Other > Suggestions
Stop that!
Ned Logan:
Nerfing is good because battles shouldn't last 5 seconds...
They could as well boost everyone's HP amount and make weapons which were too weak stronger, that would be "positive" change - would rather that make you happy?
I agreed.
Im afraid of suggest any change of weapon, because it will be nerfed in next update :P
@Solar, quests like quests but the truth is players suggestions and work is reconized by devs as "worthless" so what is the point?
--- Quote ---- Weapon changes:
* 10mm Pistol increased to 8-15 damage
* .223 Pistol increased to 25-30 damage
* Assault Rifle increased to 14-23 damage, increased to 12 shots per burst and magazine increased to hold the same number of bursts in normal and extended.
* 7.62mm Ammo increased to 12/10 damage mod
* 10mm JHP DR increased to +27
* FN FAL increased to 14-22 damage
* Combat Shotgun increased to 20-28 damage
* H&K CAWs increased to 6 shots per burst, magazine increased to 18
* Jackhammer increased to 20-31 damage, magazine increased to 15
* 10mm SMG increased to 8-15 damage
* p90c increased to 13-19 damage
* Tommy Gun increased to 12 shots per burst, magazine increased to 60
* Grease Gun increased to 12 shots per burst, magazine increased to 48
* Light Support Weapon increased to 22-37 damage
* Plasma Rifle range increased to 30
* Molotov Cocktail increased to 16-24 damage
* Frag Grenade increased to 5AP and 30-50 damage
* Flamer increased to 50-85 damage
* Improved Flamer increased to 70-125 damage
--- End quote ---
Plenty went up.
The good was too good, the middle was too bad. The top was reduced a little and the middle was increased. Alpha strike was made much less important, so tactics other than ambushing someone with a 3 shot avenger were possible.
Drugs made it so you had to use drugs or suffer a massive disadvantage - now they give a small boost in specific areas and don't force 10 minute windows where god chars bump into each other.
Suppose it all depends on your point of reference. If you were using god chars on drugs with an avenger before you were nerfed. If you were a regular char with an assault rifle you were buffed.
Player with minigun vs. player with shotgun - battle takes 2 seconds. Some weapons are weak, some are strong. And it is normal. Sometimes nerfig is good and sometimes not. But it shouldn't make something completely useless (like drugs exept beer, nuka and ciggaretes). Who will drive cars if it need 200% skill to repair? Who using jet if it take 2 strenght and for this give only 2 AP? Where is the reason to still keep it in the game? I using crafters and combat chars. What is "regular char"? Crafter or small gunner?
And last question: what is special in 7,62? Why it can be created only in raiders base or SAD? M60 or FN FAL are not that powerfull weapons.
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