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Author Topic: Militia, once again  (Read 13966 times)


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2010, 12:28:47 pm »

I have a question :

Why Town Control ?
Towns should be used only for trading and roleplaying and we should not be able to capture them.

And why capture cities or areas ? Who would like to stay in a place when they know that someone saw them and they can be attacked at every moment. This is a post-apocalyptic world, if a gang take control of an area they make a basement (and we already have basements for caps). In a post-apocalyptic world, a gang just scavenge an area, take what they want, kill who they want and leave.

Usually a gang make a basement in some place. Then, depending on his behaviour, they attack everybody going in the around OR they are a civilized gang and people start to settle in the around and construct a "post-apocalyptic town".

EDIT : Hololasima stop criticizing and give solutions.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 12:30:23 pm by Pozzo »


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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #16 on: September 13, 2010, 12:32:42 pm »

i really want to see townfights / faction wars
but be realistic, its hard to convice devs to change something in actual TC :)


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2010, 12:37:31 pm »

but be realistic, its hard to convice devs to change something in actual TC

It is hard because they don't communicate. We don't know if they have another plan or if they need new ideas. We don't know nothing.
Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #18 on: September 13, 2010, 12:48:54 pm »

My solution is simple in this case. Remove militia for a while and we will see.

We area Anti PKs and we really dont need them for our job...
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #19 on: September 13, 2010, 01:25:16 pm »

Pozzo, i like your town control RP idea, but because you want roleplay in one city (and you are not able to hold the one current city for 24/7), other else cities are full of militia and one shot markers => nobody enters the city.

 So it is important to support roleplay of one gang, if this means that most of cities on north are death?

 You are here for a long time, i cant see any reason, why you should not choose one city you want to roleplay, with militia a and rest of cities will be wipe out of militia and current TC.. (and bring old TC back until domination will be ready).

 Resume= roleplay of one gang is blocking gameplay for rest of players.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2010, 01:29:35 pm by DonGizmo »


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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #20 on: September 13, 2010, 01:29:56 pm »

Funny, the whole system was reworked in a couple of days, everyone was then told it would freeze for couple of months. Cut to a couple of months later and suddenly nothing ever happens with it? :P

I believe Militia has already been taken away from several (half?) of the cities and is just waiting for an update. Then there will be both Militia towns and non Militia towns and you can compare in real time.

I expect most work for PvP to go into either Domination Mode (basically a small team battle with controlled numbers) or Faction Scenarios (Basically exactly like the Arena, but with new maps, faction themed weapons and rewards at the end of them).

These things have several advantages over TC - Being away from populated areas, Controlling numbers so its not just a race to see who can have the most people online, etc ... so hopefully its easier to get right and they won't need to be remade many times.
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #21 on: September 13, 2010, 02:02:08 pm »

It is hard because they don't communicate. We don't know if they have another plan or if they need new ideas. We don't know nothing.

We perhaps dont know if they have or not new plans for TC/militia, but about pvp new feature/maps, they do communicate. We all know (or dont...)  they are working on :
- crafting system wich may involve new combat zones (i'm really waitting for this),
- so called domination system with npc faction involving new approach of pvp.

About Militia in town :

- It allowed big raiders gang to "chat/murder/rob" with few people when others are away/do something else
- It allowed big non-raiders gangto protect/bring-justice-or-whatever-you-call-that with few people when others are away/do something else

Militia just help big gangs in "keeping town control zone under their" control when they are not many for do whatever they fucking want.

For smaller raider or non-raider gangs you can still have milions of location to have action if thats the issue :

- All "high quality" mines
- All town zones where militia cannot get trigger (shops, acces to mine entrance, etc...)
- New Reno
- "Pexing" Area
- All unguarded area (hopefully crafting zone "soon")
- Desert Around Cities
- Etc... (just be inspired)

So, i my opinion, dont remove militia.

About timewindow, i prefer to have possibility to take control at anytime so you never know when your ennemies gona strike.

But yeah, we could try to restict to 2/3 different time per day to try, and have a look to how it goes.

