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Author Topic: New jobs  (Read 3647 times)


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Re: New jobs
« Reply #15 on: September 19, 2010, 06:45:29 pm »

Good to see there are many ideas. If anyone wants his ideas to be included in my list, please say so.
Re: New jobs
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2010, 01:16:01 pm »

Great ideas, gratz for working on them and hope to see them soon implemented as you said...

For me the quests so far although few are alot of fun. I come from an RPG background (tabletop and pc) and apart from the running around killing stuff the most fun is when I do quests.

I have done most of the quests that are soloable at my level (even killed the railroad gang by repeatable going throwing grenades and running away) and with more than one characters. The rewards are not amazing but its the novelty that drives me and the fact that I want to see "what happens next" kind of mentality.

So keep up the good work. Also the various profession specific quests seem like an amazing and rewarding idea. I had suggested a while back a quest for 100%+ outdoorsman where they ask you to go do something at a XX,YY location... my idea in particular was that NCR goverment asks you to go to location in the map and blow up an abandoned Nuka Cola factory as a gang is using it to flood the market with caps and inflate the economy :D or something to that effect. (and you get choices about keeping all the caps but making them hate you or blowing it up/breaking the machines etch)
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