A. How do I change the 10 minute account switch. IE. I play one account, switch off to go get on my GM account I have to wait 10 minutes.
There is a command for this: ~dropuid
After you type it you will be able to relog immediately.
You need to ~getaccess on tester, moder or admin first to use this command.
If you want to completely remove relog timer, set __AccountPlayTime to 0 in config.fos module.
B. Is there anyone who has a default/vanilla pack for English? Most people consider it "done" but what about all the Russian speech? I can't really run it through a translator because in the files it shows up as garbage and not the Russian characters.
Set encoding of the file in your editor to Windows-1251, you will see Russian characters then.
You can set English as default language server but yea, most texts are missing anyway.
I would ask people doing Requiem or other servers which forked from SDK more recently.
I always hear someone translates it to English but never saw it really done.