLength = 12; // Maximum 30
__PermanentDeath = 0; // Disable
__DlgTalkMinTime = 100000; // dialog talk time
__DlgBarterMinTime = 50000; // barter talk time
__MinimumOfflineTime = 180000; // 3 minutes
__MainStoryLineActive = true; // enable or disable TLA's story mode(will disable few quests)
__NoPvpMaps = true; // Enable or disable pvp in maps(towns ecc...)
__MaxLifeLevelSoftCap = 36; // this stops the player from gaining life after a he reachers a certain level
Do you know how to do place for resources?
Do you know how to do place for resources?
What do you mean? Explain yourself better.
What do you mean? Explain yourself better.
He wants to know how he can place or create maps on the worldmap with resources like mines.
he wants to know how to spawn mineable rocks n stuff.
Maps with the mapper.Then copy the maps in the server folder there some other things...if want to know more PM me.
Another amazing video. I want to play with u man .I will add you on Skype.
Raynor , i have small problem , i cant find that line with 3d models in defines.fos
Post updated.
Raynor , i have small problem , i cant find that line with 3d models in defines.fos
Its the first line man.Look better.Also you may want to Update/Download again the SDK since and update was released.But here replace your _defines.fos with mine.Its all deffault i didnt change nothing.
Update post due some bug of the SDK revision 119.
I made a video again.Just follow what i do on screen and should be good.Any questions PM or leave reply here or on YouTube.
You should work more on the website (it's horrible big, I have to scroll it onto my 1280x768 wtf -.-). And question, how many people play on your server?
You should work more on the website (it's horrible big, I have to scroll it onto my 1280x768 wtf -.-). And question, how many people play on your server?
The website is ok.We are not very many right now at day usually are 5-6 people.And also if you dont have questions related tot this topic dont bother posting.You could have just PMed me .Dont do post hunting.
ok PM'ed
Bump as well. Same as before, should be stickied.
They ain't gonna sticky it because the guy who made it is banned. At least, this is my thinking.
They ain't gonna sticky it because the guy who made it is banned. At least, this is my thinking.
It doesn't matter really; this board is very small in current stage, barely 6 pages, and it's easy to find what you need with just "search" button. Some kind of 'common questions' thread is needed, i agree, but it's still not a must. I wouldn't want to make this specific board look like Survival Guides, where we have flood of stickies :s
Better way would be to have just few, with collection of links - if anyone wants to, feel free to assemble such list, i'd be more than happy to abuse admin rights. Personally have no idea of any place which could be compared to old .ru Scripting board. Closest to that is NewFMC Dev-Zone ( but it's 99.9% in polish, so kind of useless for most of visitors. From random IRC chatting i know that french people makes good (up to great) tutorials, but there's still language barrier. So either it's finding english ones around the net (.ru fall made huge damage in finding valuable info) or translations of them.
All in all.... in the end, i'd vote to put this one on the list too, as i like it for a very simple reason - it was one of first which was made in here by someone who was not connected with projects who had access to SDK before its release :) But it's just me.
Tutorial updated.