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Good ol' times : The Modoc Militia

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What character are you on Gazoils picture, Jovanka? :P
And yes, I can imagine that huge gang wars destroyed this little gem there. :/
I never heard about the modoc militia, it seems like I could have had fun there too...

Probably the one with the pistol. Gazoil was unarmed sneaker, I was using throwing knives, nades or pistols.

I was the bitch with an SMG in his back pocket.  8)
Good ol'days is right.  Militia rather killed those kinds of days, sadly, though I found a new location to do such things...


--- Quote from: JovankaB on September 23, 2010, 10:48:18 pm ---There was also a guy named Scoped Eye as far as I remember

--- End quote ---

Scoped Eye and me are still playing some Civilization 4 from time to time. I wanted him to play FOnline again but he said he plays another MMO atm and would have no real time for FOnline.
But i will show him this Picture, he will be amazed for sure :)

Also, there is no Shotgunner on this drawing so i guess i take someone with a spear/sharpened stick because i always run around with one as you only needed 1 wood 1 mp 1 flint (you could swim in mps back in those times but i never got any pipes to make goddamn hunting rifles!) I crafted like hell, only to be shot after the next 10 minutes by some "JOKER", something ringing ? :)

Oh yes, I remember JOKER and his Russian group, as I recall.  Ended up feuding muchly with him, or I did.  Didn't much like his methods and ended up shooting him and his buddies on sight after awhile.

Also, I remember Scoped Eye, I can't remember for sure but I think I knew him as Dirt.  Mention the name, Andr3aZ, see if he remembers.  I think I ran around more than just a bit with him, fighting as bluesuits with some crappy weaponry.


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