Other > Faction Announcements
Modoc Militia is back!
A town were players make the law. A town where you can enter and get reaction from the PC citizen based on your behaviour.
Were you can do your daily bussines or just chat a bit or trade. Were you could get into a fight that isnt only based on your actions.
This is real Fallout feeling! You can make friends, you can make enemies, you can be a bystander, you can be victim, you can be a hero.
If warzone or not. I want it to be alive again, only that counts. We aint looking for loot or kills. We are looking for the feeling of defending a town with all avaible methods just because we want to. And we sure dont give a damn about some big kid with a gun boasting about killing defenceless players.
White Eagle:
this is sick.. (it means in good way).. 8)
What, you mean people want to build something in this game? Send the Chosen Soldiers! Loot their pipe rifles! Destroy the bluesuit-made fun!
--- Quote from: Sir Hubert on October 03, 2010, 01:15:32 am ---After new changelog modoc alive again :) 10 dead bluesuits per 5 minutes its a good sign. From now on, Modoc is warzone :)
--- End quote ---
And in 1 week everybody will come back to NCR and you will be happy Hubertus.
This game would be better without your team (CS) which destroys all the initiatives.
Make you a private PvP server and let us play between mature players.
Dark Angel:
I was support Miltia very very old time ago...
If you Andr3aZ looking for 21 lvl sniper or 21 lvl unarmed PM me.
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