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Author Topic: [Archive] Questions and Answers #1  (Read 130266 times)

Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #75 on: February 12, 2010, 11:24:08 pm »

Another player has (theif) over their head. What does this mean, and can I shoot them in a friendly town? Also what to do if you're being robbed?

Usually you can shoot at him. But not always. If he have (thief), that means he was spotted by player/npc, so have -karma. But, only if he got 0 (neutral) karma before, so now he have negative karma, so guards will not defend him. If he got like too much karma, he can be spoted and guards still can guard him.
If you're being robbed and thief is spotted, just shoot at him, it's really rare, when thieves have positive karma. Bad thing, that guards will loot his body, so don't kill him, just make uncutious (-20 to 0 HP), then come closer and then kill'n'loot instantly.
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Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #76 on: February 12, 2010, 11:50:50 pm »

How does small guns skill affect combat? thnx :)
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #77 on: February 13, 2010, 05:40:49 am »

Which drug-dealer in New Reno sells empty hypoderrmics?


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Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #78 on: February 13, 2010, 11:00:57 am »

what exactly would be the critical failure formulas, if i may ask, because i tend to get critical failures often with low tier weaponry, however i never seem to get any with shotguns and the like, my luck is 1
The critical fails formula is unknown, but you will get a lot of them with a luck equal to 1.

Hi, I have a question. Tents are 1 per person or 1 per group? I made a tent with a friend with me as the leader and we can both see it on the map, if he makes another tent being the leader will it delete mine? thanks
All this is explained on the wiki page. It won't delete yours, since you can create only one tent at a time, but can be present at the creation of an unlimited number of tents.

I know it effects reputation, but it doesn't say anything about player factions. As I've learned, it  doesn't  :P
There is no player factions reputation. You just need to be in no faction (Leave your player faction) to join a NPC-driven faction.

How does small guns skill affect combat? thnx :)
Using Small Guns, the SG skills will affect your ToHit (The % chance you have to hit someone), and maybe your damages, that hasn't be confirmed yet.

Which drug-dealer in New Reno sells empty hypoderrmics?
Currently, none, i just checked. I suggest we wait for some update about traders.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #79 on: February 13, 2010, 02:59:07 pm »

I had a few questions about bases.

If you have a base are there any restrictions on who can access containers? For example, can you say if you are only rank 1 in faction you can access 2 containers but if you are rank 3 you can access 5 containers or only the leader can access one specific container.

Also, is it correct to assume that the person who talks to the vendor to buy the base is then the leader?
« Last Edit: February 13, 2010, 05:38:36 pm by Dakcenturi »
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Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #80 on: February 13, 2010, 03:08:23 pm »

If you have a base are there any restrictions on who can access containers? For example, can you say if you are only rank 1 in faction you can access 2 containers but if you are rank 3 you can access 5 containers or only the leader can access one specific container.
No, it's impossible at the moment, maybe this kind of feature will be implemented later.

Also, is it correct to assume that the person who talks to the vendor to buy the base is then the leader?
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #81 on: February 13, 2010, 04:42:52 pm »

Is it possible to steal from the unconscious?
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #82 on: February 13, 2010, 04:51:38 pm »

Is it possible to steal from the unconscious?

omg of couse
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Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #83 on: February 13, 2010, 05:14:07 pm »

omg of couse

Thanks. How about items in active slots, like weapons?

Also, how high is the chance for crippling limbs with minimal melee damage?
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #84 on: February 13, 2010, 05:33:37 pm »

Thanks. How about items in active slots, like weapons?

Nope, can't steal items in hands.

Also, how high is the chance for crippling limbs with minimal melee damage?

Can't help with this.
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Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #85 on: February 14, 2010, 04:13:59 am »

crippling has nothing to do with damage, its an aimed attack crit effect. Also the crit fail table is as follows.

