FOnline Development > Share Your Work

Server-Boy 2238 (server statistics)

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Hello wastelanders!

Have you ever wondered how many other fellas are walking on this radioactive ground? What are your counts? When all the mutan... people are most active? When they sleep?

Our members were tirelessly counting and recording your numbers.

Every month.
Every day.
Every hour.
Every five minutes!

Our engineers were working hard on the brand new device for all the tech fanatics and today, we are here to present it!

So, without further ado
Cpt.Rookie and Vaultman proudly present Server-Boy 2238 !

What can you expect?

* well-arranged overviews of current or past player count status,
* three different views (last seven hours, particular day, particular month),
* autorefresh feature,
* built-in clock showing actual time and date,
* small display showing contextual help,
* help button showing "big" help to entire device,
* regularly updated changelog of what are the last changes in SB2238,
* and much more!

And on the top of all - we are still working on it! You can expect new breathtaking features soon! Just stay tuned.

As usual - feel free to contact Cpt.Rookie or Vaultman if you find some bug or have some suggestions.

- we're not responsible for any damage to property caused by using of this device,
- we are not guaranteeing full function in the time being. Outages can happen as well as missing data.

I want to be first who say "great job!" here ;D

 <@Wipe> Librarian, you're famous now!

Now that is a beauty.

Ok its pretty cool but ... I'm gonna be the one to spoil the moment and ask what is this worth practically?


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