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Author Topic: 2238 is simulator of waiting  (Read 40195 times)


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #30 on: September 03, 2010, 06:10:34 pm »

This waiting is caused by various problems. Better start reporting them, suggesting fixes and commenting fixes and reports others provide. That's how betatesting happens.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #31 on: September 03, 2010, 06:41:31 pm »

god the OP is such a little whiner. these are the same guys who won't play a game unless they're positive they can win. if you want a constant themepark addiction MMO, go play world of fucking warcraft. this game is a SANDBOX MMORPG, you must entertain YOURSELF. yeah, too much to ask of under-educated european angry teenagers, i know, but do us all a favor and try extra hard next time before posting more mindless drivel about how you and your clan of other whiners can't play the game anymore.

because the rest of us, well we're having fun because this wipe is not designed simply for TC players to have fun. i am a solo player and doing just fine, living in boneyard as lvl 18, people just congregate around me and on my radio channel, and we make friends that way. im sorry your inter-personal skills are so lacking that you can only figure out how to play a game when the same 10 people are spoon feeding you the entire damn time.
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #32 on: September 03, 2010, 06:53:19 pm »

god the OP is such a little whiner. these are the same guys who won't play a game unless they're positive they can win. if you want a constant themepark addiction MMO, go play world of fucking warcraft. this game is a SANDBOX MMORPG, you must entertain YOURSELF. yeah, too much to ask of under-educated european angry teenagers, i know, but do us all a favor and try extra hard next time before posting more mindless drivel about how you and your clan of other whiners can't play the game anymore.

because the rest of us, well we're having fun because this wipe is not designed simply for TC players to have fun. i am a solo player and doing just fine, living in boneyard as lvl 18, people just congregate around me and on my radio channel, and we make friends that way. im sorry your inter-personal skills are so lacking that you can only figure out how to play a game when the same 10 people are spoon feeding you the entire damn time.
He just disagrees with the way the game is working and suggests to change it. Not for a thousandth time like some do, but he made one topic and told us his point, and the reasons why he wants to change it.
He's got another style of playing than you. The last changes could be making the game more comfortable for you, but not for him and some other people.
He's not a "little whiner", he's a respected player, being in this community pretty long, and tries to change the game to make it more entertaining for him than it is now. The game goes in a wrong direction in his opinion. Maybe you should at least tell him what are the good points of the last update instead of insulting him.

Just because he is not you and he doesn't think the same way you do, doesn't mean you are better, more mature or something else. Let people post their criticism about this game, let them discuss - that's what the forum is for, isn't it?


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #33 on: September 03, 2010, 06:55:48 pm »

god the OP is such a little whiner. these are the same guys who won't play a game unless they're positive they can win. if you want a constant themepark addiction MMO, go play world of fucking warcraft. this game is a SANDBOX MMORPG, you must entertain YOURSELF. yeah, too much to ask of under-educated european angry teenagers, i know, but do us all a favor and try extra hard next time before posting more mindless drivel about how you and your clan of other whiners can't play the game anymore.

because the rest of us, well we're having fun because this wipe is not designed simply for TC players to have fun. i am a solo player and doing just fine, living in boneyard as lvl 18, people just congregate around me and on my radio channel, and we make friends that way. im sorry your inter-personal skills are so lacking that you can only figure out how to play a game when the same 10 people are spoon feeding you the entire damn time.

 We are entertaining from this project more than one year. We played even when lags were so bad, that you died in 9/10 encounters. We played, even when our bases were visible on world map and we were under heavy attack of raiding enemies. We dont whine, because of PK, we killed them. We dont whine, that we lost battle, because we often go to battle we can not win, only for fun. But we open our mouths, when there are some retarded changes in gameplay, that makes this game less entertaining without any real reason.

 Only reason of slow moving on world map is that nobody uses cars and less people use trains. Devs had hard work with implementing trains but nobody used it. So they slow down traveling. But they did not solve the numbers of trains problem.

