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Author Topic: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.  (Read 1992 times)


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Hello all of Fonlinedom! I come before you today to bring you an idea that you may/may not enjoy and like! Perhaps you may think it interesting and think upon some time, or you might just spit on my boots (they need a shine anyway)!

In my short time here with you all, I have come across a simple reality. Your economy is in the tank. It was before the wipe, and 2 days afterwards. Now I know, many higher level players will say its fine! It works perfectly for us! Well thats all fine n dandy for you uppers, but for us lowbies and mid levelers, its not that fine.

Let me clarify my position a little. I tried to make a miner. Making a single sledgehammer was arduous and difficult. Shouldn't such a simple tool be easy to get your hands on? Even in the wasteland, people should be building, wood and stone and the like. Just because the bombs dropped doesn't mean we all suddeny lost the ability to make and construct things.

Basic materials, such as wood and junk, can be annoying at best to get your hands on (especially wood) if you don't know where too look, and even if you do know where too look, you might not find it for several minutes (especially if you have crap RL luck).

My overall suggestion, would to make Barter and Speech cause your gathering cooldown to lessen, allowing the particular player to harvest at a faster rate, perhaps moving from town to town hawking his wares to those desperate people of the wastes (perhaps even to merchants, If they ever had some fuckin caps on em). Junk, Wood, Xander root, B flowers are what i'm talking about, not so much ores and higher level things.
The end idea would to make a traveling trader, versed in outdoors and bartering, traveling about, selling to random players and making friends of PVE and PVPers alike. You never know when you need the odd item here and there. I know I do.

And perhaps, if you are willing to have read this far, you might humor this last idea, that of a profession Trader. One that goes from merchant to merchant, collecting out of place items and setting them in places with the demands. I've heard suggestions of auction houses from other players, and with traders in the mix, this would make the system function even more.

Lastly, I think that on occasion, or with a high enough barter skill, you can change an item directly to caps with certain traders. This might help ease the clogging on the economy a tad.


New addition : Increased barter reduces chance of a successful steal.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2010, 05:52:06 am by Korusho »
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2010, 08:28:08 am »

Barter profession
- Able to make own shop/streetshop in town.
- Every profession level give 5% discount from any trader.
- Able to make shop in worldmap (Use of own tent)

Speech profession
- Able to talk more friendly way and open new dialogs.
- You can get NPC friends and they can give you "personal quests"

All what i can think for those skills  ;)


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2010, 09:05:08 am »

Barter profession
- Able to make own shop/streetshop in town.
- Every profession level give 5% discount from any trader.
- Able to make shop in worldmap (Use of own tent)

Speech profession
- Able to talk more friendly way and open new dialogs.
- You can get NPC friends and they can give you "personal quests"

All what i can think for those skills  ;)

I support these as well!
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...
Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2010, 12:41:27 pm »

So now NCR will be spammed with merchant booths selling 1 meat jerky?


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2010, 01:16:32 pm »

Yeey more alts.
Polskie Pustkowia


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2010, 02:30:33 pm »

Speech should modify what creatures can you tame and your barter time.

There will always be alts
Chars: Perforator, Penetrator Leaderator
Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2010, 12:10:11 am »

Army of deathclaws then?


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2010, 02:19:55 am »

Able to make shop in worldmap (Use of own tent)

great idea , give some colour


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2010, 08:45:23 am »

So, according to yall, changing anything encourages more alts?
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2010, 09:14:26 am »

nope, adding anything altable encourages more alts (quite obvious, wouldn't you say?) because the most of the playerbase exploit the living shit out of everything they can, all the want is a quake style game with alts to do the crafting and gathering while their combat characters use the stuff, they get an erection from watching (LD [Low Definition]) pixels move about and turn red, I play the game for the sense of RPing and i mean really, who in their right mind uses the PL_ SWE_ or the RU_ prefixes, i just tend to shoot them, because I hate nationalities being deliberately squeezed into a name...
Logged Over, Boyo II&b=Shoot 150 people as they are running away from you... In the arse&c=56&d=150&e=1703&f=1


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Re: Barter and Speech. A new profession? Perhaps a new way to supply people.
« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2010, 09:41:31 am »

nope, adding anything altable encourages more alts (quite obvious, wouldn't you say?) because the most of the playerbase exploit the living shit out of everything they can, all the want is a quake style game with alts to do the crafting and gathering while their combat characters use the stuff, they get an erection from watching (LD [Low Definition]) pixels move about and turn red, I play the game for the sense of RPing and i mean really, who in their right mind uses the PL_ SWE_ or the RU_ prefixes, i just tend to shoot them, because I hate nationalities being deliberately squeezed into a name...

Aye. I play this game for the roleplay aspect. I'm a miner and gatherer (farmer, I wish). I don't WANT to shoot you or ssmash your face in, but I will defend myself if needed. Yall can people RPers carebears n the like, I say PVP is overrated.

And besides, why can't we just have 1 account per IP? Most people don't know what a dynamic IP is anyway.

I seriously miss CCCP's way of doing things (the creators and devs of EVE online). In order to make the best ships and weapons and ammo, you had to find special shit and mine a crap load of things just to make it. Didn't take long if you had a ton of people doing it, but it still cost you a fuckton.....

But I guess I just proved your point for you didn't I? The way they handled it would never work here (the character that was last logged into your account was the one training, none of the others, so it discouraged alting and swapping). Cooldowns don't work, they just annoy people.

Actually, let me stop myself, I've seen the arguements too many times. Lets just let the devs try to figures it out since no one else seems to be able to for them.

But back to my OP, I would just like to see a more hunter/gatherer type of character for myself. It IS post nuclear war, why can't some go back to the basics and hunt n grow for their food? I said it somewhere, but I'll say it again, just because the bombs dropped doesn't mean we all got retarded.

« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 09:45:52 am by Korusho »
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...
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