Other > Suggestions

Actions shouldn't launch instantly in RT

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--- Quote from: Haraldx on September 06, 2010, 07:52:56 pm ---Don't know. It seems pretty lame - you want to make a shot to a thief but you have to wait 4 seconds because of this system. I don't really want it.

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This system would make whole combat much more interesting and all you care about is shooting thieves? Besides, I already said that you could launch it any time with less accuracy. From point blank range most guns would hit anyway.

I see nothing interesting in that snipers have to wait 7 seconds, while bigguners in these 7 seconds can run up to you and burst you in point blank. Still not want.

Ned Logan:
I like this idea a lot.
I would just change that, while moving your AP don't regenerate, when started walking the AP you had is cut to half, when started running, it is cut to 0...

This would make many tactical opportunities, not like now where it is still best to run all the time, and walk is good just for the looks.

About speed of AP regeneration, it should vary according to your total AP amount, but not as much as now.
It would need careful balancing so that 12 AP BRoF guy with P90 just doesn't pwn all...

Haraldx: the BGers would then have to wait few seconds too to burst you then, when they come in front of you.
Anyway it shuldn't be 7 seconds, but like 2 max.


--- Quote from: Haraldx on September 06, 2010, 08:22:58 pm ---I see nothing interesting in that snipers have to wait 7 seconds, while bigguners in these 7 seconds can run up to you and burst you in point blank. Still not want.

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I stated that aps should regen faster. I also stated that players could be able to prepare their aim at chosen direction, that way they wouldn't have to wait as long because they are already pointing the gun at enemy's direction when he enters your line of aiming.

So if the system worked perfectly, the big gunner would be shot almost instantly when he enters your prepared aiming sector. If he ran next to you, he'd have to wait for a while. You could even change weapons to shotgun if you know he's dumb enough to come close. If you always compare new suggestions to current settings we'd never get anything done because some current broken setting is going to ruin it anyway.

--- Quote from: Ned Logan on September 06, 2010, 08:49:59 pm ---I would just change that, while moving your AP don't regenerate, when started walking the AP you had is cut to half, when started running, it is cut to 0...
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Yeh the fact that you have already some aps when walking would make sense, because it would demonstrate the better alertness your character has. If you run, you don't necessarily notice things as perfectly and running person can't just instantly stop and deploy his sights on the enemy.

--- Quote ---About speed of AP regeneration, it should vary according to your total AP amount, but not as much as now.
It would need careful balancing so that 12 AP BRoF guy with P90 just doesn't pwn all...
--- End quote ---

You know I'd make it dependent on gun type. For example when charging aps for big guns, your strength would be the one that decides how fast you shoot. When shooting long ranged shots, the modifier would be PE. Close-medium ranged shots with small guns would be dependent on AGI. STR could always have a little meaning when it comes to aiming, because honestly - if you're strong dude, handling guns is much easier. Assault rifle weights around 3kg, but if you hold it in stressful aiming position for 5 mins it really starts to weight.

Apart of my opinion of that idea, it would need a whole lot of a balancing, hell of a lot. Total overhaul like that would take weeks. The effort should better be spent on adding some content into the game, pvp is relatively balanced right now.


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