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looking for faction or group 2 join

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--- Quote from: Michaelh139 on September 06, 2010, 03:39:20 am ---Let it go already damn.  We haven't even talked since then (2 days) if I was planning on backstabbing him he'd be screaming about it by now....

--- End quote ---

hi probley CRYING about it (No Offence, maby)

sry about long not posting doing stuff well i dont care cuz i got nothing 2 take but nikey if you have a gang or something like that i would not mind joining with you :) either way am good with joining either of u  :) but thanks for info nikey if i had lots of stuff i would but i got like 10k in stuff so i dont care right now if he back stabs me and if he does i will back stad him back (no offence michaelh) if either of you would like 2 try me in you gang or group post here or pm.

Hmm PM'ed check your inbox.


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