Other > Off-topic discussions

comment the sig/avatar above

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Too normal avatar.. Surfing sig.. Well.. Its good

Boring, generic ghoul avatar. 

Signature. Eh well? It's nothing else than a stupid ghoul phrase. Not good.

I just want equality of right for ghouls. They are people too, like we. There is no reason to keep them separated from us.

So my Avatar. Equality of Rights for Ghouls !

Nice sculpt, by the way and looks good as avatar.

As for the signature, it's full of biting sarcasm. I like it.
Also, bracing myself for bias-full comment.

As for the avatar I was like WTF? Some smiley with shitload of small letters around it? Too small, did not read...

And signature, well:
A: Change your avatar.
B: Never gonna happen...
B: ...Or should I?
A: Yes.



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