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Questions and Answers / How do we add effects to items?
« Last post by cthulchu on January 03, 2025, 11:22:38 pm »
Hi there!

I don't think we have a guide on how to add special effects to items. I use the FOClassic engine.

My particular case is something I saw on fo3: I want bags and backpacks to add a percentage to player's max carry weight when equipped in hands.

I looked at how other things are implemented like the mirrored shades, but I'm not sure about all the steps I need to take to properly add some logic to an item. It would be great if someone could share the steps. Thanks!
Share Your Work / Re: How Do I Do With a simple textEditor.
« Last post by remake on October 26, 2024, 12:37:13 pm »
SublimeText is free to use in lifetime but it is a shareware... it pop up shitty window to buy license every use of ST's features. You can crack it easily if it's too disturbing...
Even easier - you can buy personal license. One license for all your workstations and all OS. 99 USD it's not so expensive for that.
Share Your Work / How Do I Do With a simple textEditor.
« Last post by adumbperson on October 19, 2024, 04:10:10 pm »
Hello Everybody.

I saw people speaking bad about the tools... alike they are unreliable...  :-X

You should be very careful to what you say in programming. It says a lot about your background.

hacker's manifesto "I don't care who/how you are, I care to what you say."

First of all, learn C programming and Then C++ then you'll be very comfortable to use the SDK.

I personnaly use Sublime Text 3 to do all my coding. I never been comfortable using Integrated Development Editor...

SublimeText is free to use in lifetime but it is a shareware... it pop up shitty window to buy license every use of ST's features. You can crack it easily if it's too disturbing...

Here are my building tools that I integrated myself to Sublime Text's building(popen) system.

requirement: You need append full path to ascompiler to your system PATH environment to be able to use it.

like so.
Code: [Select]
definition: This trigger ascompiler(using defines from server/mapper/client) on the actual file you working on. It permits to track development error(s).

filename: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\AsServer.sublime-build
Code: [Select]
        "shell_cmd": "ASCompiler.exe $file"

filename: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\AsMapper.sublime-build
Code: [Select]
"shell_cmd": "ASCompiler.exe $file -mapper"

filename: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\AsClient.sublime-build
Code: [Select]
"shell_cmd": "ASCompiler.exe $file -client"

You trigger them by selecting the one you want into build system option from SublimeText3 and using ctrl+b

it returns something like this in a pane bottom the editor:
Code: [Select]
Compiling C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\r513.sdk\Server\scripts\guard.fos ...
Time: 453.552 ms.
[Finished in 0.6s]

To exclude compiled files into the sublime text's file browser.
filename: C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Preferences.sublime-settings
Code: [Select]

To have syntax color with *.fos scripts.
filename:C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\C++.sublime-settings
Code: [Select]

Happy hacking.
Share Your Work / Re: FOnline status checker for ESP8266
« Last post by adumbperson on October 17, 2024, 03:20:23 pm »
Very nice. I got ideas for next steps...

- Rolling frame for all servers and bitmap icons

I would try making it myself but I just have an arduino. Maybe I can find some virtual machine to do it virtually, dunno need look for it. It certainly exists.
Share Your Work / Re: How to build CVet's FOnline using Windows 64bit
« Last post by adumbperson on October 17, 2024, 11:55:03 am »
Hello SC, I'm late sorry. No I didn't. It's all written in the sarcasms...

I'm using an illegal copy from windows.

I been able to find VS10 disk iso I found on the web with some genuine KEY...

I'm working with an older revision of the SDK... you can check on the second page from "Share your work".
Share Your Work / [Mapper scripts] Entity Switcher and Input Visualizer
« Last post by Slowhand on April 17, 2024, 01:46:52 pm »
I have added 2 worthy to check out tools to the mapper scripts, in the BNW project.

Entity Switcher - see Issue #94 of the FOclassic:BNW repo.

Ability to swap walls or other entities, by selecting and clicking Ctrl + Mouse Wheel. One can easily make an old vault a new one, or make an outdoor map change the wall theme. There are some interior entities added as well, so in the case of vaults, when switching from new to old, the computers would be switched to the destroyed ones, etc.
Everything is not perfect, because missing assets or displacements. For the displacement one can specify corrections on X/Y hex, but this does not always solve issue, that are because some doorway are larger in one theme than the other.

For guide best is to see the description at Issue #94. For feature showcase check this feature video .

Input Visualizer - see Issue #97 of the FOclassic:BNW repo.

This is a lightweight tool to visualize what keys have been pressed, in case someone is streaming how they are mapping or trying to teach newbies.
Another feature it has, is that it would show the protoID and mapper tab location of the selected item below the obj interface. Alternatively Ctrl + 1 can be pressed several times to jump to that mapper tab, unfortunately this is not perfect, due to engine bugs.
Lastly it has a command to find objects that are not added to the mapper tabs, this will be listed in the mapper log file for easier copy paste of proto values. It will also who on screen if no missing entities found.
Share Your Work / Maps - Cave Template Pack FOClassic/S2/2238 compatible
« Last post by Slowhand on March 28, 2024, 11:26:57 pm »
In order to mass create cave maps for an upcoming module of mine, I made template maps for caves. It can be found in the public repo of FOClassic - Brave New World here:

Tutorial video or 'Music to a FO mappers ears' challenge - aka make a 1920x1080 compatible map before a song runs out, here:

Just load most maps that start with template_cave_ into mapper, then load ~template_cave_L for a large blank map, and go from there as shown above. GL, HF.

The FOClassic: BNW also contains a minor mapper plugin, that shows which key combinations are pressed for people who want to stream or make video tutorials, name is Input Visualizer, you might add that to your version if you like, check issue #97 at the repo for change list.

There is an upcoming cave map-pack as well, named Sierra Caves, it's not ready yet, but those who need ready cave maps urgently may check any maps in the repo starting with that name.
Share Your Work / Re: FOnline-JSON
« Last post by JovankaB on February 05, 2024, 01:48:37 pm »
Anyone have an idea how to get it to work?

There are other JSON parsers for AngelScript.
Share Your Work / fofrm_player
« Last post by APA MK2 on January 02, 2024, 03:38:17 pm »
Simple as fuck SDL player for .fofrm files, plays .fofrm and that's it.

Controls & usage:
Associate .exe with .fofrm files or drag&drop file onto it, also you can type "fofrm_player.exe [path_to_fofrm]" in cmd.

Left/Right arrows - change frame to previous/next.
Space - pause animation.
Mousewheel Up/Down - change zoom/window size.

Bugs & specificies:
Program can't open files if you type something like "fofrm_player.exe test.fofrm" into cmd, fixed in v0.2.1.
Program can't open more than 60 frames, fixed in v0.3.1.
Don't try to open anything that has cyrillic path.
Source code: (if someone's really wanna see this shit)
Questions and Answers / Re: Starting location
« Last post by 1ookg on November 10, 2023, 08:41:50 pm »
I realized for sure that this is changing in the intro_main script.
But the variables are not quite clear and I would like to delete everything altogether and make my own locations, but I don't understand how to do it. There is little information on the server on these points, it is somehow useless (
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