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ghost perk


does the ghost perk work?

I've been told you can achieve over 300% with bonuses such as Ghost, but making a 10 INT char with skilled is such a grind.

Yes it works. And with current system, everything counts as "dark places", so you always have a floating skill to Sneak. This means that this perk always adds 30+ sneak skill, making the skill go above 300 (max would be 330), and it doesn't show up in your Character skill points.

sneak goes up to a total of i believe 390... stealth boy and ghost.


--- Quote from: zato1 on September 10, 2010, 05:46:42 pm ---sneak goes up to a total of i believe 390... stealth boy and ghost.

--- End quote ---

Are there stealth boys in game now?


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