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LEADER vs not leader, funny? argue-battle caused by fonline [mirc]
guys... from my opinion u both are morons, but mostly you - Leviophan, coz u posted this wall of senseless text here.
oh rotflmao, i never seen such pure rage for almost year, kill each other for 10 hides, damn how people can be so stupid, Leviathan if somebody do not give a fuck about what you saying that mean you do nothing in gang, they are simply bored because you cannot provide them good game time, but well, not my buissnes, go kill each other for pipe rifle or bb gun
PS: and yes you are moron coz you showed your own weakness to public
--- Quote ---<LEVIATHAN2> dude iam fucking 25 ok
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this is most hilarious coz you act like you are 11
srsly who the hell gives a fuck about your arguments, even if it might be "funny" its just weak to show this to public.
excelent example of senseless rage
well, if he doesnt give a fuck bout his weakness - then is he really weak?
anyway i hope that as many as possible people died/lost their homes/ were crippled during that argue : >
--- Quote from: -LEVIATHAN- on October 01, 2010, 12:59:58 am ---The thing is, its funny, at least for me.
Some people seem to have a strange definition of the word "funny"
Could be a good movie script conversation;-D
Yes, maybe for an Uwe Boll movie.
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