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[Q] It's a TRAP!

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I've read all the threads I could find about explosives, I learned some, but a few important factors still remain open, mostly because what I found eventually boiled down to arguing who's wrong and who's right.

1. What exactly does trap skill do?
I've seen some claiming it raises dmg of explosives, even claiming how they are basing it on experimenting.
Then there are other people claiming it is no different than other weapon skills, just increasing chances tied to explosives.

2. An extension to previous questions (chance to hit, chance to crit, chance to set off, chance to fail):

a) Is chance to set off and chance to fail same thing? I'm guessing it isn't but am not really sure.
b) Can you miss with explosives (does chance to hit even exist), or just chance to crit?
b) Are all of these chances affected by skill trap?

3. So, what do you think how many skill points would be minimum to have in traps if you want to use explosives eficiently.
Knowing a range of minimum and max needed skill points in traps would be nice, so I could play with possible builds.

If I knew these answers I could also figure if there's a way to put perks Light Step (Less chance to set off a trap)  and Demolition Expert (Extra damage and no failures with explosives) to good use.

Thanks in advance!

p.s. Be gentle, I only started playing FO few days ago (yes I know demo is not the easiest way to start with for a newb, but this is not the point of thread).

Well, I'm fairly sure with a higher traps skill, a dynamite won't go off prematurely.  And you need traps for the demo profession.  Other than that, I see no use for it.

As far as I know they increase explosive damage and chance to go off on time (which can be made 100% accurate with a perk)

It would be nice if they would add something like making animal traps and getting some mats from it, Would make a trapper a real profession.

What previous posters said + it decreases the visiblity of an explosive you put on ground. If you have enough traps skill, noone will see your explosive. Arm it, leave it somewhere - then just watch people running around blow :P

All those theory-crafters I've seen around and none knows shit about explosives? Herpa derpa  ???
Maybe a dev could shed some light on the topic  ::)


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