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Should I Join? Choice Between NPC Factions and PC Factions Discussion
The Vault Dweller:
Yeah I have a problem.
I have reached the level 21 and have access to the best equipment that is still reasonably priced. The only thing that I haven't done and keeps me playing is wanting to join a faction. Thing is I can't decide whether to join a PC gang or in-game story faction.
It looks like it takes some time to find and be accepted by a PC gang whereas with the NPC factions I just give them stuff (I actually have 20 AP rockets ready to give to join the Brotherhood which I will join if I don't become part of a PC gang). However I see nothing about NPC factions taking part in Town Control and that seems to be a very unique and fun part of this game which if I don't do won't let me feel like I've gotten the whole F:O 2238 experience.
Is there anything else good or bad about either choice I'm missing that would effect my decision? Please respond no matter who you are since I will give myself only a day or two to decide then I'll just show up at the Lost Hills Bunker and join the Brotherhood.
Also Professions are irrelevant for me since my stats/skills only allowed me to take Armorer (1). I'm at max level so I can't raise repair to go more besides all the armors after the first profession level require stuff that needs other skills too.
The Vault Dweller
What you want to achieve and your way of thinking is, that there are other people like you limitating yourself ONE profession/skill/whatever.
Thats why I say it in another topic, it's obvious you come from the NMA guys and I am amazed of it. :)
Thing is - no one stays at a NPC faction. They just use it for "LOL LEARNING TO CRAFT WEAPONZ" and then leave. Why so?
Dunno. But if I'd know of some people being part of NPC faction XY then I'd be part of and can help ya.
Just drop me a line, VD!
NPC faction terminals show who's part of that faction.
If you're a member of that faction you can look at it.
I don't know about enclave, but there's no reason to stay in BoS.
People stay in Raider's faction if they need to be able to craft 7.62 ammo and people stay in VC faction for the medical terminal.
Enclave is the same as BoS, it's just easier to me to gather 60 MFCs than 10 AP Rockets. This is the only difference, as there is no advantages from being a part of them, so no reason to stay.
What advantages? Well, quests, base types, new locations ... All about content, which is developing all the time. Patience is virtue, says Confucius :>
Heckler Spray:
Agree with Wichura, and I don't think NPC faction are able to greet many players for now, there'e no place to store your gear, your car, your brahmin,... and to gather ressources like in player faction bases. And those Enclave Soldiers, Raiders... are too quiet. :P
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