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Author Topic: Scavangers and how cool they are  (Read 1515 times)

Scavangers and how cool they are
« on: September 07, 2010, 02:55:23 pm »

Most people will find this stupid and boring but whatever. I'm traveling from Modoc and it's a long way, I have too much time and since these boards are full of complaints and things people want changing (not that it's a bad thing, mind you), I'll talk about something more positive.

I like scavangers. First met them pre-wipe (I'm new so experienced only one wipe so far) in a strange encounter. Made a new character, went to collect some electronic parts in the Themepark and fell in a random encounter with them. I was level 1 or 2 so didn't expect to survive. Started running away...and no one came after me. I usually play the game high so I had no idea what to make of it. After a few seconds, I decided it was probably a bug and went to look. So I was standing there, waving my gun around and no one reacted. Went to one bloke and clicked on him. No idea why, I probably found it amusing to poke him. And he said: ''we don't get many visitors here'' or something along those lines. Further attempts at communication made him say: ''hello'' and something else, I can't remember anymore.

Now...this is a wasteland. 95% of players and 100% of NPCs (not counting these guys) are violent from the moment they lay their eyes on you and someone not being hostile and even being friendly is refreshing and awesome awesome. Don't know who thought making some nice NPCs would be a good idea but kudos to him.

Since then, we're friends, Scavangers and I. I never killed a single one and I hope I'll never have to. I always take those few seconds and have a chat with them, however basic it is.

So there. Random NPCs, they don't drop good loot, they don't give a ton of xp (probably) but I think they're awesome. Most people I've met ingame so far have no concept of something being cool and nice if it has no immediate value to them so I suppose this topic is not for you. Kindda think about it, I'm not sure who it's for. I may just be weird like that. Still, it's something I wanted to share. :D

« Last Edit: September 07, 2010, 03:03:26 pm by n00buaddib »
"“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2010, 03:05:33 pm »

Seems we share something.
It's my 1st wipe too and I also never kill scavengers.

There are more parties not attacking you on sight like caravans, NCR army, NCR rangers, mutants and a few more.
Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2010, 03:12:31 pm »

Yeah but those are totally different for me. They come from a semi-civilised world and they're all parts of one society or another. I see scavangers as...well, more feral.

Let's put it this way. If a NCR caravan guy attacked you, others would look at him funny at the best of times and shoot him in the head at the worst. It's just not something you do. But some scavanger gang in the middle of the wastes, living of scraps and stuff they find under rocks...I don't expect them to behave nicely. Given such existence, humans usually devolve into animalistic behaviour, cannibalism and whatnot. They didn't. They're utterly messed up, wear rags, probably haven't eaten for days and when some random bloke happens to find them, they're NICE to him. Seriously, how many people would do that in their shoes? :D
"“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2010, 07:31:16 pm »

if you go really far south, you'll met some EXTREMELY FRIENDLY ghoul and glow scavengers. :D
Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #4 on: September 07, 2010, 08:25:55 pm »

And the friendly ghoul scavenger will give some ammo and weapon to you as gift if you hit them in the head (a very friendly mode to approach other in the wasteland), the crazies one will give you more (they are crazy)
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Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 08:28:25 pm »

Flick, this is not a thread about how easy it is to farm "phat lewt" on the wasteland.


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Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #6 on: September 08, 2010, 10:36:54 am »

You filthy hippie. ;D *

Not that I don't agree, scavengers are cool. Though I'm not sure they're always friendly, since we once got into a threeway fight with dogs down in Boneyard and they actually attacked me. Coulda been someone from my party attacking them, though.

* I know n00buaddib outside of FOnline and am sure he will take no offense.

Re: Scavangers and how cool they are
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2010, 10:54:30 am »

Probably the third dude we know, who interacts with everything ingame by excessive violence. They attacked me a few times outside the city-next-to-themepark too, so I suppose it's not a scavanger thing. Maybe they're like that only when they have no guns and live in the ruins of an old city. :D

Also, instead of spamming here, come play the game you wanker.  :P
"“Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.”
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