Edit: writted without Guismo and Solar response.


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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #22 on: September 13, 2010, 02:07:43 pm »

Well, only one problem for me: militia was perfect when the drugs were better, now, players are weaker, so you should remove between 5 and 10 max militia and it will be fine.
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  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2010, 02:15:57 pm »

So it is important to support roleplay of one gang, if this means that most of cities on north are death?

Towns on north are empty because :
- They are unguarded
- There is too much towns in the game regarding on the number of players. So they prefer to go in guarded towns.

I suggest to leave the militia just like that until we have the new crafting system. If we change militia now maybe we will have to change again when the new crafting system will arrive.


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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #24 on: September 13, 2010, 02:45:09 pm »

It will be hard, because they did what were they told to do - adding militia, TC area etc. and now were just not satisfied and still complaining.

Ive been thinking about this and I came up with an idea that might sound heretic, but can improve our gameplay here.

First, remove TC from cities, completely. Cities will have limited protection from guards, depending on the importance of the city. So towns like NCR are and will be crowded with guards, but towns like Den can be easily raided. Still every city will be considered more or less guarded. This can help to populate northern cities. PvP should concentrate in areas based on this suggestion

Moreover Id like to see full usage of Hinkley. More filters (lvl cap, modes - capture the flag, free for all... ) and most importantly, more maps like copies of already existing cities, later we might add custom-made maps made by fonline community. So everyone can participate and lot of maps ensure high playability.
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2010, 02:46:27 pm »

Past : You could take two mens, go to Modoc and try to fight 3 enemies which were on Main street-
Present : You cant take two mens and go try 3 enemies which are on Main street beacuse militia destroy you.

When militia werent in game you just could fight without them. It was fun.
Now militia is in game and you just dont know how fight with them, alone ?

Tell me WHY you need militia in towns ? You cant do your Anti PK job ? Or you are weak without them ? Just tell me why you need them.

To Cha : Mines ? Spaces in cities where are not militia ?
What about Modoc ? Perfect battleground, Den at Metzger, perfetct battleground, Redding on main street and under sheriff, perfect battleground.
With militia on all these places is just imposible to fight there with 2-3 mens.

This were facts. When we with 4-5 people dont need militia in towns, dont know then, why you need them when you have 6-10 people.
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  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2010, 03:10:37 pm »

Tell me WHY you need militia in towns ? You cant do your Anti PK job ? Or you are weak without them ? Just tell me why you need them.

If you remove militia then it is the death of "anti-pk" gangs. I give you an exemple without militia :

- Gang of raiders : if they want to strike on a city they just have to gather 10 men, then go to the city by surprise and destroy everything
- Gang of "anti-pk" : they stay in the town to protect. They talk with people, trade, do their life. They don't know when raiders will attack and when raiders come they are not prepared and they are defeated.

When civilized gangs will have enough to be killed for nothing they will just stop to come in town. When lonely players will have enough to be killed by raiders without any protection from "anti pk" gangs they will stop to come in town. This will be the death of northern cities.

Remember that when we used to go in Modoc and to fight just for fun, stuff was far more easy to obtain than now. People won't accept to lose their stuff just for fun in towns.

There should not be battles in towns.
In a post-apo world, cities are surrounded by walls and guarded by tough men. If a city is wiped by a raider gang then it is a dead city.
Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2010, 03:34:35 pm »

Militia might make PVP fighting harder but i just loved the sight of line of biggunners and snipers obliterating hundreds of militiaman running into the killing zone.

This feature (total mass PvE masacre) should be definitely included in game but maybe somewhere else.
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.


  • Tim Tom & Ted Lawyer Agency
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Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2010, 03:38:22 pm »

total mass PvE masacre does not fit with the Fallout universe.
Re: Militia, once again
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2010, 03:54:56 pm »

total mass PvE masacre does not fit with the Fallout universe.

Have u played any game of Fallout brand? Especially fallout tactics. ;-)
Kill them all and let the god sort them out.
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