Other > Suggestions
"Zone Coordinates" available without Outdoorsman
(These are "Zone Coordinates", as I call them. Accessible with a certain amount of Outdoorsman.)
Right now, once you get a to a certain level of Outdoorsman (about 100 or 150, I don't know, but it doesn't matter), you can see the global coordinates on tiles you have been to.
There isn't really an advantage in having it for game purposes. I mean, sure, you can now say "Go to Zone 34:27, and then make distress signal", but this would be a rare advantage and both people would have to have high Outdoorsman for it to even matter to be able to see the Zones, anyway. Also, using out-of-game Tools and stuff, one could already write down all of the Coordinates and Zones, so if one really wanted to be able to see these Zones, they could do that, but it would make testing harder either way, which brings me into the point that I made this suggestion.
My suggestion: Make these "Zone Coordinates" show up no matter what your outdoorsman is.
The current way would be an okay "Final Feature" of the game, but right now, it is still in testing. I suggest this for testing purposes. If people with low outdoorsman could see Zones and Coordinates on their map, they could easily report some bugged mechanics or encounter in certain tiles, e.g. "Floaters found in Zone__ __ are non-existent, encounter is empty".
But of course, if it annoys you or something, there should be an option to turn it off, but that would be the lowest-priority.
Good idea.
Yea i'm never seen this any of my character (well because of 40% outdoorsman)
And you suggestion is just what i need :D
1. It's obvious that making skills higher should give you certain additional bonuses. The problem is that most other skill do not have them.
2. It's a good thing to encourage people to make their chars more "widely oriented" than pushing them into making specialised powerbuilds (which is happening anyway). Powerbuilds suck people!
3. This game's far too easy anyway ;D
I support that. We could have quests with coordinates.
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