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FOnline SDK - Question

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Yes, I run server on this same pc (localhost server).


--- Quote from: fonliner on June 18, 2013, 10:04:40 am ---When you move the screen is not smooth and fast. Also I do not know how to set fixed fps. When I have 100 I can not play, for me it is too low fps. When I set fixed fps to 1000, it is better but I only get around 150 fps and it can be not smooth. I noticed that in 2238 the screen moving is smoothly, better than the default sdk.

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Was this when the SDK was fresh, too?  I mean before you modified anything.  I've had some goofy code cause lags, etc, before.

I use default sdk 407 version without any new content.

60 fps is enough. Also change fps parameter to 0 to automatically get maximum perf (as you look to want make your cpu hot and laggy).

Also do you run the directx version or the opengl version? Recent update was done on Linux compatibility if I'm not wrong.

And you can change your "screen move" speed as it's a parameter maybe you think it's laggy but it's not? I remember first days trying SDK with default client values I was "Move up fucking screen!!!", changed config and it's was better after :)


--- Quote from: Berko on June 18, 2013, 08:56:01 pm ---And you can change your "screen move" speed as it's a parameter maybe you think it's laggy but it's not? I remember first days trying SDK with default client values I was "Move up fucking screen!!!", changed config and it's was better after :)

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+1 on this

If it's default SDK without any changes, and your computer isn't made of cheese, I would guess this is the most likely culprit.


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