Other > Suggestions

Hinkley - player killing exp

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Agreed, let players lvl up their characters in slower but more entertaining way


--- Quote from: Dishonest Abe on September 11, 2010, 07:44:55 pm ---Because that isn't abusable at all.

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It isn't against the rules to allow oneself be killed over and over again. That's what most npcs do anyway.

Id rather see honor/arena/duel points that could be exchanged for some rare/unique stuff. that would make sense.

XP? 10xp max


--- Quote from: RavenousRat on September 11, 2010, 11:12:02 pm ---It should increase your rep 1 per kill with NCR/Hub and other towns, but not higher than 1000.
Or they should make rep diminish while you're online, because only when you're offline your rep diminishing.

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Sha Enin bothering you again?

I agree with you on the diminishing reputation.
It's kind of getting punished for playing that character.

I say a +10 on rep for every town/faction your opponent has a lower than -300 (antipathy or worse) reputation with.
A -10 reputation for every town faction your opponent has a better than 300 (accepted) reputation with.
Reputation can't get worse than -300 or better than +300 this way.
To prevent abuse, you can only get this reputation increase/decrease from your opponent once every 24 real life hours.

Not sure if it will be for the Arena, though I don't really see any problem with it.

For faction scenarios ... which is basically the same thing ... it will probably be possible for xp, gaining ranks, equipment, crafting access, etc to be earnt.


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