FOnline Development > Questions and Answers
FOnline SDK - Question
I have a question about replication on the world map ok so if I die I will go to a replication and exit to the world map and when I exit to the world map I am on a black grid until I move to the next grid is there a way I can make it show that grid on the world map as soon as I replicate there?
--- Code: --- cr.SetFog( zoneX, zoneY, FOG_FULL );
--- End code ---
to unfog your desire sector, you can also use FOG_HALF and... FOG_HALF_EX (3/4 Fog) i think it was, you have to look in the defines.fos or macros.fos
How can I get NPC's to wear armor so when they die I can loot it but I want them to be wearing the armor in the first place.
Try those lines when initializing your desired critter
--- Code: ---Item@ armor=cr.AddItem (uint16 protoId, uint count);// Armor, Amount of Armors in Inventory
bool didItWork;
diItWork = cr.MoveItem (uint objId, uint count, uint8 toSlot)//ID for id, armor.GetCount()for Amount, SLOT_ARMOR for Armor Slot..:D:D:D
--- End code ---
how can I make the sierra army depot turrets stronger so there attacks deal more damage?
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