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comment the sig/avatar above
Avatar: Jesus Christ with douchebag looks and dyed hair. 6/10
Sig: W00t? 2238 ftw! ]:> But let's give it 7/10 for graphics.
Look, it's Cheetah! And just look at this eyes - promise of wonderland, pain and joy. Milk and sugar. Ice and whip. Headshot and kiss. I guess every girl goes like one in sig after looking at them, just for a moment.
Go go, cheetah :>
--- Quote from: Wipe on July 28, 2011, 11:08:03 pm ---Look, it's Cheetah! And just look at this eyes - promise of wonderland, pain and joy. Milk and sugar. Ice and whip. Headshot and kiss. I guess every girl goes like one in sig after looking at them, just for a moment.
Go go, cheetah :>
--- End quote ---
Damn straight, my beautiful lady! 8)
I see a cheetah! *Pets* Ow my hand >:L
*Stares at sig*
Butter. Could be cheese, but definitely butter. However, forced me to use http://www.tineye.com/.
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