Other > Tools and Modifications

Sharp Interface mod

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Deon, I didn't update it? So, wtf am i done, then? If you don't like it, you just go somewhere else, however I’m not forcing anyone to download and use it. Believe me, I’m REALLY don't care for what YOU expected from that mod.
Despite this, I’m going to make it better anyway, however that was only a skin made in an hour or so. The only obstacle is those interface buttons, which requires commands like this - "IntBChangeSlotPicDown=BIGREDDN.FRM, and if someone will help me to find out such instructions for SATTKBUP and SATTKBDN.frm, I really appreciate him.

On the third screenshot, you wrote Action, next to the health.

Its not action. Its armor class.




--- Quote from: Graf on January 15, 2010, 01:35:49 pm ---Despite this, I’m going to make it better anyway, however that was only a skin made in an hour or so. The only obstacle is those interface buttons, which requires commands like this - "IntBChangeSlotPicDown=BIGREDDN.FRM, and if someone will help me to find out such instructions for SATTKBUP and SATTKBDN.frm, I really appreciate him.
--- End quote ---
Well... you must work it out by yourself. Thats best part about modding - hours of work trying to guess how the hell its working ;)


--- Quote from: skejwen on January 14, 2010, 04:35:45 pm ---Could you please ask next time when you want to use our projects?

--- End quote ---

i Agree, he could have asked, BUT you cannot expect everyone to ask if they feel like making their own version, wether they upload it to forums or other people or what not.
he DID gave your team credit for making the original so imho it's all good no? and hey it's free, your mod is free too, he not making any money from it so. yeah, i rest my case.


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