Other > Suggestions

Items req for TC

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--- Quote from: Surf Solar on September 15, 2010, 10:59:43 pm ---Not on every town.

--- End quote ---


The only information we have it is they will remove militia fomr "several" town, maybe all, iff you can share more information that can be cool. But the point is removing item req + militia will not be a good idea ... The only problem with Item req is some item used in tc operation (laser rifle, LSW, Rocket luncher) are not allowed, that have to change...

I think Militia not being in certain towns would be a BEAUTIFUL thing.  Not every option should be available in every location.  Especially now that the towns are so viscerally far away from each other, it's nice to be able to go different places and be able to expect different things.

I think the requirements for Town Control are good, but yes, too restrictive.  I think if one has ANY armor + ANY weapon, they should be considered okay.  Yes, this includes rocks and leather armor, I suppose... but why not?


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