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Big guns critical build
--- Quote from: Floodnik on September 22, 2010, 07:23:08 pm ---Yep, also lower your ST to 4, give these points to Endurance. Take Weapon Handling instead of Lifegiver.
1. You will loose only a few health points and some carry weight(who cares about it anyway? :P), but:
2. Stonewall, if you take it(which is prefered), won't let you to make any knockdowns(10 EN) and only 50% knockouts will be able to be done. The sniper has to roll it in the first place anyway. Yay!
3. Less chance to be crippled.
4. No penalty for miniguns. As for now, you have 6 ST when miniguns need 7 and you have a 20% penalty for your BG skill. With 4 ST + Weapon Handling, it will count as 7 ST for weapon strenght requirement check.
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He can't take Stonewall if his ST less than 6, because ... well because its perk's requirement.
Argh, that sux so much.
So I must have 6ST for perk stonewall and for weight... I think 52 is small for big gunner but I will use psycho and cigarettes.
If you think weight isn't an issue for bgers you are mistaken, if you want full gear, weapons and ammo you need at least 6 str minimum.
--- Quote from: Cultist on September 23, 2010, 10:03:13 am ---If you think weight isn't an issue for bgers you are mistaken, if you want full gear, weapons and ammo you need at least 6 str minimum.
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I've played a long time with 4 st and small frame, and even, most of the time, 3 with the jet addiction. Fine if you play in group who can loot.
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