Other > Off-topic discussions

LEADER vs not leader, funny? argue-battle caused by fonline [mirc]

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that was not funny

is funier to tell on IRC: THE CAKE IS A LIE

This thread wasted three seconds of my life and I want them back.

I wanted to write something, but then I realized i would prove myself to be as dumb as heroes of this conversation if i let myself join this retarded discussion.

And then I realized i just started to write in this thread.

And then I realized it doesn't mean im as stupid as those people, since i find it funny, not frustrating - the whole conversation of two 13yo guys that are not able to chill out and remember that this is the game, not the real life.

And then I remembered that Fallout (Fonline also) is one of those game that really gets you so i decided to forgive those two clowns the whole thing.

And then I realized that i shouldn't call them "clowns" nor this topic "retarded", since Dalaj Lama states clearly, that you can only improve yourself, and that I wouldn't find this topic anyhow stupid if not for my lack of empathy.

And then I decided to be a better person

And then  I became a better person, free from judging people free from mental walls and arogancy.

And then I dissapeared since theres no meaning in our physical existance - as we become something more after reaching the most important state of our mind and stumble across the sweet nirvana.

And then I realised that my english is poor, so most of you for that, or ather reason won't understand what I'm writing here.

And then I decided to stop this nonsense, read some more interesting subject and think If I want to get back to this game or stay that way - reading this forum and waiting for better times.

And then i though that those two guys are one of the reasons I don't want to play this game right now.

And then I realised its a vicious circle and I'm right there when i bagan.

And then i pressed "post" button.

The cake is a lie is not funny at all.


--- Quote from: -LEVIATHAN- on October 03, 2010, 09:50:07 pm ---The cake is a lie is not funny at all.

--- End quote ---

Maybe cause you don't know the meaning of that statement. I found it somehow hilarious.


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