Other > Suggestions

Animation time depending on AP cost

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I suggest this to solve one of the (IMO) big problem of the actual gameplay, based on TB, and not totally adapated for RT.
In TB, the AP cost is equal to the time that an action need to be made, while you can't do something else. So basically, for two player with the same AP (same rapidity of action), use 2 times 3 AP or one time 6 is the same thing. Sadly in RT, it's not, because the time during each animation your AP don't reload, and shot for example 6 times for 2 AP cost far more time than 2 times for 6 AP, which is not logical.

So here come the suggestion: animation time dependant of AP cost. To solve technical problem, it's basically that after the animation time finish, even if the graphical is not, you can act again and regen your AP. If you do another action, the animation stop to play the new action. If you do nothing after, the animation finish normally.
This would also allow the changing of weapon during fight (if you have one in the other hand) which is pretty useless right now because it block you too much time.

PS: I am high while writing this, so if it's completely stupid, just tell me ;p

Ned Logan:
Yeah, very good suggestion, I also thought about writing this down.
This is the best solution - don't let the animation block the actions.
If just some animations would be sped up, this wouldn't solve much, and look ridiculous at all times (while with this only when in fast combat).

Also maybe make changing of weapons cost 2 AP, now I believe it is 0 - instant weapon change would be quite weird...

That would be really awesome, and add sense to RT fighting, but i'm afraid maybe engine just wasn't designed like that.

anyways i vote yea.

Hm animations could be speed up, the thing of canceling one animation and skipping to another is more troublesome, but sounds really good anyway. Some animation lenghts could be adjusted, but its easy to say its a hell of work

Ned Logan:

--- Quote from: kraskish on September 05, 2010, 02:15:42 am ---Hm animations could be speed up, the thing of canceling one animation and skipping to another is more troublesome, but sounds really good anyway. Some animation lenghts could be adjusted, but its easy to say its a hell of work

--- End quote ---
What if you got BRoF or fast shot? The canceling is better and simpler...


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