Other > Tools and Modifications

The SCOPE-Snipers friend

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Doctor Eex:

--- Quote from: Resp on October 25, 2010, 09:59:27 pm ---

--- End quote ---

Resp, you little bit wrong, you suggested to add in vertical dimension however it needed to add in horizontal.

Anyway, i did my own variant of scope, with all body parts located in the same way as on original. The reason - i failed to break 2 arms to stop one hander  firing at me ) And without any icons, as it's easy to remeber where arm or head or groin are ). In green as it more fallout-ish

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Anyway Bantz thank you for posting such great idea for those who do not want to use FOCD

Eex, can you post the code for your aim window.

Doctor Eex:
Sure, yoz , here you go

--- Code: ---;===============Aim
AimMain=0 0 1024 768
;AimCancel=402 340 432 357
AimHeadText=100 0 924 60
AimLArmText=924 0 1024 600
AimRArmText=0 0 100 600
AimRLegText=0 600 412 700
AimEyesText=100 60 924 600
AimLLegText=612 600 1024 700
AimTorsoText=0 0 0 0
AimGroinText=412 600 612 700
AimHeadProc=500 30 530 60
AimLArmProc=975 300 1005 330
AimRArmProc=40 300 60 330
AimTorsoProc=0 0 0 0
AimRLegProc=200 645 230 675
AimLLegProc=830 645 860 675
AimEyesProc=500 350 530 380
AimGroinProc=500 645 530 675
--- End code ---

It appears that when using this exploit-hax-cheat the new radio doesn't work well. Just try it. It's impossible to push radio interface buttons.


--- Quote from: avv on November 05, 2010, 10:33:43 am ---It appears that when using this exploit-hax-cheat the new radio doesn't work well. Just try it. It's impossible to push radio interface buttons.

--- End quote ---

Radio works fine for me with this interface. I am using 1024:768 resolution.


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