Other > Tools and Modifications

The SCOPE-Snipers friend

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--- Quote ---Senseless, senseless ...

Everything is senseless if it not fit to your visions ...
--- End quote ---
Hololasima, chill down. Even good arguments won't help in this case -.- You will just get more pissed of by trying to prove that you are right. Even if you are, you won't be. I'm with ya, I feel ya pain.

Interface should be editable and customizable, that applies also to hotkeys. Its not our fault, that DEFAULT interface is just crap - at least not suited for RT. Everyone got different taste how should his interface look like. Or fonline doesnt want to be successful game ?

This is not a custom interface, this is kind of an aimbot :) But acually, it doesint change anything exept that you press this eye button faster. Its just standard aiming exept letter are bigger. Hard to blame anyone exept current combat system.


--- Quote ---This is not a custom interface
--- End quote ---
It is.


--- Quote from: Floodnik on November 07, 2010, 06:09:57 pm ---It is.

--- End quote ---

Yes, well it is, but its main feature are pretty obvious, not?


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