FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
FOnline SDK - Question
Okay so from a technical standpoint the changes I make should take effect (not talking about specific characters already made) without wiping the server. Alright thanks.
Edit: Okay, the changes I made are taking effect this time, not sure what I did wrong the months ago that I tried this, but thanks again.
Yup. In most cases restarting server is enough. When it comes to items or NPCs on maps, regenerating the map is necessary.
I have some questions about the single-player options on this. Using newest revision 406.
I read,8776.msg154560.html#msg154560 (and posts around it) though it doesn't seem to apply because when I clicked on the FOnlineSingleplayer.exe file, it acts as if it is a Shortcut and tried to direct me to "D:\Repozes\sdk\Client" which does not exist. At it lists it as a .lnk file and it's only 1 KB large.
I remember it working when I tried this months ago, but I don't remember much about it.
Does the single-player mode have its own save system? If so, if you die, does it by default load the last save? If not, what does it do, and is this hard to change?
It is indeed just a shortcut. You start client with "Singleplayer" parameter:
FOnline.exe Singleplayer
and then server app will be run in background for the client
I'm not sure how the mode exactly works, save-wise etc, never really tried it.
Okay, I changed the Target location of the shortcut to where I had my client, and it is loading now with a "New Game" "Load Game" settings, so it seems to work fine, thanks. (It doesn't like spaces in the folder name, and I was assuming that the singleplayer client was supposed to be separate from the regular one)
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