 I played TLA.. there is traveling even slower.. but:
 1) world map is smalelr
 2) the whole concept is different: there you can go, loot some stuff from dead enemies, you can often run away from them, because most of them are slow.. only if you want to kill them, you enter combat mode and you cant run there, so you have to finish your fight in 3/4 cases. Loot from VS encounters is good enough to level your char, not so bad. You dont need to harvest res. there, just loot stuff from NPC and sell it. So slow speed on world map is not agaisnt the game play.
 Here, if you want to get better stuff, you need to harvest HQ.. so you called "satisfied players": leave your safe tents near NCR, go to HQ mine (Redd, Broken, Gecko mine). There is not any train, so you have to go slowly.. You may die in this travel, so you have to go back for sledge. When you reach the mine, there should be PK and kill you.. - i dont have anthing against PK - so you will have to repeat your travel again, but with +1 way (way back to your tent/base). If you are lucky, you are not killed, but you see enemies there, you have to go another mine, so from Redding i.e. you have to go to gecko Mine.. another long trip.

 =>  so you have to spend half of hour because of traveling on world map only for one enter of mine/ .......

 This is retarded.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #34 on: September 03, 2010, 09:49:44 pm »

This is beta, we aren't supposed to enjoy it... I almost said. Since i'm ignored anyway, i'll just put my opinion here.

What i couldn't say because i lack time, words or simply motivation, said DonGizmo many times and said it well. For that, i owe him my thanks.

As for FOnline, i found it amusing until i got addicted to it, in most negative way. Fun got really hard work - aside from my job.
And even then i couldn't stop playing. What scared me a bit.

Why should i play a game which isn't any fun and only steals my time? Fuck! come on, Treesnogger, give me another FUUUU-achievement. I just hope i won't end here again. And now excuse me while i dust off my anime collection.
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #35 on: September 03, 2010, 09:56:17 pm »

anime fans are not supposed to play Fallout!
just joking ;)
see you in the boneyard
shoot me an infallible kiss


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #36 on: September 03, 2010, 09:56:25 pm »

Well I can't do anything else than agree with that the game is boring now. I've stopped playing when season 3 came on. It all began there with those stupid mining cooldowns and then it spread all across the wasteland like cancer. Yet I'm still around hoping for better tomorrow, doing some work at VSB web pages, visiting few friends at mumble from time to time etc. But ingame... well its pretty much the same when I compare season 1-2 and this last one. Only difference is that everything I was doing then now takes twice as much time or even more. Thats whats unique at TLA. Because even with all its flaws its not so fucking boring as this.
Crafting is the main problem here, its the demon that needs to be put down. And don't bring that lousy "lack of content" argument. We had even less shit at season 2 than we have now and it was way better fun playing the game than it is now.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 09:58:19 pm by Sius »


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #37 on: September 03, 2010, 09:58:45 pm »

meh, waiting isn't an issue, trying RPing a raider with an anonymous character, so far I'm having a blast, an idiot with a roach car decided to drop in on my enc and try to shoot me up, so I have a pretty car now, stashed away explicitly until I make a battery maker, don't wanna buy the batteries, with the current map speed and encounter rate it's the golden age for people able to murder, rape and mutilate other people. I'm starting to become a very wealthy man (I don't tend to shoot bluesuits though, waste of ammo...)[Hilarious to meet a single guy with a shotgun and LAMk2]
This, THIS, its the perfect example of the era.  Its F****ing easy to grab a couple mercs and camp some tile next to a main town and wait for some noob to drop in and get raped.
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #38 on: September 04, 2010, 04:41:44 am »

I agree, traveling is way too slow, you have to wait a minute to respawn after death, and then if your a player like me who likes to hang out at shady sands, have to travel all the way back there if you die around the HUB or Boneyard. I suggest lowering the respawn time to maybe 10 seconds? And increase the speed in which you travel to encourage it, also being able to pick where you want to spawn.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #39 on: September 04, 2010, 04:53:30 am »

I agree, traveling is way too slow, you have to wait a minute to respawn after death, and then if your a player like me who likes to hang out at shady sands, have to travel all the way back there if you die around the HUB or Boneyard. I suggest lowering the respawn time to maybe 10 seconds? And increase the speed in which you travel to encourage it, also being able to pick where you want to spawn.

Yu spawn at nearest graveyard atm so ....   :P 

replicate 10 seconds?  NO WAY!  PVP UNBALANCE GO BAK N LOOT IN 30 SECONDS!
Whenever I say something, imagine \"In my opinion"/ being in the front of every sentence.
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #40 on: September 04, 2010, 05:19:05 am »

So what exactly are you whining about?

