15.08.2009 - 23.06.2013
"Wasteland is harsh"
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Author Topic: how about making the act of throwing knives staying you sneaked if you were?  (Read 1569 times)


  • Just some random noob.
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The title says it... I just happened to notice that they deal really crappy damage and have a low range, maybe this could make them of some use? Besides I imagine such future situations hilarious. :P
English is not my native language, go easy on me.

throwing knives to the eyes can actually be pretty deadly :/ have gotten killed by them in previous eras


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Fascinating, but as long as sneaking works as it does no need to bother.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
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