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Author Topic: I got robbed! (not whine)  (Read 4081 times)


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Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #15 on: September 16, 2010, 04:20:14 pm »

Well, maybe you guys find it funny to get robbed and stay alive but what i more important ? Your stuff or your life ? Since you can respawn in 60 secs while you will have to bother crafting all your stuff back again ....

So, try to get your stuff back from the robber or die trying !
« Last Edit: September 16, 2010, 04:23:18 pm by Cha »
Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #16 on: September 16, 2010, 09:29:09 pm »

Well, maybe you guys find it funny to get robbed and stay alive but what i more important ? Your stuff or your life ? Since you can respawn in 60 secs while you will have to bother crafting all your stuff back again ....

So, try to get your stuff back from the robber or die trying !

as a robber, i can say with honesty, these guys are the ones i love to fight. ive gotten beat by 2 low levels, and even a single low level. in fallout luck is 50% of it. i got groin shot knocked out, then head shot killed by a guy with 43 hp and a desert eagle while carrying combat armor and 20+ radios.

its all part of the game :0
Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #17 on: September 18, 2010, 07:27:50 am »

as a robber, i can say with honesty, these guys are the ones i love to fight. ive gotten beat by 2 low levels, and even a single low level. in fallout luck is 50% of it. i got groin shot knocked out, then head shot killed by a guy with 43 hp and a desert eagle while carrying combat armor and 20+ radios.

its all part of the game :0

Luck plays a part in these types of things yes.  As far as being part of the game, sadly it is a poorly implemented and overly abused part of the game.  However at least some people are choosing to take their noobish attacks on low lvls, and throw some flair into it.  Having been harassed in such a way before I still don't find it very fun, and only mildly more entertaining than being blasted in the head and looted.  But at least when this happened it wasn't 3 people and some armed mercs, after which they stated how bad-ass they were for taking out a 44 hp bluesuit. This one might have made me chuckle.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2010, 07:36:01 am by Trokanis »
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13


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Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #18 on: September 18, 2010, 11:46:33 am »

A good read. Unfortunately this only happens once out of 1000 random encounters you get.
Most of the time you just get shot, maybe some individual even makes some mature speech at your corpse, like "shits in mouth" or "lol n00b pwned xD".

I like "places coins on eyes" its epic ))
Anti-pk, protector of the law in wasteland.


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Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #19 on: September 18, 2010, 05:18:30 pm »

hehe what do you expect me to do? i simply cant guarantee a fun robbery experience for everyone involved everytime i encounter someone, lol. believe me if game mechanics allowed for me to hold someone in place without removing one or both legs, i'd do it. as it stands for me and most other "PKs" we are only capable of doing that when the situation allows.

i have two friends who live in the boneyard with me, unless brahmin suddenly took to urban life, i believe you've ran into some other PK's. like i said in a previous post, if you want to talk to us, we have a public radio which is in use 90% of the time.. the other 10% of the time we aren't going to be anywhere you can find us anyway. we make it known we prefer to not shoot english players as we particularly enjoy griefing the russians, but if you don't wish to get on and speak with us theres no way i can tell you apart from random  russian #121435523.

First of all, nor "russians" but "Russians", secondly, what's your problem with a whole nation? A nation does not consist only of ass-holes, you know...

I like this idea of robbing but there should be some stimulus for people not to shoot players on sight.
English is not my native language, go easy on me.
Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #20 on: September 20, 2010, 02:49:57 pm »

When You are a "PK" you should always  Heal  your victims and then...


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Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #21 on: September 20, 2010, 02:57:27 pm »

I generally go for *cuts out heart* and *eats heart*.

my next in the queue would most probably be, *inserts corrupted soulstone into brain*
« Last Edit: September 20, 2010, 04:31:07 pm by gordulan »
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: I got robbed! (not whine)
« Reply #22 on: September 20, 2010, 04:06:17 pm »

Yesterday I got robbed in a very interesting way, which I would very much prefer to the blatant shot-in-the-eyes-then-loot approach:
I was robbed, killed or not killed:
1. a player almost put to death me, took away ore and demanded to extract yet, if he will leave me in living.
2. a player at meeting asked peacefully to divide, I consented. when I stepped back outside the action of my weapon he put to death me and my merc.
3. 2 players at meeting required to collect for them flint (ha-ha-ha) or will put to death me. they put to death me.
4. very oftentimes I was killed at meeting or at included in a city, though I had only 14-20 HP
my conclusion is such: if you you can not rise from earth and someone requires something from you, threatening to put to death.
you can spend time and agree, give everything, to save the empty shell or save the dignity and die with honour.
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