This if i remember ok is a RPG game not quake online, if you want a game that has fast gameplay you can go play a FPS game or tibia or something. I think slow world map traveling is good as it gives being a loner a special feeling as now you need some OD, i see OD and drug changes improving PvP and PvE greatly and i dont see a lot of people that hate this game for how slow it is, and as someone already said this slow moving world map may be annoying for casual gamers but if you have some patience and try to give it a chance you can get used to it and play more.

And btw why are you saying you dont have problems getting cars, you say newbies have problem getting cars but thats not even an excuse to quit as it doesnt affect you at all.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #41 on: September 04, 2010, 08:29:20 am »

Well I can't do anything else than agree with that the game is boring now. I've stopped playing when season 3 came on. It all began there with those stupid mining cooldowns and then it spread all across the wasteland like cancer. Yet I'm still around hoping for better tomorrow, doing some work at VSB web pages, visiting few friends at mumble from time to time etc. But ingame... well its pretty much the same when I compare season 1-2 and this last one. Only difference is that everything I was doing then now takes twice as much time or even more. Thats whats unique at TLA. Because even with all its flaws its not so fucking boring as this.
Crafting is the main problem here, its the demon that needs to be put down. And don't bring that lousy "lack of content" argument. We had even less shit at season 2 than we have now and it was way better fun playing the game than it is now.

I guess you're right, for example If I want to craft grease gun the ammount of needed materials is rather overwhelming. I gotta do several mine-workbench runs and one run for wood and junk. That's lots of cooldowns and running from place to place. It's not like the cooldowns are bad, they are needed to maintain the balance. It's just that finding the materials and processing them is boring and repetitive. I'd rather explore "dungeons", find random mats on the way and when the dungeon is finished I'd craft something or spare the mats for future. Searching mats could be like you once desrcibed: found from vast maps which players had to explore.
Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #42 on: September 04, 2010, 08:34:42 am »

Yu spawn at nearest graveyard atm so ....   :P 

replicate 10 seconds?  NO WAY!  PVP UNBALANCE GO BAK N LOOT IN 30 SECONDS!
I think my biggest problem with the game is the slow traveling, I really wouldn't mind waiting a minute or being spawn somewhere I wouldn't want to be at, if the traveling was faster. 
Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #43 on: September 04, 2010, 08:40:39 am »

Well besides trains there is A LOT that causes waiting in this game.  Most of which is mentioned to Devs in many threads.  I have to admit I'm disappointed in seeing the so called GM's and Mods, whipping it out and pissing like everyone else in this insult contest, but I suppose we're all human. 

For the statement "This is a beta-test of a game we're not supposed to enjoy playing it"....  Umn huh?!  Pretty sure the point of them beta-testing the game in this extremely difficult fashion is to test ALL the aspects of the game including... wait for it...  it's [enjoyment]  :o  In other games that beta, they give you means to lvl fast, funding in game to purchase whatever you need and allow you to quickly and with ease test the game, but rarely do you get to try and enjoy the process of the game.

A lot of the feedback on these boards could be considered whining.  Most of them still do have an underlying message though that should be listened too.  [Lack of quests, low lvls being hunted mercilessly by "Raider Rp'rs" Travel time, difficulty to make your way if you're in a group less than 5, blah blah]
« Last Edit: September 04, 2010, 08:43:09 am by Trokanis »
City Encounters:  269
Footlockers:  60
Blueprints:  8
Car Wrecks:  3
Fuel CC:  0
Special Encounters:  0
Data collection start: 1-24-13


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Re: 2238 is simulator of waiting
« Reply #44 on: September 04, 2010, 08:53:39 am »

A lot of the feedback on these boards could be considered whining.  Most of them still do have an underlying message though that should be listened too.  [Lack of quests, low lvls being hunted mercilessly by "Raider Rp'rs" Travel time, difficulty to make your way if you're in a group less than 5, blah blah]

Nobody should be whining in first place. Everyone should just report what they experience, state whether they felt it was okay or not and then suggest changes. People should then comment on these reports in polite manner and make their own reports. What's up to the devs is tell us what they want the game to be like so that we can more precisely describe if our experiences represent the way devs want this game to be like.

Based on evidence collected from various sources by trustworthy attendees it is undisputed veritability that the land ravaged by atomic warfare which caused extreme change of the ecosystem and environmental hazards can be considered unpleasant, rugged and unforgiving.
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