Author Topic: Worldmap replacement for the original sdk  (Read 4446 times)

Offline adumbperson

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Worldmap replacement for the original sdk
« on: September 23, 2015, 02:30:50 pm »
Hello it appears I'm still doing stuffs with the FOnline SDK.

So, I've done a worldmap with a Iranian satellite pictures found on the web...
It still need reliefs and I would be pleased that someone give me hints how the original relief from the sdk is done.

files goes into .\data\art\intrface for your information.

also replace into .\data\art\intrface\default.ini:
Code: [Select]
GmapTilesPic          = WRLDMP%02d.FRMby
Code: [Select]
GmapTilesPic          = WRLDMP%02d.png
If by the time the link becomes dead send me a private message.

Oh and i don't care about attribution, do what the fuck you want with it.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2015, 02:37:09 pm by adumbperson »
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