Partially reverse-engineered Fallout 2 combat algorithm
April 21, 2009
This is a brief report on the progress made by Ghosthack and Atom during few days of reverse-engineering
fallout2.exe. The formulas are exact (not extrapolated), taken directly from the executable. There is still
much code in there yet to be understood, but we’ve already managed to extract the basic mechanics of
critical failures in this manner.
Here’s how single attack is resolved:
Assume that the ATTACKER is trying to attack a TARGET with a valid mode of attack. Let TOHIT
be the displayed chance for a successful attack.
The following steps are carried out:
0. The pre-shooting phase:
This part isn’t explored yet in any kind of detail. This is the moment when the TARGET can be changed
to another potential target on the same line of fire. As it isn’t known how the ingame mechanics handle the
case of such a switch occuring we’ll assume that it didn’t and the ATTACKER had ultimately retained his
original TARGET.
1. Basic attack resolution:
Let RND = Random (1, 100). If TOHIT − RND < 0 then the attack was a miss, otherwise it was a hit.
The same value of RND is then used to calculate if the attack was a critical one.
2a. If the attack was a hit:
There’s a possibility of upgrading the ”regular” hit to a critical hit.
Let CRITCHANCE be a total critical chance bonus (for the players it’s a sum of Luck, the Finesse trait
bonus which is either 0% or 10%, 5% for each level of More Criticals perk and aimed shooting to-hit penalty,
why for the other critters it also depends on the stats from their .pro files).
The chance for a hit to be upgraded to a critical hit is then
(CRITCHANCE + Trunc ((TOHIT − RND)/10))%.
If this upgrade fails, then there’s a second chance for the hit to upgrade depending on whether the player
has picked the Slayer or Sniper perk and the type of the attack.
2b. If the attack was a miss:
There’s a possibility of upgrading it to a critical miss, just as with the hits, and it equals
Trunc ((RND − TOHIT )/10)%.
The reason for RND and TOHIT being in a reverse order is of course that of TOHIT − RND being
negative in this case. If the hit fails to upgrade but the ATTACKER is under the Jinxed effect (obtained
from either the trait or the perk given by the pariah dog - their effects don’t stack) there’s a 50% chance for
the miss being upgraded to a one critical anyway.
3. Assuming that the attack was a critical miss, as the critical hit effects are fairly well
documented (and so are the generic hits and misses):
Let ROLL = ( Random (1, 100) − 5 · (LK − 5)). ROLL is compared with several thresholds to determine
the position of the critical failure on the table (the critical hits are resolved in a similar manner but with a
+0/+20 modifier depending on the Better Criticals perk instead of −5 · (LK −5) depending on LK). The
actual tables vary from weapon to weapon, but in general:
ROLL  20 then EFFECT = 0,
20 < ROLL  50 then EFFECT = 1,
50 < ROLL  75 then EFFECT = 2,
75 < ROLL  95 then EFFECT = 3,
95 < ROLL then EFFECT = 4.
As one can see there are five possible critical miss effects. As a rule, the larger the value of EFFECT,
the more severe it will be.
Remark: With LK = 1 it’s impossible to get EFFECT = 0. With LK > 5 it’s impossible to get
EFFECT = 4. With LK = 10 it’s impossible to get either EFFECT = 3 or EFFECT = 4.
There are seven tables used in determining what the actuall effect of the criticall miss will be. Those
type0 for all unarmed weapons,
type1 for all melee weapons,
type2 for all small guns and all big guns except the rocket launcher and both flamers,
type3 for all energy weapons,
type4 for all grenades,
type5 for the rocket launcher,
type6 for the flamer and the improved flamer.
The actual tables are:
type0 (all unarmed)
EFFECT effects
0 miss
1 lost next turn
2 lost next turn
3 took %d damage, knocked down, hurt self
4 crippled random limb (NOT the eyes)
type1 (all melee)
EFFECT effects
0 miss
1 lost next turn
2 weapon dropped
3 hit randomly
4 took %d damage, hit self
type2 (all small guns and all big guns except the rocket launcher and the flamers)
EFFECT effects
0 miss
1 lost rest of ammo
2 weapon dropped
3 hit randomly
4 weapon destroyed
type3 (all energy weapons)
EFFECT effects
0 lost next turn
1 lost next turn, lost rest of ammo
2 lost next turn, weapon dropped
3 hit randomly
4 took %d damage, weapon exploded, lost next turn
type4 (all grenades)
EFFECT effects
0 fired dud shot
1 weapon dropped
2 took %d damage, weapon dropped, hurt self
3 hit randomly
4 took %d damage, weapon exploded
type5 (rocket launcher)
EFFECT effects
0 lost next turn
1 fired dud shot
2 weapon destroyed
3 hit randomly
4 took %d damage, knocked down, weapon exploded, lost next turn
type6 (flamers)
EFFECT effects
0 miss
1 lost next turn
2 hit randomly
3 weapon destroyed
4 took %d damage, on fire, weapon exploded, lost next turn
• In general, the effect types are written in the order in which they appear in the combat log.
• The ”miss” effect behaves like a normal miss, no ”critically missed” message is displayed.
• As for the ”took %d damage”, this is yet to be tested, but the following is conjectured:
for dropped grenades the damage received is the same as in type0/effect 3 while in the other cases the
damage depends on the type of weapon used, most probably the damage being equal to one received
by simply being shot by that weapon or its explosion in case of the grenades. It is not known if these
damages can pierce armor.
• ”on fire” in the last effect in type6 triggers the flamedance animation.
• First two effects in type5 seem to be bugged, as ”fired a dud shot” is less severe than ”lost next turn”.
• The exact behavior of ”hit randomly” is not fully known. With this effect it is possible to hit another
target on the map instead of the original one (this is the second instance where the final shot receiver
can be changed - the first was in the pre-shooting phase). Also, sometimes just a ”hit randomly”
message can be displayed, most commonly when there were no valid targets. It’s not known if these
redirected shots can be upgraded to critical hits.
• The ”miss” effect in type6 can still cause damage to the target - as is the case of every missed shot
with a flamer.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 04:16:15 am by Roachor »
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #86 on: February 14, 2010, 05:12:09 am »

So after inciting a riot between the Unity and the Water Merchants, I have a (Dangerous) label above my head. How long before this label goes away?

Also, what are tools used for?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 05:58:00 am by Sell Fone »
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #87 on: February 14, 2010, 07:06:04 am »

The dangerous tag stays above your head in that particular city until you die there.

Tools go in your active slot to give a +25% (or was it 20%?) boost when repairing and disassembling weapons and armor.
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #88 on: February 14, 2010, 07:56:53 am »

Which drug-dealer in New Reno sells empty hypoderrmics?

Jules in New Reno, near the Cat Paw. 20 for 700 caps.
Re: Questions and answers
« Reply #89 on: February 14, 2010, 10:35:26 am »

Partially reverse-engineered Fallout 2 combat algorithm
April 21, 2009

Now that's explain "error1". When you shooting at someone and there is no more targets, and when "hit randomly" is used, i think, that's when you hitting error1 instead of target.

About "weapon exploded in hands", i got it twice with my laser pistols. And both time i got 16 damage. Whatever, it's easy to test, i think, all you need is luck 1 and weapon with high deteoration and low STR for current weapon.

What if merc/slave is blocking doorway at any town? Is it possible to give command "stay" when he is in doorway? I never used mercs/slaves so don't know how it's working. But as i know, you can give "stand ground" or "hold position" like command, so merc/slave won't move. So what if you give this command when they're in doorway?
« Last Edit: February 14, 2010, 12:59:52 pm by UbiValkin »
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