Other > Closed suggestions

Music in bases


I think it could be nice to add some music to base of your gang like you have in towns. What do you think about that idea?

i like the idea, it will be fun to hear our music in base

It's an allright idea, but not very easy/impossible to implement. Note, that every map the gang outposts have is the same. So Gang XY who has an outpost base has the same map as Gang ABC who has also an outpostbase etc. And - the soundfiles are mostly attached to the maps. You could only write a little program, to play music XY on your outpost map.

On the other side, the devs could place a music file global for those maps. But which music should be played there?

Than create a poll here, and decide which music should be played globally.

...My sorry ass character for a Guard usually fells asleep during he's late night watches as the environment is so silent and calm... and than in the morning when he wakes up, usually he finds that even he's boots have been stolen  :)

We want a creepy Fallout music at the gang Bases!

For now the game by default supports one music file per map prototype...It may get boring quickly, and how do you want to solve it with poll, if 90% of gangs use the same map? Will they ever come to agreement:)


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