Other > Suggestions

Hinkley Arena and INT Requirements, And other things about Hinkley

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If Hinkley is supposed to be some sort of testing ground for pvp, then by all means remove all requirements. I mean how's an intelligence 1 dude supposed to be tested if he can't participate? Screw all role-play and realism in this case, it's about science!

But if people are actually testing things in Hinkley, they'd better report their results too.

We just suggested that there would be more weapons.
About fights. They are balanced, as i know.


This spike doesn't provide any FoV protection, and everyone still can see you there, so... it's a big mistake to stand there, while any other spike provide good FoV protection.
It gives small advantage for a team that spawned at north.
Also all North-East and North-West spikes have 1 hex between them and wall allowing to you to run between spikes and walls so enemy will have "Aim blocked" more often and provide to you excellent FoV protection, while South-East and South-West spikes don't have any hexes between them and wall, so if you need to move closer to the next spike you need to run towards center making you very vulnerable.

Ned Logan:
It would be awesome if the main lobby also was a spectator room - those standing in it, see inside all buildings and see all players on the map...

Anyway for devs: BIG THANKS for Hinkley!


--- Quote from: Ned Logan on September 09, 2010, 05:52:51 pm ---It would be awesome if the main lobby also was a spectator room - those standing in it, see inside all buildings and see all players on the map...

Anyway for devs: BIG THANKS for Hinkley!

--- End quote ---
same here!!!


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